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(S14) Ultimus Week! - Printable Version

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(S14) Ultimus Week! - Beaver - 04-26-2019

Quote:1) Playoff Predictions, Reviews:
Written: Give a short write up of one or multiple playoff matches. If completed before the airing of the sims have predictions, after if it is a review the game.
Graphic: Make a graphic displaying the matchups in the playoffs. If completed before sim, predict scores and show stats, if after, give a summary of game showing stats and top performers.

Ah yes the great playoff tradition of the mighty and noble and attractive and smart and sexy and witty and funny and heroic and charismatic Tijuana Luchadores beating the stinky and dumb and ugly and frail San Antonio Marshals in the playoffs specifically the conference championships because under the current system those two teams couldn't meet in the Ultimini since they're in the same conference so Tijuana beating San Antonio in the conference championship has become a tradition unlike any other let's review in Season 7 the Luchadores beat the Marshals 22-10 in Season 8 the Luchadores beat the Marshals 14-13 in Season 9 the Luchadores beat the Marshals 24-19 in Season 10 the Luchadores beat the Marshals 24-3 in Season 11 the Luchadores beat the Marshals 31-20 we don't talk about Season 12 in Season 13 the Luchadores beat the Marshals 37-10 and that brings us to this season where the Luchadores beat the Marshals 30-21 thanks to Forrest Gump absolutely running roughshod to the tune of 160 yards and 2 touchdowns on 14 carries how insane is that he also had a catch for 10 yards so dude straight beat up the 13-1 San Antonio Marshals wowza and probably the biggest play I've ever seen came in the 3rd quarter when Gump scored a 96 yard touchdown which is just insane like sometimes we see quarterbacks have runs like that because of their weird endurance system or whatever but not running backs that's insane and the longest run by a running back ever in either league and nobody else has even broken 90 so wowza what a performance.

Quote:7) Next year
    Written: If your team has been eliminated, why will next year, or the year after that, be the year that your team is going to win the Ultimus or Ultimini.
Graphics: Create a statistical summary of what improvements your team has made from the previous year or why your team was better than their record.

Well you see my team the Tijuana Luchadores should be looked at as the favorite to win the Ultimini because of all of our insanely productives send downs I mean we're gonna have Corvo Horvo for another season slinging the ball around the field not to mention an offensive line made almost entirely of human players of which 3 will be actives and I'm assuming Forrest Gump and Rod Tidwell both get sent back down for 1 more season so wham bam that's a scary ass offense right there and that's not even all the offensive weapons so then you look at the defensive side and wowza that's some business I gotta say because players like Jimmy Slothface who recorded 123 tackles and 4 sacks and 3 pass deflections will have another season of earning under their belts and then really there are potential playmakers all over the Tijuana defense especially at what seems to be the most important for our sim purposes which is linebacker now the biggest question mark here is that because the DSFL is such a run-dominant league where quarterbacks tend to struggle will the Luchadore defense be good enough in the front 7 to stop the run because that is one of the things that cost them against the Pythons in the Ultimini as they were able to feed their stable of running backs and just drain the clock on long drives so we'll see but yeah the Luchadores are definitely favorites to win the Ultimini for sure.

Quote:8)  Enemies
Written: Not everyone loves each other, write 200 words on an opposing player or player in this year's Ultimus or Ultimini playoffs about how they will struggle, why do you want them to lose? (Don't be too mean).
Graphic: Create a graphic of a player showing maybe they are overrated with statistical back up, or a statistical prediction of what they will do in the game.

Well because I am a hard-hearted and hateful person I was rooting against a ton of teams this season in the playoffs in both the NSFL and DSFL playoffs so it's hard for me to narrow this down to just one but I have to say it would probably be the eventual Ultimus champions the San Jose Sabercats and really not for any of the classic reasons like they have someone on the team I don't like or I was big rivals with them on my last player or anything like that because their roster is full of guys I like in fact before Muford killed it with his disdain for friendship I was playing a d&d campaign with a lot of guys on the Sabercats but nonetheless I was pretty upset when they won the championship for a few reasons first of all I'm a hater so I always root for tortured franchises and fan bases to continue suffering that's why I rooted against the Cubs in the World Series and the Cavaliers in the NBA Finals and the Sabercats in the Ultimus but even beyond that I didn't like the way they were ultra sensitive this season I mean any time anybody said anything about anything this season it seemed like a Sabercat would chime in to "WAYLLL AKCHTUALLEEEE" which is mildly annoying the perfect example of this was early on in the season after San Jose lost to New Orleans and was trailing Philadelphia I said something to the effect of "wow San Jose can't beat the bottom feeders" obviously flaming the Liberty by implying that they were a bottom feeder like New Orleans but no Liberty took the fairly low quality bait instead I hooked like 3 or 4 Sabercats who decided to bravely defend their team's honor against a comment not directed at them several minutes later after the game went final and the Sabercats came out on top so yeah there were a few instances like that this season so it was unfortunate that the sensitive Sabercats won but as much as I don't like teams that can't handle light trash talk winning at least it wasn't Orange County and that dirty snek @Ben.

Quote:13) That Magic Moment
Writen: Pick one moment from a playoff game and describe what made it so amazing to watch.
Graphic: Create a graphic immortalizing that moment

Without a doubt the most magical moment in the playoffs came when Forrest Gump ran for 96 yards and a touchdown against the San Antonio Marshals so let me paint the setting for you a word picture if you will so it was the SFC championship and for the like 10th straight season it was Luchadores vs Marshals because the Solar Bears were a bot team for a long time and as we established in a previous prompt the Marshals have a long and storied history of losing to the Luchadores in the playoffs but this season looked different as the Luchadores struggled mightily early on before salvaging a record of 8-6 while the Marshals just blitzkrieged teams en route to a 13-1 record including a 4-0 record against Tijuana but NOT SO FAST said Forrest Gump you see the Tijuana Luchadores took a 20-7 lead into halftime but the Marshals did good and scored a quick touchdown to make it 20-14 after a 67 yard return and then 15 yard penalty started the drive on the Tijuana 14 yard line and then the Marshals kicked off to the 4 yard line where it was returned for 0 yards and it looked like the Marshals would be getting the ball back with great field position to try to take the lead but no Forrest Gump takes off for a 96 yard touchdown on the very first play of the drive to bury the Marshals and score the longest rushing touchdown by a running back in NSFL and DSFL history.

(S14) Ultimus Week! - moonlight - 04-26-2019

3. All About the QBs.

The Ultimini championship was held between the 8-6 Luchadores and the 10-4 Pythons. This game featured a premier matchup between S13’s Quarterback of the Year in Corvo Havran and this year’s frontrunner for the award in Franklin Armstrong. Armstrong broke the passing TD record in the regular season with 22 passing touchdowns and sported the league leading passer rating of 86. Havran had him beat in passing yards, but had a statistically rough season compared to his S13 performance. The game in question showed the vaunted Pythons defense essentially limiting Havran to bystander status. Havran completed 15/29 passes for 165 yards and 0 touchdowns and 0 picks. He did not hurt his team by any means but he certainly did not help them win. Armstrong on the other hand had a very rough beginning to the game, as he had back to back interceptions on consecutive drives in the 1st which gifted the Luchadores 10 points. The start of the second half did not get off to a much better start as Armstrong was intercepted yet again on the 2nd play of the third quarter. Armstrong showed incredible resiliency as he stormed back after that point to throw three touchdown passes, with two in the fourth quarter.

Armstrong had this to say after the exhilarating win; “I just can’t believe those three interceptions man. Yeah we won, but I can’t get those plays out of my head. I’m glad we have such a solid defense. They carried us all the way here and won us this game. I’m glad I was able to bounce back and get some positive plays. What an amazing end to the season!”.

And there you have it folks. The S14 DSFL season was one for the books, as the Portland Pythons are your Ultimini Champions! (296 words).

11/12. Sit-down with a star & Sit-down with a fan
Sat down with @PDXBaller and asked him questions. He asked me questions as well.

From @PDXBaller:

1. How does it feel to win the Ultimini as a rookie quarterback?

This has been a dream rookie season for me. I really have to thank Pablo Sanchez, of the Sanchez Company (and also my Pythons GM) who gave me a chance. He brought me in during S14 as a practice squad body, and while I didn’t get any real playing time, I gained some of the valuable experience that I was yearning for. He then drafted me in the S15 draft (albeit, a little late). No one else wanted me, that is for certain.

To play and win the Ultimini was something I couldn't have foreseen even just a few months ago.

2. What do you have to say to all the teams that passed on you and drafted other quarterbacks ahead of you so early?

How do you like me now? Drafting scrubs like Ryan Leaf Jr. (who I hear has gained over 200 pounds and is now playing defensive tackle) among others, rounds and rounds before me. How did that work out for those other teams? Draft day was pretty rough but to get a chance to play, and be the starting QB, for the Portland Pythons was a dream come true.

3. What prospective NSFL teams appeal to you?

They all do. Though, I definitely want an opportunity to get a starting job within a couple seasons and that simply isn’t an opportunity many of those teams can give me, no matter how sincere their intentions may be.

4. What expectations do you have for the next season if you come back to Portland?

We are trying to repeat. It might be a much tougher challenge because we are losing a significant amount of talent to the NSFL, but we remain confident all the same. It's Ultimini or bust.

To @PDXBaller:

1. What went wrong in the S14 playoffs against the Philly Liberty?

We felt really confident going into the playoffs against Philadelphia. We had home field advantage and beat them in week 14 handedly. I think we underestimated them and they came back with a great gameplan that we weren’t expecting. They threw tons of different looks at us from offense and we didn’t adjust well.

2. In S14, you had 1 Int, while the season before you had 5? Is this a decline or are QBs just not testing you anymore?

I think it’s a testament to my off season work and conditioning in Colorado. The elevation prepares you for everything much better and I worked very hard in the off season to learn as much as I could from my coaches and gameplanned well in those games that I got interceptions.

3. What is the expectation in the Baltimore locker room on how you guys can get back to the big game in S15?

We have high hopes for next season considering the success we had last season. I think with a few more pieces to replace our retired guys and we have a shot at making it to the Ultimus again. I have no clue what our general managers have planned, but I hope that they can draft well and give us another shot.

4. Are there any defensive beasts in the S15 draft that you hope to play alongside in a Hawks uniform?

I love the defense coming out of Palm Beach and I think playing with anyone of those guys would be awesome. I hear their linebacker corps are awesome and the defensive backs are great too.

13. Magical Moment

The S14 Ultimini Champions fought and clawed for every inch of turf along the path to victory. A particularly tough battle occurred in the Conference championship with the Norfolk Seawolves visiting the first place Portland Pythons. This was a true defensive slugfest as both high flying offences struggled mightily that day. The first quarter featured four punts, as well as a wild sequence of back to back interceptions for both defenses on consecutive plays. The most any team could muster was a FG, which was kicked through by Seawolves to take a 3-0 lead. The Seawolves pulled a way for a while as they scored a TD on a long drive in the 2nd. The first half ended with a couple more punts as the Pythons struggled to get anything going.

The 2nd half started off in a similar fashion when compared to the first with penalties, and punts galore. The Pythons had a couple drives deep into Norfolk territory but were held to a FG as the Conference Championship was at 13-3 as the 4th quarter started.

The Pythons kicked another FG early in the 4th to cut the deficit to 13-6. The Turning Point, the magical moment occurred at 13 minutes into the 4th quarter. Jay Longshaw drops backs to pass and is INTERCEPTED by line backer Grievous and it’s returned for the touchdown. This tied the game at 13-13. The Pythons managed to add another field goal, and hold on for the 16-13 win. An incredible, turning point, type of play that won the Pythons the game. A magical moment on the S14 playoff run they will always remember (272 words).

(S14) Ultimus Week! - Mavfatha - 04-26-2019


3) All about the QB

In the Ultimus we saw a really exciting QB matchup with 2 QB's who have used different styles to become success stories in their own way. Falconi of Philadelphia is more of a traditional pocket passer, known for chucking the ball around quite a bit and with solid accuracy, mistake-free throws to teammates. However, don't ask this player to scramble outside the pocket and pick up yards on the ground, as it just won't work out very well. On the other hand, we have Christ of the Sabercats, who can really make plays with his feet, but might be considered more of a gunslinger in the Brett Favre style of QB that can sometimes make mistakes by being too aggressive. In this contest, Christ was able to get the upper hand by matching Falconi in interceptions, 1 to 1, while completing a high percentage of his passes and accounting for a full 300 of the team's yards on the day. This performance really lifted up the team, as a dual threat QB who can consistently average 10+ yards through the air and almost 7 yards per carry really keeps the team moving on offense. It was a nice crowning performance on a great season for Christ, and a noble effort from Falconi to air it out for Philly.

5) Spotlight on Youth

Well this is the last season that Freezer is eligible for this topic so I think I'm gonna talk about myself this one more time. Freezer has pretty much been overshadowed by some of his teammates on the defensive line and elsewhere on defense in terms of picking up the noteworthy stats for the team - Footballer Sackerman, Jorel Tuck, Trey Staley, D'Pez Poopsie, etc. etc. I do like to think that his teammates are able to succeed largely because Riposte is so good at the game that he is double-teamed on every single play as his endurance keeps him from tiring out and his combination of strength, speed, and agility is a real threat to the opposing QB's and ballcarriers. This is probably more of a meme dream than reality though, and it seems unlikely that Freezer will ever post superstar numbers for his club. He did in fact have some impact on the playoffs as a whole and the Ultimus in particular, with a sack in each of the two games certainly making things more difficult for the Liberty and the Otters before them. Riposte doesn't appear to be on his way to becoming a truly proficient sack master like the next player I am going to discuss, but he fills a role for his team in the trenches and there's nothing to be ashamed of in that.

15) Unsung Hero

For me the unsung hero of the playoffs is none other than my teammate Footballer Sackerman. It's tough to get recognition on the defensive line as I know quite well, for the most part we are overshadowed by other defensive players such as linebackers who can both keep up with us on sack totals while posting a lot more tackles and usually tackles for loss, forced fumbles, passes defended, etc. as well. However, in these playoffs Sackerman was a true force for the Sabercats. He went after Gus Showbiz in the conference championship game hard, finishing with 3 sacks on the day and probably disrupting several other plays as well, finishing with 5 tackles total. In the Ultimus Philly was a bit more prepared for his playmaking ability, and he "only" had 1 sack and 4 more tackles for the Cats. 4 sacks in a two game period is pretty ridiculous for anyone, more so when he's sharing a line and overall defense with a lot of other talented individuals. For him to have that kind of impact on the games despite all of that is quite the achievement; he really came into his own for the entire season after joining us as a free agent, and finished things off with aplomb in dominating the offensive lines of the Otters and Liberty.

(S14) Ultimus Week! - Blastmeaway - 04-26-2019


(S14) Ultimus Week! - shipwreckrising - 04-26-2019

Ok here it is!

7) Next year
Written: If your team has been eliminated, why will next year, or the year after that, be the year that your team is going to win the Ultimus or Ultimini.

The Solar Bears were a brand new player team in season 14. Brand new, going from bots to real players. From the start we were counted out, but we had the most TPE gained each week and by the end of it we had the 4th most TPE and gaining. We also didn't get any favours from the simmer (more on that later). We have three of the best linebackers in Nikko, Gabagool, and Hardshaft (aka the Palm Beach penetration!). We have Nacho frickin Varga. Don't even get me started on our secondary and our beastly tight ends. And our team mvp runing backs. Sure we are going to lose some studs to the NSFL but with a couple expansion teams and a couple teams that might have to send a player or two down the future is certainly looking bright for the Bears. There are rumblings of a move soon as well, and a refresh can always be a good thing for a team trying to make a fresh start and trying to avoid their checkered past. Lastly, our GMS Dizzy and PDX are top in the business, creating a great locker room and keeping everyone engaged. I know Gabagool would be happy to stay another year and help them get to the promised land!

8) Enemies

@Frick_Nasty Most people in the Solar Bear locker room would describe Gabagool as someone who is easy to get along with. He brings laughter to everyone around him. His jokes with Guy Nikko and Hardshaft are next level. So how can he have an enemy? Well ask Mo Berry . Tony got along great with Mo early on. They had played against each other in college, and went through a lot of the same early scouting events together. They finally ended up on the Pacific Owls rookie team together. They bonded over their love for Mongolian food. Tony even told him some of his secrets from his past. Little did he know that his friend Mo would end up making a decision that would affect Gabagool for the rest of his life. After the Owls won the prospect bowl Berry promised to take the team out for Mongolian. Well it turns out it was an empty promise, and one that Gabagool was counting on. Once he realized he wasn't getting dinner with his best friend Mo it was too late. He had to rush into draft meetings with GMs on an empty stomach, his draft stock tumbled, and the rest is history. Maybe Mo's selfishness is the reason why San Antonio didn't win the Ultimini, maybe it wasn't, but one thing is forsure, Gabagool never forgets.

9) Rivalries

It is hard to have a rivalry when you had such a poor first year as the Polar Bears did in Season 14. The two teams I would look at are Tijuana and San Antonio. Tijuana was a scrappy team but I think the team that we have to come together and dislike the most is San Antonio. They utterly dominated the regular season, made the Polar Bears look awful. Of course, there are rumours they had help from the league but there will always be those rumours when you are as dominant as they were. Of course now looking back on it, they were overrated as they fell in the semi finals, increasing their Ultimini drought to 8 years. If you go back to 9 years, the Solar Bears actually have the same amount of Ultimini trophies as the Marshals, which is pretty insane because the Solar Bears were a bot team for 8 out of those 9 years. Does the future look brighter in SA or PB at this point? If you asked Tony Gabagool where he would rather be, I know he would rather be poolside in Palm Beach, where the future is as bright as the Florida sun, than in cowboy boots in San Antonio, where they might as well be playing in the Alamo.

16) Robbed
Written: Write about why your team was robbed from making the Playoffs, how did the sim screw you and why were you more deserving:

Well as you all know, Palm Beach was a long shot to start with. That being said, the GMs made all the right moves. Drafted players who were active, people that fit the system, and really tried their best to make a good game plan. Well how can all that go to shit? It turns out that the sim needs to have "running qb" checked off or else your rookie qb is going to throw a billion interceptions. You can invest all you want in a good line, great running backs, and great tight ends but it is all for naught if the simmer forgets to cheque that stupid little box. Oh and I guess a resim would have been to much to deal with? Well everyone got a resim when San Antonio had a good player that shouldnt have been there. Oh, and guess what happened with that resim....Tony's only interception was erased. Oh yeah, and that interception was a touchdown. But I guess that never happened and I guess the Solar Bears got to start out 0-4 all due to the sim being set up incorrectly. The Palm Beach Penetration had so much potential, hopefully next year will make up for it.

(P.S. that was intentionally over the top, much love to you all!)

(S14) Ultimus Week! - infinitempg - 04-26-2019

qb comparison
[Image: LCsZuNg.png]

youth spotlight
[Image: W1LX3uK.png]

magic moment
[Image: PCPdU8f.png]

champ banner
look at the top of the site

(S14) Ultimus Week! - PigSnout - 04-27-2019

1) Playoff Predictions, Reviews (Reviews):

The ASFC Championship Game presented an interesting matchup between the Orange County Otters and the San Jose Sabercats. The Otters were looking to get one step closer to winning their third consecutive championship while the Sabercats were looking for their first playoff win in franchise history. The Otters struck first with a touchdown and the Sabercats answered back with a field goal to make it a 7-3 game at the end of the first quarter. However, the Sabercats completely dominated the second quarter as they rattled off 18 unanswered points to take a 21-7 lead going in to halftime. Both teams traded field goals late in the third quarter to make it a 24-10 game heading into the final quarter of play. The Otters made it a single score game with a touchdown on their first drive of the fourth quarter to make it a 24-17 game. However, the Otters were never able to bring the ball back across midfield as they would not be able to close the gap any further. The Sabercats would hold on to win the game 24-17 and advance to the Ultimus game for the first time in franchise history. The Otters almost came back in the end, but ultimately the Sabercats took control in the second quarter and didn't look back as they would hold on for the victory.

Quote:225 Words

3) All about the QBs

[Image: CLEUZuB.png]

5) Spotlight on Youth

[Image: 7PTh1Xq.png]

7) Next year

It was a disappointing finish for the Hawks in Season 14 as we lost at home in the first round of the playoffs falling short to the Liberty on a last second field goal in a 31-28 loss. It feels like the Hawks should have made it further than we did in the playoffs this year. We had a 90% win rate in test sims for our playoff game against the Liberty but got a bad draw in the actual game. However, I think we still have the talent to be a top team next year and make a run at the championship. According to the TPE tracker, we're the top team in terms of total TPE. This will go down a bit with regression and retirements, but we should still be one of the top teams next year. The Hawks had the best offense in the league this season and that should continue next year despite Childish Gambino regressing and Howard Miller retiring as Vinny Valentine, Marquise Brown, and Errol Maddox will all continue to develop further. Some of the Hawks' defensive stars like Austin Roenick and Ben Horne are regressing, but we have other young stars on the rise like Axel Hornbacher and Charlie Trout to keep the defense going strong next season. Even as some of the older Hawks age, the younger generation will continue to rise and the Hawks will have the chance to set things right and contend for the championship next season.

Quote:248 Words

(S14) Ultimus Week! - Dangles13 - 04-27-2019

SHL Affiliation

Next year
The Colorado Yeti recently made a push to win the Ultimus that ultimately fell short; it was very hard for the players because we knew if we did not win that we would have to rebuild the team. We won't be there next season, we likely won't even be close to good. However, I think the season after that we can take a step toward a playoff berth and if we make the playoffs then anything can happen. The management team in Colorado has undergone some change but I remain confident in its ability to put together a wonderful team that can compete.

The Yeti have some nice pieces in Beau Montgomery, Logan Lejune and James Bishop to build around. The holes are many but the Yeti have 10 draft picks to try and build the roster up. This draft features a lot of defensive prospects who can come in and join Montgomery and Lejune and help shut down the offences. Colorado can build up the defence this draft and then they can focus on the offence next year and look to start competing. If you mix in a key free agent signing or two then the timeline moves up and the Yeti are back!

Playoff Predictions, Reviews:
I never thought I would see the day that San Jose would win an Ultimus but that changed this season when they beat the Philadelphia Liberty 36-24. The Liberty opened the scoring with a field goal and it took the Sabrecats five minutes to answer with a 3 point kick of their own. However, the Liberty turned it on and jumped up to a 17-6 lead with only six minutes left in the first half and it looked like Philly was going to walk to an Ultimus win.

The Sabrecats never say die attitude allowed them to march down, kick a field goal, come up with a big interception and score a touchdown in less than 4 minutes. San Jose went into halftime trailing 17-16 but they carried Big Mo with them into their locker rooms. The Gold and Green team walked out for the third quarter and nobody told the Liberty that the game had resumed as the Sabrecats scored ten straight points in the 3rd, which made it 20 unanswered points since Boija's touchdown. Philly showed some life in the final stanza as von Matt was found Falconi to make it a 24-26 game but it was not enough as the Sabrecats answered with another unanswered 10 points to win the Ultimus 36-24!

(S14) Ultimus Week! - goilers - 04-27-2019


(S14) Ultimus Week! - BigKicks - 04-27-2019

15) Unsung Hero [BIAS WARNING]

Pythons kicker Alex Dasistwirklichseinnachname kept the team's Ultimini hopes alive in their game against the Norfolk Seawolves. 3 field goals and 1 XP were enough to make him the game's highest scorer. It wasn't without struggle, though, as the Pythons failed to move the ball at all in the first half and fumbled the ball away on second and goal just two drives before Portland could find any points. There was only 18 minutes and 46 seconds left in the game before a scoring drive was made. The points that drive came off the leg of Alex D.

The fourth quarter is where the team's 10 point comeback happened. The first drive in the fourth ended in a long 47 yard field goal to bring the score to 6-13. Then, on Norfolk's first play of their drive, the ball was intercepted for a pick 6 and allowed for another point through an XP in addition to Grievous's 6 points. The game was tied 13-13. Finally, with 4:10 remaining on the clock, the last points of the game were scored via a 31-yard field goal, finishing the comeback.

The game sim gave Alex the Offensive Player of the Game award, but should still be considered an unsung hero because of how overlooked the Kicker position is. one missed field goal and the game would've gone to overtime, and who knows what would've happened then?

Quote:234 words