International Simulation Football League
(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - Printable Version

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(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - jparks98 - 12-24-2017

Over the offseason, two teams were devastated with controversy. The worst has to be the Arizona Outlaws. They completely tarnished the reputation of not just one team but the entire NSFL The Arizona Outlaws won the first three Ultimus Trophy. Jayce Tuck was the greatest player to lace up the cleats. And now it's forever tainted because of Er. From season 1 Er created players to fill the needs of the Arizona Outlaws.Er was trusted by all (except Adam: we’re sorry) and he abused it to gain an advantage. We don’t know how deep this rabbit hole goes, he could have rigged games by changing depth charts or resimmed games until the Outlaws won. He was given the keys and he sharpened it for 3 seasons and stab us in the back. Now every Outlaw will be looked as cheaters by some, enablers by others, and hopefully victims by many. The once unbeatable kongs are now fighting for a playoff spot and reshaping the legacy of the Arizona Outlaws.

(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - ralams123 - 12-24-2017

We all know about Er and his addiction to making multis. Er single handedly ruined the credibility of the Arizona Outlaws by making 8 different multis who all played for them helping them win 3 Ultimus in a row. You can call him what you want but you cant deny his crazy work ethic to do all those PTs so he can take over the league in a highly elaborate scam. After getting exposed the banning of all his multis sent Arizona from the league powerhouse to the Cleveland Browns equivalent where they will be rebuilding for the next couple of seasons trying to go back to greatness. Er also left them a parting gift as now the record books will have asterisks next to their awards letting people know how one man single handedly destroyed a team and put an entire league in a crisis. The worst part of it all is he gets a slap on the wrist after doing something not even a blatant cheater like Noble would accept. With all his multis being banned his main account only gets a one season ban making some of us wonder why he and noble have the same punishment.

200 Words

(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - ItsJustBarry - 12-25-2017

The controversy that I am going to speak about is in regards to Las Vegas needing to acquire a new general manager after a franchise collapse. After several applications, Ricardo Sandoval was chosen to help right the ship. He immediately jumped in with both feet. First step, help scrub the tainted Legion stigma off this failing organization. After chatting with his new teammates, the Sloths were a mascot favorite by some in the locker room. So much so, that their quarterback,one of the sole remaining actives left, Wallace Stone made a comment that they would quit if the team wasn’t branded the Sloths. Once Sandoval knew he wasn’t going to rebrand the team as the sloths, he immediately traded for a replacement QB essentially beating his current QB to the punch. Turns out, Stone was just joking and possibly deservingly took Sandoval to the thunderdome. This resulted in enough backlash that Sandoval turned his paperwork in and left town to stay with relatives leaving Las Vegas with their 3rd GM is a week.

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(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - Oles - 12-25-2017

Written: Must Include 150 Words. We all know about the controversy that has happened this offseason. Whether it was the stunning mass retirement, or the ringleader of a cult, write about how these controversies have changed the league in just a few weeks. Or write about how the teams have dealt with these changes.

We all know what happened, a group of players called a press conference, and all announced their stunning retirements from the NSFL. We saw a team that was already in a bad spot (but rising) have progress set back 2 seasons as these players called an end to their careers, well before any of them had come close to their prime. Add in that Big Bot, in a seemingly unrelated incident, announced his retirement hours later, and that equals a Legion team that has gone from bad to seemingly worst in the league. The Legion, after this incident had HO changes, which only seemed to worsen the situation, as they traded one of their few star players (who was rumored to be requesting a trade after the retirements) for a young DT who was seemingly going to be a leader for the team. Follow that up with the new GM trading for a TE, with all plans to turn him into a QB, and it set of the current QB, who was not happy about the lack of communication. This caused the new GM to be fired, and the DT to be traded only days later. The Legion are in a bad spot, and will be seemingly unable to lure any free agents to Vegas as any desire to play for the team has now disappeared, since the growing core all retired. (232 words)

(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - run_CMC - 12-25-2017

Let's talk about controversy. It exists in all aspects of life. The Clinton Lewinsky scandal. The 1998 Thanksgiving Day Steelers v. Lions coin flip. The addition of the Veggie Monster to Sesame Street. And the NSFL's most recent controversy: the mass retirement of many Legion players. Despite the Legion's relatively short history (unlike Elmo's extensive history of bringing education to the children of America), they were in the middle of trying to rebuild into playoff contenders when the event occurred. They lost a plethora of skilled players, which could set them back entire seasons behind other NSFL teams. Many are blaming the mass retirement on one man, who they claim single handedly orchestrated the roster collapse in Vegas. However, others (mainly the retirees themselves) point out that this was a long time in the making. Much like when 80% of the original Sesame Street cast retired after decades of working on the show, due to their not wanting to move with the show to it's new station, HBO, most Legion retirees said they were no longer having the fun they used to have in the league. In the end, what happened happened. The new Legion management and players will be looking to move past the controversy and shape their own future. I wish them luck, and suggest they follow these words of wisdom from a scholar we all know and love:

"Today me will live in the moment. Unless it's unpleasant, in which case me will eat a cookie (and try again)"
-Cookie Monster

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(S5) - Weekend PT #1 - Controversy - AsylumParty - 12-25-2017

Recently is was discovered that multiple Outlaws players had been playing under the influence of performance enhancing drugs. Perhaps the most shocking bit of information is just how much a stand out guy the ringleader of this scheme is. And yes, when I say is, present tense is intended.

The amount of effort the now infamous Er has put into this league far surpasses most others. From record keeping to organizing and hosting games, and providing music he did it all. Not that this excuses cheating, of course not. It's the second time such a major contributor has been found to be a contributor of illegal substances within the league. Perhaps it grants a feeling of debt. Either way, with him and the Outlaws players also in the know on this scheme gone, at least for now, the Outlaws will be basement dwelling unless the new GMs in town can carry them out of hell.