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Lo Rax Updates - Printable Version

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Lo Rax Updates - Phobospwns - 12-17-2018

TPE Earned:
+3 PT 1
+4 Trivia 1
+2 AC
+5 Workout

TPE Applied:
Tackling: 72 4/5 > 74 3/5

Total TPE: 508

I want to ensure my TPE and build are on point. Below includes where my attributes should be at (what I'm adding to in green) vs. my TPE per the builder on the site. The math wasn't adding up from above, so I wanted to take a "hard reset" of where everything is at:

Current Build:
(MAX: 85) Strength: 85
(MAX: 75) Agility: 75
(MAX: 25) Arm: 1
(MAX: 75) Intelligence: 75
(MAX: 25) Throwing Accuracy: 1
(MAX: 95) Tackling: 74 3/5
(MAX: 85) Speed: 85
(MAX: 55) Hands: 55
(MAX: 25) Pass Blocking: 1
(MAX: 25) Run Blocking: 1
(MAX: 100) Endurance: 80
(MAX: 25) Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) Kick Accuracy: 1

[Image: ZuOMR0P.jpg]

Lo Rax Updates - maxcrazy - 12-23-2018

@bovovovo Will be looking at it for you to make sure everything is in order!

Lo Rax Updates - maxcrazy - 12-23-2018

@Phobospwns Bovo looked at it. "...Your current build vs the original template shows that everything is correct with no extra TPE. You most likely forgot that he has 3 tpe into tackling that he can't put into the builder, hence where the extra 3 comes from".

So your build is all square and you are updated.

Lo Rax Updates - Phobospwns - 01-02-2019

TPE Earned:
+2 Wk 3/4 Predictions
+2 Wk 2 Prediction
+2 Wk 1 Prediction
+3 PT 2
+2 AC
+5 Workout

TPE Applied:
Tackling: 74 3/5 > 75 (2)
Endurance: 80 > 81 4/10 (14)

Total TPE: 524

Lo Rax Updates - maxcrazy - 01-05-2019


Lo Rax Updates - Phobospwns - 01-07-2019

TPE Earned:
+2 Wk 11 Predictions
+2 Wk 9/10 Predictions
+4 Trivia 2
+2 Wk 8 Predictions
+2 AC
+5 Workout

TPE Applied:
Endurance: 81 4/10 > 83 1/10 (17)

Total TPE: 541

Lo Rax Updates - maxcrazy - 01-12-2019


Lo Rax Updates - Phobospwns - 01-14-2019

TPE Earned:
+5 S13 Training Camp
+8 Ultimus Week
+4 Trivia
+5 S12 Season Predicts
+7 S13 Mock
+2 AC
+5 Workout
+2 AC
+5 Workout
+3 PT 5
+3 Wk 13/14 Predict
+4 Trivia 3
+3 PT 4
+1 Wk 12 Predict
+2 AC
+5 Workout

TPE Applied:
Endurance: 83 1/10 > 85 (19)
Tackling: 75 > 82 (45)

Total TPE: 605

Lo Rax Updates - maxcrazy - 02-02-2019


Lo Rax Updates - Phobospwns - 02-04-2019

TPE Earned:
+2 AC
+5 Workout

TPE Applied:
Tackling: 82 > 82 7/10 (7)

Total TPE: 612