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Out of position penalty - Printable Version

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Out of position penalty - RedCydranth - 09-28-2017

I still don't see the logic against having players maintain their position. If your team has 3 great DEs but no good DTs, either convince one to switch to DT officially, trade for a DT, or suck at the position.

Your argument that "all teams can do the position swapping" is just as valid if you institute a "no playing out of position" rule too. Then all teams will be capped to that. It puts the onus on the GMs to make a more well rounded team at all positions rather than just accruing the highest TPE earners and moving them around as they like.

If there's less good players at a position, perhaps making a financial incentive to new DTs by paying them more, would increase desire to play that position. Also, I'm totally for Centers, Guards and Tackles being a thing instead of bland O-Line.

Out of position penalty - kckolbe - 09-28-2017

(09-28-2017, 03:34 PM)RedCydranth Wrote:Also, I'm totally for Centers, Guards and Tackles being a thing instead of bland O-Line.

We could probably do an entire thread on that. Maybe combine C and G?

Out of position penalty - timeconsumer - 09-28-2017

(09-28-2017, 06:48 PM)kckolbe Wrote:We could probably do an entire thread on that.  Maybe combine C and G?

We have a hard enough time for teams to get any decent active Olinemen and you want to then limit where they can play on the line?

Out of position penalty - kckolbe - 09-28-2017

(09-28-2017, 06:24 PM)timeconsumer Wrote:We have a hard enough time for teams to get any decent active Olinemen and you want to then limit where they can play on the line?

Hey, quote the man who proposed it. I just suggested a less restrictive version.

Out of position penalty - RedCydranth - 09-29-2017

(09-28-2017, 03:43 PM)ErMurazor Wrote:If we're going to limit where people can line-up I think all offensive lineman should also have to declare as a guard, tackle, or center so they're as limited as DL.
Just so you're not all jumping on me like it was my idea. I just said I agreed with it.

Out of position penalty - 7hawk77 - 09-29-2017

I vote that we also just get rid of OL all together and make every team use 50 TPE bots.


Out of position penalty - jparks98 - 09-29-2017

(09-29-2017, 01:42 PM)7hawk77 Wrote:I vote that we also just get rid of OL all together and make every team use 50 TPE bots.


I all for this idea


Out of position penalty - Noppadet - 09-29-2017

Strength and weight affect LBs for sure. Speed is lessened over carries for RBs, over catches for WRs, etc. Strength does matter for LBs as it helps shed blocks and is used (among other stats) to determine if a tackle is a missed tackle or not.

DTs get more bang for their buck per speed attribute than DEs. Speed is lowered upon sacks, so effective linemen get less effective as the game goes on.

The sim does things to prevent too much dominance by 1 player.

I really suspect that as mentioned it's a combination of the team and the player that is causing high tackling stats. It would be pretty easy to do some test sims to confirm, but unfortunately I don't have a license. Just throw a roughly equal TPE LB in Vern's spot and run the sim a bunch vs with Vern in his spot.

Out of position penalty - kckolbe - 09-29-2017

(09-29-2017, 01:18 PM)Noppadet Wrote:I really suspect that as mentioned it's a combination of the team and the player that is causing high tackling stats. It would be pretty easy to do some test sims to confirm, but unfortunately I don't have a license. Just throw a roughly equal TPE LB in Vern's spot and run the sim a bunch vs with Vern in his spot.

I think Lewith is in much greater need of testing than Verns. Verns is actually a decent hybrid player, and has 64 str, 70 tkl. Lewith has 40 str, 50 tkl, and weighs 15 lbs less.

Out of position penalty - ErMurazor - 09-29-2017

(09-29-2017, 01:26 AM)RedCydranth Wrote:Just so you're not all jumping on me like it was my idea. I just said I agreed with it.

I'm not jumping on anybody no worries. :cheers: