International Simulation Football League
(S27) PT2 - Host City - Printable Version

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RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - TheSparkyDee - 02-08-2021

I would host the championship games in Detroit because the beautiful city and beautiful Dome Stadium where one sat a football team from many years ago! They left the stadium empty; and it is nearly a brand new stadium. The ISFL can look at this stadium and make a potential expansion team here. The area around the stadium to have big big celebrations is perfect because there are a lot of empty lots for tents and events like concerts for Ultimis Week! Detroit has the best food in the country! You can get anything your heart could imagine! If you wanted to have a great championship week… Detroit would be the best spot! The dome could open and close so the weather will not be an issue! You can have fan events going on in the stadium during the game like throwing a football in some rings to win championship gear! Having a simulation football experience. Fans will put on VR headsets and play a live game, it will be in the fourth quarter down 6 points and the fan will have to win the game by scoring a touchdown pass while big scary video game defenders breathing down their necks! Will they crush under pressure or throw the ball like the great Minnesota Grey Ducks Quarterback… Ryan Negs. This would capture the fans and put them in a game!

(230 Words)

RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - dude_man - 02-08-2021

As it has been brought up before, I feel we need to bring the I out of ISFL for International. I think it would be pretty sweet to have the Ultimus and Ultimini played in the biggest stadium in the world. The Rungrado 1st of May Stadium in North Korea. Yes, you heard me right. I think we can really get the sport popping if it’s introduced in the Western hemisphere, where we can show it to the most people possible. The colors and everything would obviously need to be approved by North Korea, so most likely red and blue, or whatever they would want, but I think it’s a small price to pay considering we would bring it over there. The national headlines we would receive too would be an insane amount, and it’d be virtually free publicity. Surely there wouldn’t be any other choice. I think the halftime should be whatever Kim Jong Un would want, if that’s girls with suits on or if it’s animals running around, whatever it is he wants, he should get it. And if he wants his boy Dennis Rodman there, so be it. I think this is the best opportunity to show the world what the ISFL can, and should be, and why not do it with a bold and almost radical decision that would bring ISFL to the next level?

(229 words)

RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - Jangorhino - 02-08-2021

[Image: PT2.png]

RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - Shiny - 02-08-2021

I believe that the best place to host the championship should be at the Tijuana home stadium. The culture around Tijuana is a perfect place to throw a grand party and an ultimate Ultimus bowl! They would go all out, decking the entire place with the team's colors and bringing their own twists and splashes of color into the mix. The Tijuana are die-hard football fans and they love to see a good game. Plus the revune brought into Tijuana would be so greqat for small buisnesses aroudn the stadium. Everyone would be able to benfit from the residents, from big businesses to small businesses, and even the ISFL would be able to benefit from this. The Tijuana team would also get some help from this because free agents would be able to see how amazing Tijuana is and want to come to play for that team and have a chance to be around the culture that they are able to see on their televisions. Tijuana is the perfect place to host the Ultimus bowl. Beautiful weather, clear skies, and even close to the beach. Vistors and fans would be able to come to the beach and relax in the bright sun and the bright blue ocean. Nothing feels better than winning a game and then running and jumping into the cool ocean waves.

RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - Seymour - 02-08-2021


RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - Mavfatha - 02-08-2021


RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - thevoicelesscreator - 02-08-2021

Where would the Ultimus be? Oh this is a fun one…

If the Ultimus were to finally be played on Neutral grounds, the first Neutral Ultimus Championships would be held in Beijing, China. A stadium would specifically be erected for the game by China, and house roughly 200-250 thousand fans with enough accommodations within the stadium. Why China?

In reality, the International Simulation Football League is a business. An international one at that. A relationship with China would be beneficial, and profitable. Without a team of it own, China has very little representation within the ISFL. Therefore, an opportunity to open that door and build that bridge is provided in the first Neutral Game Ultimus Championships.

The deal would likely include verbiage on the ownership of naming rights, display rights, and anything else that might be considered viewable for promotional purposes. Which means that how the stadium looks probably won’t be purely decided by a single entity alone. But I’d imagine there would be a fair amount of ISFL promotional material, some educational game material (to teach the game for the locals), and some tourism promotional material to advertise for the inevitable wave of tourists.

And no Championship game would be complete without a halftime performance! Given the game’s political nature, we can probably rule out most controversial artists, and write off most raunchy performers. That uhh… That rules out a lot of the Top 40… Maybe this would be the year we see a double headliner, with someone like Ed Sheeran to represent North America, and maybe we can BTS to perform… Wait this is my fantasy right? Oh hell yeah! We’re getting Ed Sheeran and BTS for the halftime show. Don’t ask me how, or even how the show would sound… Those details are left for an article I don’t need the money from LOL

RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - platanocat - 02-08-2021

Alright if we’re going to figure out where the S27 Ultimus is going to be or what it looks like, we first need to decide who might be playing in it! It’s still way to early to tell who will make it that far, so I’m going to pick my own team for the ASFC and Chicago for the NSFC. Chicago is pretty much dominating the league so far and New York is being pick because I have to be a homer.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, what will the Ultimus look like? I know that home team is usually the one that gets to pick the endzones. Now with the new sim, each team has a kickass custom home field. Some of the designs are awesome, and some of the designs are enough to make your eyes bleed. While I really like the ability for teams to personalize their whole field, I feel like this should be removed for the Ultimus. It should be a neutral, ISFL themed field that captures and celebrates the electricity of making it all the way to the championship game! If you want to be extra spice, maybe we could somehow take the ASFC and NSFC teams that DIDN’T make it and add their logos crossed out in their respective division’s endzones. That way they get scored on one more time at the end of the season! Gotta salt the wounds. As for the halftime show, I don’t think we usually have the ability to do anything for halftime do we? I mean we can’t play any music videos or anything it has to be content we created. Maybe someone in the league makes music?

RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - Kyle - 02-08-2021

The Ultimus should be played in the most neutral place in the world. On another planet! That's right, the asteriod belt. First off please just ignore that that didn't make any sense because it is besides the point really. I'm thinking somewhere on the asteroid belt like that show The Expanse on Amazon. I think they will have to wear those crazy weird boots that act as gravity for a person. If a player commits 3 penalties or gets ejected from the game by a patented space ref will remotely deactivate those boots and the player will float off into the Epanse (little TM symbol). The field will be whatever asteroids are made out of, I have done no research so I'm guessing like rock or amethyst or something. How cool would an amethyst field look? The halftime show will be a band of grossly mutated people that have also had horrific surgeries to look like the cantina band from star wars. They will then play, you guessed it, Hold My Liquor by the late great Kanye West please remember this is 2042 and and let's be real here, I mean come on). The national anthem will be sung by 3 dogs barking it while wearing banana costumes, That's an original idea too.

RE: (S27) PT2 - Host City - WhatAmUs - 02-08-2021

Where oh where should the Ultimus be?

Now, we all know this league is full of users who are incredibly smart and technologically savvy.  At least, they seem smart to me, because I am as dumb
as a bucket of wet rocks.  I don't know why the rocks are wet, ignore that. Irregardless, I think that with the combined intelligence of the smartest users in the league,
and my unparalleled flair for creativity, we could do something very special. 

What is that thing, you may ask?  Well, hear me out.  No, just hear me out for one second. 

Time Machine.

We take the smartest users in the league and give them a season to collaborate and build a time machine, so we can not only enjoy the Ultimus in a different stadium,
but in a different TIME.  Think about it, it's the final frontier!  We could play in space, underwater, Detroit, but nothing would compare to going back in time and
playing a game of dot football somewhere on Pangea.  Maybe a dinosaur will wander onto the field and stop one of the stupidly broken long pass plays!  Maybe, just maybe,
we go back and play a game during a time when I was actually genuinely happy! 

This is just one man's dream.  It would take the combined 10,000 IQ of the league's most smarty-pants users to make this endeavor come to fruition.  I, of course,
would be in charge of the halftime entertainment.  Which would be three dogs in banana costumes barking the National Anthem. 

Thank you for your time.

261 words