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(S26) Ultimus Week - Printable Version

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RE: (S26) Ultimus Week - Skorch - 01-07-2021

This is a bit more difficult to do since I am a S28 recruit, but I hope these answers will still be satisfactory!

17. If I was in charge of the Ultimus/Ultimini halftime show, I would want to do something that is not done in regular football. For an ordinary NFL halftime show, there is a musical performance and some flashy dancing, but it is the same every single year. For the Ultimus or Ultimini, I would want something centered around the greats of the league, whether that be a ceremony or presentation. It is not very often that the originals of the sport get honored, and with the ISFL gaining steam in recent seasons, it would be quite good to show the newer recruits such as myself where the ISFL came from and how it became what it is today. I would also like to have a presentation honoring returning users to the platform that have been with the ISFL from the beginning. As I iterated in the beginning, I am a new user and I am sure there are many new users tuning in to watch the Ultimus bowl. When I watched the most recent DSFL draft, there were many people that were drafted because they were already known within the community for being excellent players and users, and I would like to see them highlighted in some way. 

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20. With the stats that my player has, I feel like I could very easily transition to either Line Backer or Defensive Line, but more Defensive Line. My player is using the Speed Rusher preset, with a large emphasis on speed and strength. Looking at what both of these positions want, they want strength and speed! However, I would say more Defensive Line, because my Player does not necessarily have the immensely high tackling stat that a linebacker would want. I still have a case for Line Backer, however. With my size and speed, I could quite optimally work against Tight Ends in coverage. Even though it wouldn't be an easy matchup, it is perfectly doable with someone of my player's stature. For Defensive Line, however, I have the adequate strength to go toe to toe with most offensive lineman to break through and either get to the Quarterback or get a tackle for loss. With this high strength stat, I would also be able to run stop quite well too, when I am not able to bust through the opposing offensive line. With these things to consider, when my team needed me most, I feel like I could adequately fill into those other positions, and even potentially thrive in them as well. 

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21. I feel that this topic could rustle some feathers, but I want to make it clear that I have no bias whatsoever to any of these teams, and I am just now seeing most of these brandings for the first time. With that being said, I would say the team with the best branding is the Arizona Outlaws. You get a clear sense of a gun-slinging, high powered offense from just the name and logo alone. To pair with that, they probably have the cleanest color combo in my personal opinion, with the primarily black and hits of red. I could see the uniforms looking like the current black Cardinals uniforms, or the gradient Falcons uniforms, which are two of my favorite uniform sets in the entire league. To follow this up, the team that I personally think needs a refresh on their branding would be the Sabercats. I love the idea of a team being the Sabercats, but I just don't love their logo and color scheme. The green that they use does not scream "Sabercat" to me, but that may just be me thinking too much into it. Using a Sabercat as a team mascot is a very cool idea, I just don't think their current branding utilizes it to its fullest potential. 

215 Words

26. My player would have a New Years Resolution, albeit quite a simple one. He would have is resolution be to keep training, and to prove the people that didn't believe in him wrong. He is a rookie in the S28 class, so he isn't far removed from college. In his sophomore year, he tore his meniscus, and multiple doctors told him that he may not be able to play at the same level that he was ever again. This lit a fire inside of him - He did not want to hear that he couldn't do it, so he made it his challenge to prove the doctors wrong. In the following season, after rigorous training, he recorded his best statistical season by far. With this new year, he wants to continue that mentality. He was told that his play would be hindered because of that injury, but it has only motivated him to become bigger and stronger than the other players. Because of this passion, my player will stick to his guns and keep training. His eyes are looking ahead to the DSFL draft, where he is motivated to get drafted early. He wants to prove to these teams that you don't have to go to a large school to get the job done, and done well.  

216 Words

RE: (S26) Ultimus Week - siddhus - 01-07-2021

GM UW pass

RE: (S26) Ultimus Week - Crodyman - 01-07-2021

12) It seems likely the league will undergo expansion again one day soon. What would you like to see in a new expansion team? What should it be called, where should it be located, and who do you think would be in the best position to GM? Explain why.

Allow me to present the next ISFL expansion club, and one that I hope will bring new international fans to the league: The Kyoto Koi!

What is a koi, you may be wondering. A japanese koi is a fish in the carp family. The pokemon Magikarp was designed with the fish in mind, to be sure. Koi make wonderful pets, but the exciting thing about them is they’ll continue to grow to the size of their pond or tank, seemingly with no upper limit!

But why Kyoto? For starters, the INTERNATIONAL Simulated Football League seems to be lacking when it comes to Asian representation. There are no teams that are based in any part of Asia, let alone Japan despite it being a cultural and economic hub with a large population of sports fans. Gridiron football is a niche and has yet to take off in popularity, presenting a golden opportunity to bring in some fresh new fans.

So what are the jerseys going to look like? I think the obvious choice would be white on red as an homage to the Japanese flag, but I’d like to hold space for the potential for additional expansion teams in Japan, such as the Tokyo Tigers or something. Therefore, I imagine the Kyoto Koi would have a sea-blue primary color and a bright golden-orange secondary color. This would honor both the sea which is a cultural symbol of Japan, and the orange would replicate a common koi color.

Let’s consider a few possible GMs. Well, up until now, Baltimore has been the seat of the majority of weebs in the league, with both Glims and Jiggly being fans of anime and what have you. Either one would be an excellent GM, but for this team, I have to choose the biggest understated weeb in the entire league to lead this fledgling group: Me!

While I am still fairly new to the league with only three DSFL seasons under my belt, I have an excellent support group of current and former GMs to lean on. Though it is soon to be irrelevant, I have spent countless hours in DDSPF16 sim testing and tweaking strats to create the best possible win rate that I could muster. I think I would be a great play caller (or strat caller, rather), and I also really love Japanese culture and cuisine. That might not make much of a difference in our teams performance, but I can at least point the players in the right direction to get some delicious ramen (any of the Marutai Tonkatsu ramen are great, as well as Nissin Raoh Shoyu flavor!).

That’s just one of the GMs, who will be the other? I would have said the second biggest weeb I know, but he went IA--beefstu AKA James Gath. Instead, I’ll go with my brother Damian Blackfyre AKA ThunderTitan. He’s a good friend who entered the league at the same time as me, and has been heavily involved in the league ever since. Together we will lead Kyoto to the championship where we will undoubtedly be vict-koi-rious!

(514 words)

9) What is it that keeps you interested in the league? Is it your love of dot football, the community, a specific job or role you play, or something else? What do you like most about it? What could be improved?

I think that my Minnesota GM TheCC said it best to the boys after a tough loss: “There’s more to this league than how well our sim player does.” Something like that.

When I first joined the league I anticipated that I wouldn’t spend much time doing anything extra-curricular. I was interested in making a player, watching them play, and that was about it. During scouting, when I was asked how active I anticipated myself being, I consistently said between a 6 and a 7 out of 10. That was true at the time, but since then, I would say my activity level is pretty high: Probably an 8 or a 9.

It all started when I realized that I wasn’t going to be a good player if I didn’t max earn. This isn’t to say that there are players that don’t max earn who arent productive or successful, but rather, I accidentally chose an archetype that I was interested in, but was confirmed to be less productive than the others: The Power Rusher. Because the meta of DDSPF16 is speed-centric, the power rusher whose speed is capped at 80 is not a great choice for having a storied career. Because I believe that all things are possible through spite, I decided not to change my archetype, but to rage against the established meta as hard as I could to try and prove that there is still fun to be had down the unbeaten path--however, that would require a lot more work.

So I’ve been max earning ever since. Honestly, it isn’t that hard. I actually like having little assignments to do. I’ve been out of college since 2013 and so having a bit of homework actually excites me.

It was really the community, or more specifically, the Minnesota Locker Room, that sustained me through the last few seasons. They are truly great people to have in the discord, and I was surprised and humbled to be chosen to be a team captain last season and this season. I was added to the war room, which let me see behind the curtain a bit more, and the whole thing just fascinated me. While I don’t always have the free time to participate in every discussion, I do enjoy the conversations I do have and I enjoy reading the ones I’m absent for. But then the next responsibility hit me, and immediately I was hooked: Sim Testing.

I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent sim testing a double header with a beer in one hand, a smoke in the other, and a podcast playing in the background. It truly feels zen to me, and it is a responsibility that I think I’ll miss next season and in seasons to come.

When it comes to improvements, I’m at a loss. In previous seasons I would have said a new sim would be an improvement, but now that we’re getting one, It’s a moot point. I guess I’ll say that even though I like a bit of chirping and trash talk, I think that sometimes people take things like rivalries very seriously, or even just a bad conversation in discord, and say some things that are not very cash-money. The league does a pretty good job with punishments, but I think there should also be some emphasis on highlighting the users that make the league a fun and inclusive community. Instead of just a “Most Dedicated Member” award, there should be a Congeniality--or “Nice User”--award to highlight people that might not apply for league jobs, but are active and improve the community with their geniality and presence.

(607 words)

RE: (S26) Ultimus Week - ajtigger - 01-07-2021

Question 9 - 5 TPE

The main thing that keeps me interested in the league is the community and how easy it is to slip in and out of being overly active in it. I have a job that can consume quite a bit of my time on any given day, while at other times I don't have a thing going on. I find that no matter how long I am gone, my teams have been right there to welcome me back into the fold. It feels amazing to have teammates that are always happy to see you or just talk about whatever. They also never get on you for missing a TPE post or anything like that that would hurt the team. This has persisted throughout my time in both the DSFL and the ISFL and I am happy to see that this seems to be the norm in the league rather than a unique experience I have encountered.

Further, outside of my teams the league just has an amazing community in general. There are so many users that are regular posters of media that are just fun and enjoyable to read when I need a break from my day to day. Whether it be a funny back story about themselves or a teammate, or an in depth article on a league issue or how the sim is actually working, there is always something within the media section that I find worth the read. This engaging content is great for the league as it drives my interest in league functions even if it may be a little to well on the monetary side of things. Similarly, there are just fantastic people present during each stream of the games. There are always users online participating in the chat of any games at either levels, and you get used to seeing the regulars during the broadcast. It feels like I am observing the talking heads or just a reddit game thread during the streams and I think that level of consistency really brings something to the league.

Finally, I am just a football addict. As someone who played the sport for 8 years, I just sort of miss it. I miss being able to go out there and compete with teammates, run my routes, throw my blocks, and just win or lose as a team. While dot football is quite a long way away from the real thing, it does help to scratch that itch. I find myself looking forward to each game and having a consistent broadcast time and dates really helps with my scheduling.  All in all, the league has created something special that does capture just a bit of being on a team and I truly appreciate that.

Question 12

For me expansion of the league would entail adding teams to two different locations within the following 3 continents, Asia, Africa, and South America. My reasoning for these locations are quite simple, not one of these continents currently have a team within the ISFL or within the DSFL. I will talk about possibilities for each of the three starting with my opinion of the easiest, Asia. Asia has a rich history that gives the league many options for locations and team names. My own top choice may be boring but I would go with a team located in Tokyo. It is a well known city and one recognizable to everyone in the league (and let's be real we also have a lot of anime lovers that would want it in Japan). I think for this team I would propose some simple names. My current list of contenders would be the Godzillas, the Samurai, the Cherry Blossoms, the Bonsais, or the Sumos. Each of these again is easily recognizable and relates to the location.

For the South American team I would again aim for one of the more well known cities in the region and select Buenos Aires in Argentina. I think that this is again a top location for the area and one that would be as realistic as possible for expansion. My knowledge of Argentinian culture is a bit lacking, but I know that the city is well known for it's love of the theatre so I propose the team name of the Buenos Aires Thespians. If that does not tickle your fancy, the area is home to many different animal species that could be used as a name. My main suggestion would be the guanancos, a type of animal that is a relative to the Llama.

My final suggestion would be within the continent of Africa, and one that is a country that I spent time in and is close to my heart, Cape Verde. The islands are beautiful nation and one that I much enjoyed in my travels. Given the chain of islands that make up the country, marine wildlife would be the most appropriate of choices for a name. Their national football team is know as the blue sharks already so it would be best to avoid copying that name. I would instead suggest another popular animal in the region, the sea turtle. A further suggestion would be the wind surfers, as this activity is considered to be one of the main reasons for travel to the chain of islands. Finally, if a specific city was picked, I would personally want to choose Praia. As the capital it would make the most sense for the league to settle in that area.

RE: (S26) Ultimus Week - Alcott - 01-07-2021

This is my first time ever participating in a league like this, so honestly I did not know what to expect, but have been pleasantly surprised so far. On the technical creation side of things, I've found the league to be pretty easy to start up (assuming you read all of the instructions provided), with plentiful opportunities to advance your player. In just my second day as a league member, (not even a full 24 hours to be specific) I will have completed at least 5 tasks earning over 30 TPE for my player thanks to all the opportunities and Rookie bonuses that can be earned, which I think is an excellent way to help bring new players up to speed for a chance to compete and have an impact early on. I’m hoping to dive into some of the other opportunities, like equipment and training a bit more once I’ve collected some league money and more TPE to spend. I've also experienced very welcoming and helpful moderators that have been reviewing my posts, being attentive enough to examine the post for accuracy and making sure I'm completing everything I'm allowed to instead of simply approving and sending me on my way (shout out to Kotasa for my Create a Player post where I didn't spend any TPE yet). I've also been welcomed in the Rookie Discord Server by Maglubiyet who wanted to reach out and make sure I had any questions answered and was doing ok with any and all initial steps into the league. All of that to say I believe this community to be very friendly and welcoming so far, and really don’t expect that aspect to change, although once I understand and develop my player a bit more (and get drafted to a team) I’m sure the trash talking aspect will come about (which from my early interactions I anticipate to be all in good fun). So far I’ve been blown away by the incredible talent some of the GFX submissions have been, I’m not experienced in that field at all so seeing all the cards and player profiles is super cool. Since I haven’t been drafted yet I can’t comment on how it felt, but I am excited to get some showcase time in the Prospect Bowl activities and to be drafted into the DSFL shortly after, I know everyone wants to be a top pick but it would be very exciting for it to actually happen. Also as I said before the GFX cards have been awesome so seeing my draft card for the first time will be really special.

8) Cole Maxwell was born near Dallas, Texas to parents Terrence and Carole. He attended Hebron High School in Carrollton, Texas and started on the varsity team as a Freshman, completing a safety duo with Senior Jamal Adams. Over the course of his high school career, Cole accumulated 212 tackles, 15 interceptions (9 interceptions returned for touchdown) and 1 sack on defense, while scoring 14 touchdowns on offense and totaling 1,028 kick and punt return yards along with 7 return touchdowns. Cole was nominated as team captain his Junior and Senior seasons for the Hawks. While Hebron never won a State Championship during Cole's tenure, the team did reach the playoffs each year, being eliminated in the divisional round his freshman (31-28 loss to Denton Guyer) and sophomore years (45-42 loss to Cedar Hill) and advancing to the State Semifinals his junior year (14-13 loss to Southlake Caroll) and the State Championship game his senior year (27-24 loss to Cedar Hill). Cole was the 11th ranked safety and 73rd overall prospect in his class by He received offers from Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, and USC, and committed to Oklahoma before his senior season.As a true freshman Cole played sparingly on defense, only collecting 8 tackles and 1 pass defense, but played heavily on special teams for the Sooners, where he tallied 23 tackles on kick and punt return coverage, as well as adding 284 kick return yards and 94 punt return yards on 21 total returns (9 kick returns, 12 punt returns). His sophomore season Cole earned the starting FS position, tallying 58 tackles, 6 interceptions, and 13 pass defenses en route to a Big XII title win. The following season Cole was named a team captain and outperformed his previous year with 69 tackles, 10 interceptions, 5 interception returns for touchdown, and 11 pass defenses while being named the Big XII Defensive Player of the Year and the AP All American Team. Cole would forgo his senior season to declare for the 2043 DFSL draft. Since declaring, Cole has been training hard in his home-state of Texas at the Michael Johnson Performance facility, conveniently only a short drive from his childhood home near Dallas. With only a few short weeks between declaring for the DSFL draft and the draft itself, gaining any additional boosts to his combine performance will require a full commitment, including staying away from favorite foods such as chicken fried steak with sausage gravy. However, the short term sacrifices will all be worth it once he is able to achieve his dream of being a member of a league as prestigious as the DFSL and afterward the coveted ISFL.

RE: (S26) Ultimus Week - deadlunatic - 01-07-2021

Question 1.

It's Ultimus week here in the ISFL and we have our playoff schedule all lined ep. First off, I'll start with how each team got to where they are and of course explain the dark horses and favorites from last season. 

I will start with the NSFC and go down the order they are seeded for playoffs to make it easier.

1. Yellowknife Wraiths - Top seed, top record, top defense(points allowed), second best offense(points scored). Record - 13-3.
Clear number one going into the playoffs. Went from seven and nine and out of the playoffs (fifth in the division) to 13-3. We were definitely not the favorites going into the season. A decent number of people had us in the top 3/4 for our division. Clearly somewhat in the running for playoffs but by no means a lock. Of course, I had us in the playoffs. We have a good mix of really young talented high earning guys and some veterans providing the right amount of leadership and TPE. And while we did finish in fifth last season, we weren't that far off from a playoff berth. For the NSFC, we were the dark horse as far as biggest leap from last season/projections to number one overall seed. 

2. Chicago Butchers - Second best record in the entire ISFL, has one of the better offenses and one of the better defenses as well. Record - 10-6.
Finished second in the NSFC, three games behind the wraiths, and two games ahead of third place. Also, has the second best record in the whole league. Now, that doesn't make them the second best team by any means. I know last season they were projected to do well, finished eight and eight, but they made the playoffs. From a lot of projections, they seemed to be again selected by most to make the playoffs. I would put them fourth or fifth best of the teams who made the playoffs, I do have them winning the first round and moving to the second round, where they lose to the wraiths. Solid team, they have a few older guys on the way to the old folks home, but they have a solid core of S21 and S22 players who should keep this team competitive for at least a couple more seasons. 

3. Sarasota Sailfish - Third best record in the NSFC, but behind all of the ASFC playoff teams. Honestly they are not great in either offense or defensive scoring. Record 8-8.
Finished third in the NSFC due to tie breaker rules, beating out the colorado yeti. I personally had the Yeti making the playoffs over the Sailfish. I do think they are the fourth best team in this division, but they did manage to make the playoffs(and win the first round, started this before the first round). They have a solid core of S21 players and a decent number of S22-25. Honestly, a good bit of lower TPE guys, but they all have a few seasons to progress and show what they can do. Could easily see them being competitive for the next few seasons(of course who knows with the new sim coming).

(4). Berlin Fire Salamanders - Fifth best record in their division, 7-9.
While I know they didn't make the playoffs, they ended one game out, as a second year expansion team. talk about improvement. They have a legit shot at making the playoffs the third year of their entire existence. Just wanted to put this out there. They have mostly S22 and S23 players on their roster. Definite contenders next couple of seasons for a dark horse run.

1. New York Silverbacks - Tied for best record, tie breakered for top spot. Record - 9-7.
I must first commend them for getting the top seed for the playoffs the second year of their existence. Very impressive. I would put them third best in their division. But, they are currently number one, according the seeding. They have a mediocre offense and good defense. Which should make for a tough game against whoever wins the wild card game. (NO) I see them losing the next game. But a really good year for them regardless of how the playoffs work out. 

2. New Orleans Second Line - Tied for best record. Record - 9 - 7.
This is the top team of the division as far as I can tell. One of the top offenses in their division and one of the better defenses in the league. They had a couple of close losses in the second half of the season, all they needed was one of those close games to go their way for the number one record in their division. They have a ton of old guys. And I know quite a few are retiring after this season. So kind of looks like this is their chance to make a push before a semi forced rebuild happens. I have them in the finals losing to the wraiths. 

3. Orange County Otters - Tied for best record. Record - 9 - 7.
The most hyped team from their division before the season started. A lot of people had them pegged to win their division and compete for a Ultimus, myself included. They lost four of their last five games, not a great way to go into the playoffs fighting for your life against the Second Line. (they lost). Another team with some older guys on it, a few pretty far in regressions and a good number S21 who will start their regressions pretty soon. Not sure how big their window is, but I would assume, based on their current roster, they have at least two more seasons of being competitive before regression starts hitting pretty hard. 

Personally, based off the way the season went, and how each team performed, the Wraiths have the best shot at winning this season, and continuing to win in the next few seasons. Of course, the current sim will do whatever it wants, and the new sim, well it is an unknown as of now. So a lot of the things could unfold next season. Go Wraiths!

RE: (S26) Ultimus Week - Kotasa - 01-07-2021

12) It seems likely the league will undergo expansion again one day soon. What would you like to see in a new expansion team? What should it be called, where should it be located, and who do you think would be in the best position to GM? Explain why.

Expansion has a place in my heart very near and dear to me. Being a S25 draftee, the league had just expanded two seasons prior and then expanded again the season I joined the league. The National Simulation Football League had just changed its name to the International Simulation Football League, at the start of the season 25 expansion rumors were going wild about where the teams would be. I thought Montana! When we got the announcement that the teams would be in New York and Berlin some were upset, New York? “We are the INTERNATIONAL Simulation Football League; we need more INTERNATIONAL teams not ones in the US!!” While I understand the frustration, some seemed to ignore Berlin’s fancy new colors. I personally loved that we got a team in Europe, as we have one in Canada as well. This gives us two international teams in the league of fourteen, which is about fourteen percent! This number needs to rise next expansion, so I propose to you the International Simulation Football League. The Argentina Pumas! (Name in progress, I did not know I stole it from a rugby team.) Argentina is a wonderful location for the ISFL to expand to, in Argentina they have so much pride for their athletes and have produced some of the best games have seen. Manu Ginobli for the Spurs is regarded as one of the best, if not THE best, sixth man of all time in the NBA. Lionel Messi and Paulo Dybala for soccer are amazing players, and the community in Argentina respects the hell out of them. Large groups will gather in support of their players even when they are not playing in Argentina. The masses send prayers and love to the players from thousands of miles away, if that is not dedication, I do not know what is. This would be a phenomenal fan base for the ISFL to gather up. In terms of GMing the team I would want someone fresh to the scene to take the reins. Some teams in the league have had GMs for over 10 seasons, and while this is not inherently bad it can lead to some stagnation in team building. Players from Argentina are known to have creative new ways to influence the games they play, look at Manu and his implementation of the Euro step that is now used commonly among players at every position. Those who take this team would be in for a challenge, but it would be one that could pay off in a loyal fan base for the longest time.

432 words

21) What team do you think has the best branding in the league? What team do you think could use a refresh? Why?

The International Simulation Football League has fourteen teams each with their own unique branding, some of these teams looks are fresh to death. While others are simply eh, classics for sure but they certainly look their age. A team that I think has the best branding in terms of a newer aesthetic would have to be the Sarasota Sailfish. To some the team is polarizing, “They just ripped off the Seahawks!” I hear you scream. While I will not fight you that the branding is similar, there is a reason that the seahawks had a facelift to have similar colors to that of Sarasota. The blue, green, and white color scheme is a classic one. The blue and green compliment each other well, with a more intense green with the lighter blue make the accents really pop out. That along with the white to even the base has been one of the best designs since I joined the league, in terms of ISFL branding at least. In terms of a facelift, I think that Philly with their new GMs Pat and Cody could do with a little rebrand. Nothing major as to keep the history of the team in Philadelphia as many people have fond memories for the team. However, in recent years the team has been lack luster. The branding has been as well, while the liberty bell is about the only thing that makes sense for a team in Philadelphia named the Liberty, the logo looks like it comes straight out of the 1970’s. I love retro aesthetics, but I think for Philly to complete their rebrand they will need to make their team beautiful again.

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28) The league is moving on to a new sim. What do you think about it? Are you excited to leave the old one behind? Maybe not so excited about it? Which parts of it do you think will be great, or not so great?

I think it was after my second preseason game in the DSFL I asked the Tijuana locker room, why do we use this sim? DDSPF16, while it made sense at the time of the league and up until 21 due to play calling screens, has not been a pleasure to watch. Things are hard to see and read, the game logic hardly makes sense and apparently, they have the sim make its judgement according to the system clock??? The game was filled with cheese and bugs galore. 79 speed game manager QB, half the league is that. Want to destroy the DSFL? 79 speed power RB with 91 strength. Oh, and do not you forget about anything past 80 endurance is a waste! The sim’s engine was a buggy mess, but hey it gave me an Ultimini on the road against two teams that had five and four wins more than us, respectively. While I am excited to move forward and go to 21 which is a lot more fun to watch in my opinion, while it can be tough to see the box score, I think our stream team can figure it out. (Pst new scene overlay with boxscores enhanced would probs help but idk.) Visually speaking watching the football in the air and seeing the returns, even if it is a line, is way more enjoyable. There will be growing pains and we may find some cheese in the first year, but this is a process, and we will figure it out as a community, we had to do it for 16 and now we will do it for 21. I truly think if the league stayed on 16 the stagnation in growth would have been apparent.

289 words

RE: (S26) Ultimus Week - dude_man - 01-07-2021

7) My experience with the league has been rather pleasant. I am used to dot sim style football from a game I used to play back in the day called Goal Line Blitz. It captured a lot of the things I loved about a community and feeling part of a team. As well as the creation of player(s) and developing them through multiple seasons. It was fun and exciting, and it was something new for me at the time. With this league, it brought back a lot of the excitement again. I have noticed the community is rather closer and seems like a bunch of good people that really have one common goal in mind, and it is to have a fun time with sim style football. I’ve really reached out to GuitarMaster116 as he’s been super helpful with all of my rather mundane questions, and I appreciate his willingness to go above and beyond to help me figure out my place in the league, but also to be successful as well. There is so much information within this league that I can easily be lost at times, but it is nice to have someone to hold my hand through everything so to speak. It has been great, and I look forward to the help I will further receive when/if my player gets drafter. As far as implementing certain ideas and offering suggestions, that is really not my thing. I may pick up some ideas along the way, but right now it is too soon for me to even think about that. My focus right now, is to be able to take in as much information with this game, take the time to learn it all, and find ways to contribute to the community so I can be a long standing member with this league. I am honestly glad I came across the league’s reddit post on r/NFL. As I read it, it sounded like something right up my alley, and I am truly appreciative of it. It is going to sound a little cheeky, but I was willing to drop some money if I had to for this league. That is how much I wanted to be a part of this league. I hope my Offensive Lineman can be one of the best in the league, and I can’t wait for the season to start. Thank you again GuitarMaster116, you’ve been a great help! (405 words)

8) Cade Williams was born in his hometown of Boring, OR. The name of the town represents the status of it quite well. The only interesting part of the town is the fact that you honestly trick yourself to go there thinking it may be an Iceland/Greenland situation, but in fact, it is rather an oxymoron. He was rather an unknown coming out of his middle school days. He played middle school ball while being home schooled at a rather small size (5’6, 150 lbs.). His middle school coach had admitted at times that he thought about letting him go from the team because of his consistent trait to not finish plays. “There were times where he said sorry to anyone he may have hurt. Basically, a teddy bear.” Right before his freshman year, his coach talked to him about how important it was to put football on your mind only when he was out there. He emphasized that none of the other kids cared how sorry Cade was when he may have hurt or been too aggressive to them, and Cade took that to heart. That freshman year, he grew to 6’ and was close to 200 lbs. and he trained non-stop while developing a rather mean streak in him. And because he kept growing, he was always more on the leaner side, being an athlete rather than an Offensive Lineman. Most of his playing time did not occur until his junior year where he was close to his size now. He started all 9 games of his junior year, leading the Sandy Pioneers to a 5-4 record, where he only allowed a handful of sacks. His senior year would be one of the best in Sandy Pioneers history, as he was able to lead them to an 8-1 record heading into the playoffs. But because of a family tragedy, he was left to care for his bed-riddled mother, and not participate in the playoffs. Thinking he needed to earn money to care for his mother, he took a full-time job at a local grocer to pay for the medical treatments she needed. He would then find an ad online about a league that could be able to help pay for his mother’s treatments. Cade called the league office to see if he qualified, and sure enough, he did. If Cade gets drafted, he can finally have the chance to bring Boring, OR to more than just an oxymoron, but rather, a polished brand. (414 words)

RE: (S26) Ultimus Week - Jangorhino - 01-07-2021


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RE: (S26) Ultimus Week - JKortesi81 - 01-07-2021

Now that I’m no longer a GM of the Austin Copperheads, I can really speak out on a league topic that always gets people going: Tampering. There is ZERO doubt in my mind that the ISFL should allow tampering. It was a rule designed for the old days, and with the constant wave of new recruits, tampering is now obsolete.

The biggest reason tampering rules exist was because there was a fear that a group of users would all gang up and join the same team, thus creating a “Super Team” that would win all of the time. Yes, that would be bad for the league, especially in its infancy. The only way around something like that in the old days would be to have one user create 7 users and run them alone. Which happened. (Hey Er!). In the early days of the NSFL, there were only 6 franchises. And unlike the rosters of today, there were a LOT of IAs running around. Basically, if a “super team” were to form, it would cause other teams to be basically IA/bot teams. That wouldn’t be good for the league, and as a result, the tampering rules were made to help prevent that.

But now? We’re a bustling community, with 14 ISFL teams and 8 DSFL teams to boot. There are actives all over the place to the point where players are staying in the DSFL longer than ever and expansion rumors are as rampant as ever. (Go to 16 teams head office!) The reasons for the original tampering rules essentially cease to exist. We have so much parity, and every team is close to full of active users at every position. Hell, people are offensive linemen ON PURPOSE again. The chances of a group of FAs gathering together and joining the same team to create a super team are basically zero. Why? Because even if that happened, they wouldn’t be that far ahead of every single franchise to make that difference. Yes, if 5 awesome FAs banded together and joined Honolulu this offseason, Honolulu would end up becoming a much better team. But would they be the best team and completely destroy the other franchises who ended up losing talent? Nope.

On top of it all, with so many actives littered throughout our rosters, no franchise really has the room for, lets say, 5 900+ TPE free agents to add to their salary cap. Teams nowadays, barring a massive amount of players leaving and/or going IA, have a nice culture going on that most teams want to keep cultivating. It’s a BAD look for a franchise to bring in a cluster of players that immediately take the starting spots away from some younger, homegrown players who worked hard for their spots, only to be replaced in the name of higher TPE.

The point is, the main our tampering rules exist doesn’t exist anymore.

But there are other reasons to remove the tampering rules. The first one is simply that IT HAPPENS EVERY WHERE ALL OF THE TIME ANY EVERYONE KNOWS IT DOES ANYWAY.

What’s the point of having a rule that is constantly broken by just about every person in some way or another. Technically, you can’t even openly chat with your friend about someday playing together. And there’s enough dregs in our ISFL society that would immediately report them. Our tampering rules are about as stupid as the laws regarding jaywalking. Does everyone cross the street at an intersection? Fuck no they don’t. Do the cops that see jaywalkers give them a ticket? Once again, nope. Why? Because it essentially doesn’t matter. On top of it all, the ISFL has a large chunk of players that are pretty loyal to the team that drafted them. Sure, we have some free agents, but we don’t have some large list of players switching teams.

Not to mention, we can cut it out with the absolute bullshit punishments that tampering brings. The constant reminder of “precedence” looms with many in the community, so even when a brand spanking new ISFLer says “you should play with me!”, he/she is jumped on and charged with tampering when in reality that should just be ignored. “BUT IT HAPPENED TO SO AND SO IN THE PAST!”. So what? Let’s leave that shit in the past. Before you know it, this new player is fined, punished, and has to go through appeals. Again, a stupid look for the league. Somehow that innocent sentence is punished the same way as “Yeah, you should leave your team and join mine. We’ll pay you $13,000,000 a season.”. The bottom line is that tampering is absolutely stupid. So is precedence in decisions, because it prevents growth, but that’s another story for another Ultimus Week.

The removal of tampering means that people can breathe easy as they talk with their friends about their ISFL futures. Nobody has to watch what they say during a chat with a friend just in case the wrong person is around. This goes for GMs, HO, players, etc. Everyone. It’s a weight off of everyone’s shoulders and honestly, I think a very high percentage of ISFLers would be happy with it’s removal. The only ones who aren’t are most likely to be the bad GMs who know they’ll be losing their players because they can’t keep them happy. I believe we should remove tampering and make the ISFL a better place for all. Thank you. (909)