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(S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Printable Version

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RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - slothfacekilla - 06-12-2024


RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Opera_Phantom - 06-12-2024

I know this seems to be a common theme with every single task we get, but as usual, the Jay Cue III answer for this is... wine. Yeah, that is right, JCIII celebrates by having everyone on the team over and offering them a freaking wine tasting. Can you imagine, over 50 players, plus coaching staff, all set up in a mega mansion, tasting some of the best wines in the world, without a single f*c* given about expenses? His neighborhood is used to it now, but in the early days they thought Cue had a royal wedding reception in his house every couple of days. Crazy stuff.
So now that you know about this secret (not really), i think you can understand a lot better why this season has been really bad for Austin. Everytime they get a win, they get to drink and be completely hungover for about a week. Not easy to be proficient in football when your head feels like it is going to explode.

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - amjohnson636 - 06-12-2024

Be glorious in both victory and defeat is the Otter way. Glorious meaning you rub as much salt in the wound as possible. Especially when you beat down on the Fire Salamanders and make fun of their poverty captain in JReed. When you beat an in division rival its a great feeling and when you're an Otter its important to mention from NOLA how long the streak is going for as we did own the franchise for ten straight seasons (The first line is superior and undefeated). In the locker room we often spam the chat with GIFS and other Otter emotes as we have the best of those in the league. Vibes are electric and many beverages are opened and very often consumed (sometimes a little too much). In the end it is important to celebrate especially when things are not going as well as you would prefer them to, but dont worry we will be back soon.

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - roquefort - 06-12-2024


Anyways, because I had an amazing, talented, handsome, intelligent pick 6 - we celebrate with cheese. Literally. My GMs are forced to eat cheese. I don't care how much they ate today. They could've just sat down and eaten dinner with their partners and spawn. I could care less. They're gonna stuff their faces with cheese until they got bellies like Santa. They're gonna have a cheese baby. Wine too. Why the hell not. It's gonna be great. 

In addition to my festivities, we were also graced by a legendary @Brad Woof performance where he dropped THREE fat touchdowns on those stupid river rodents heads. That is one good dawg. He's eating too. Steak for dinner. Ice cream. Cottage cheese. Peanut butter. Everything a dog can want. We all eating. Everybody eats. Except those GOT damn otters. LETS GO HONOLULU. FIRST STEP OCO, NEXT STEP ULTIMUS!

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - nunccoepi - 06-12-2024

Look all I know how to write are stoic characters, probably because that's how I, nunccoepi, am in real life. So every time I try to write the hot head or hype man or whatever other trope it comes off badly. So I stick with Mr. Expressionless and that's how all my characters are, including Marshall von Hildebrand. Look, a win is a win, just like a loss is a loss. Neither one of them will make or break your career. Unless we're talking an Ultimus win here - in which case all bets are off - a win just means its time to start preparing for the next game. There's no time to waste and no sense in dwelling on the past. Last week I wrote about having a goldfish mentality to come back from a loss. But in order to do that in an authentic way, you need to forget the wins too. Every week is a new week and a new opportunity to prove yourself. So there's no celebration. We take what went well and what didn't and we improve upon it. No more, no less.

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - papalinator - 06-12-2024

Bob Kronkowski was fortunate to be drafted by the Tijuana Luchadores.  When he first started winning in the DSFL, he was ecstatic and would celebrate brazenly with the team.  Some people found his presence obnoxious, but Bob Kronkowski was just that guy.  That quickly faded, however, as Tijuana is a winning culture with plenty of experience winning.  Bob Kronkowski learned the phrase "act like you have been there before", which is quite frankly more elegant-o than the partying he had previously reverted to.  Most recently, however, when Bob Kronkowski and the Tijuana Luchadores beat the undefeated London Royals, he was satisfied with the effort he put forth to teach them the same humility he had learned in the few times that Tijuana has lost.  Bob Kronkowski is slightly nervous about the jump to the ISFL, where he is uncertain about what will be the team's winning percentage, especially compared to the rest of the league.  However, Bob Kronkowski is ultimately confident that he can carry a team to victory on his back.

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - hotdog - 06-12-2024


RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Drizzy - 06-13-2024

SHL PT (username is dankoa)

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - ACynicalGamer - 06-13-2024

Mannheim's favourite way to celebrate a win is with a round of golf; especially with his teammates, and especially when there are beers.
Mac has always been a fan of golf, since starting playing as a child with his father, but his passion really took off when he started playing as a tradition with his mates at college. 
It started week 1 of his rookie year, when after a big week 1 win against fierce rivals Oregon, the coach gave all the players the following day off. The sun was shining, air still, and so one of the team captains suggested going for a round of golf. 

And that was that; the story told; from there a tradition was born is the Huskies' locker room as well as in Mannheim's life. Post win means an intoxicated round of golf with your teammates. And sure, this has led to him and others being banned from various courses around the country, but it has also led to countless more wins.

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Piercewise1 - 06-13-2024

The best way to celebrate victory - whether on the football field, the weight room, the classroom, or even just in one’s personal life – is to find a method of celebration that furthers your goals instead of backtracking on them. Sure you can eat a whole cake after achieving your goal weight, but that just makes tomorrow’s goal even more difficult to achieve. Staying out late and getting plastered might feel good in the moment, but will be hell the next day. Orion likes to celebrate football achievements in ways that set him up for success.

PR on the bench? Time for some new gloves. Win a big game? Tomorrow’s film study is all your best plays on a loop. Recently Orion had a run of 3 games where he recorded 6 PDs, 3 interceptions, and 2 pick-sixes. He celebrated this success by auctioning off three autographed game balls and doing meet and greets at 3 local high schools, where he presented 3 oversized checks to their administrators with the proceeds from those auctions. He loves these types of community events, and they provide a reward that only makes him want to excel further on the football field.