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Mike Hockhertz - LB - Printable Version

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RE: Mike Hockhertz - LB - terriblehippo - 08-15-2020

Applied TPE: 913
Banked TPE: 0
Total TPE: 913

The TPE you're trying to earn this update adds up to 33, not 43. Because of this, you only have 38 TPE to apply. This means that putting all of your available TPE into Endurance would bring it to 99 [8/15].


RE: Mike Hockhertz - LB - CDub2 - 09-24-2020

AC 173 (+2 TPE)
Week 1 Pred (+2 TPE)
Week 5 Preds (+ 2TPE)
Week 7 Preds (+2 TPE)
Week 8 Preds (+2 TPE)
Week 10 Preds (+2 TPE)
S24 Preds (+10 TPE)
Playoff Preds (+2 TPE)

Total:  18
Total S23 TPE: 931 * 0.2 = 186 TPE lost
186 - 18 = 168 TPE remaining to lose

Adjusted Attributes
Endurance 99 8/15 --> 88 = 163 TPE
Agility 80 --> 79 = 5 TPE
Hands 50 --> 49 = 1 TPE

Current Attributes
(MAX: 80) Strength: 80
(MAX: 90) Agility: 79
(MAX: 25) Arm: 1
(MAX: 80) Intelligence: 80
(MAX: 25) Throwing Accuracy: 1
(MAX: 90) Tackling: 90
(MAX: 90) Speed: 90
(MAX: 50) Hands: 49
(MAX: 25) Pass Blocking: 1
(MAX: 25) Run Blocking: 1
(MAX:100) Endurance: 88
(MAX: 25) Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) Kick Accuracy: 1

Banked TPE: 0

Total TPE: 931

TPE post regression: 745 TPE

@CDub2 Incorrect regression - you should be regressing from 937 total TPE instead of 931. Your previous update left you had 913 and you gained 24 this update. 
937*.20 = 187.4
Rounded down to 187. You need to regress 1 more point. I pinged Bayley and he told me to take it from your hands. Feel free to update this if that is incorrect.

RE: Mike Hockhertz - LB - terriblehippo - 09-27-2020


Applied TPE: 750
Banked TPE: 0
Total TPE: 750


RE: Mike Hockhertz - LB - CDub2 - 11-20-2020

S25 Mock (+5 TPE)
S25 Preds (+13 TPE)
S24 Ultimus (+10 TPE)

Total:  28
Total TPE: 750 + 28 * 0.25 = 195 TPE lost
195 - 28 = 167 TPE remaining to lose

Adjusted Attributes
Endurance 88 --> 80 = 80 TPE
Tackling 90 --> 82 = 80 TPE
Hands 49 --> 42 = 7 TPE

Current Attributes
(MAX: 80) Strength: 80
(MAX: 90) Agility: 79
(MAX: 25) Arm: 1
(MAX: 80) Intelligence: 80
(MAX: 25) Throwing Accuracy: 1
(MAX: 90) Tackling: 82
(MAX: 90) Speed: 90
(MAX: 50) Hands: 42
(MAX: 25) Pass Blocking: 1
(MAX: 25) Run Blocking: 1
(MAX:100) Endurance: 80
(MAX: 25) Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) Kick Accuracy: 1

Banked TPE: 0

Total TPE: 959

TPE post regression: 583 TPE

RE: Mike Hockhertz - LB - terriblehippo - 11-21-2020


Applied TPE: 584
Banked: 0
Total TPE: 0


Regression rounds in favor of the player, so you'd only need to regress 194 TPE, not 195. I left that extra point of TPE in your Hands, meaning that going forward it'll be at 43, not 42. If you want to do something different, let me know ASAP so I can adjust accordingly.

Updated! Good luck this season!

RE: Mike Hockhertz - LB - Asked Madden - 12-09-2020

This player has been Audited to this point!
The following errors have been found:

Total TPE is correct however build only uses 578 TPE therefore banked TPE should be 6

Total TPE: 584
Banked TPE:6

@"Laser" @terriblehippo


RE: Mike Hockhertz - LB - Bayley - 01-14-2021

Height (ft): 6'3
Weight (lbs): 230
Player Archetype: Coverage LB (Eric Kendricks, Roquan Smith)

Update Scale:
0-50 - costs 1 TPE to go up 1 point
51-70 - costs 2 TPE to go up 1 point
71-80 - costs 5 TPE to go up 1 point
81-90 - costs 10 TPE to go up 1 point
91-95 - costs 15 TPE to go up 1 point
96-100 - costs 25 TPE to go up 1 point

TPE Earned: 584 * 30% regression (409 TPE)

Adjusted Attributes & Traits:

TPE Available:
(MIN:45)(MAX:80) Strength: 71
(MIN:55)(MAX:90) Agility: 60
(MIN:1)(MAX:1) Arm: 1
(MIN:50)(MAX:90) Intelligence: 70
(MIN:1)(MAX:1) Throwing Accuracy: 1
(MIN:40)(MAX:85) Tackling: 40
(MIN:50)(MAX:85) Speed: 80
(MIN:20)(MAX:75) Hands: 55
(MIN:1)(MAX:1) Pass Blocking: 1
(MIN:1)(MAX:1) Run Blocking: 1
(MIN:40)(MAX:80) Endurance: 75
(MIN:1)(MAX:1) Kick Power: 1
(MIN:1)(MAX:1) Kick Accuracy: 1
(MIN:40)(MAX:80) Competitiveness: 44

Available Traits:
Perceptive (req. 60 Agility, 70 Intelligence) (Costs: 50 TPE)
Competitor (req. 75 Endurance) (Costs: 50 TPE)
RoleModel (req. 70 Intelligence) (Costs: 50 TPE)
Athlete (req. 80 Speed, 85 Agility, 80 Endurance) (Costs: 100 TPE)

Purchased Traits:
Perceptive (req. 60 Agility, 70 Intelligence) (Costs: 50 TPE)
Competitor (req. 75 Endurance) (Costs: 50 TPE)

Total TPE: 409

RE: Mike Hockhertz - LB - terriblehippo - 01-17-2021


Applied TPE: 409
Banked: 0
Total: 409

Updated! Good luck this season!

RE: Mike Hockhertz - LB - Nhamlet - 02-05-2021

This player has been Audited to this point.
Everything is good to go!

Total TPE: 409
TPE Banked: 0

Does not include unprocessed updates