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(S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Printable Version

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RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Vikain - 08-18-2021

For a team accomplishment of course the taste of winning and getting the big trophy in the Ultimus. Names engraved, will go down in history, players will be remembered. Winning is the best way to ensure even some of the depth players get the recognition and users down the road will say “oh snap look he/she won a Ultimus”. There will always be the top dogs in the league with the most number of title championships and everyone will try to dethrone them. But on a personal level, especially for me it's the fun, it's the talking to teammates, it's the ability to have a player that I control (attribute wise) and see how they grow. THis is a game in a sense, and I think everyone should enjoy it the best they know how. If it's roleplaying, if it's being the best in the league, or even just recreating to play in the DSFL. None of those are bad choices and fun should be encouraged. Success needs to be found in a personal matter, and I love seeing and gauging how others around the league try to accomplish that. Success is arbitrary but enjoyment and fun is for everyone. But remember folks this is a game, don't throw outside commitments for this and keep your mental health healthy.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Goat_Whisperer - 08-18-2021

For me, success is championships. That is the ultimate goal every season. When you win a championship, you can be sure that you have done something right during your career. That something is usually hard work over the years. You lived like a true professional and focused on one goal - winning the championship.  Luck and timing are important factors as well. However, usually, you don't get the ultimate price if you did not put any work in. The league is that competitive. Success is hard work, dedication, and patience.

That doesn't mean championships are everything. You can be an elite player who just can't win a championship. Maybe the timing is not right, maybe the luck is not on your side. In those types of situations, you can take comfort in knowing that you have made millions of dollars and hopefully have a pretty nice life outside of football. You earned a lot of money by doing the thing you enjoy, for most people that is success, I think so too. On top of the financial success, you met great individuals during your career. You traveled around the world. All priceless.

Even if you did not make a huge amount of money, just being able to support yourself by doing the things you enjoy the most is awesome, that is success.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Haseo - 08-18-2021

PBE Welfare

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - CLG Rampage - 08-18-2021

Success in the ISFL is such a hard thing to gauge, especially because it means many things to many different people. Are you someone doing absolutely everything to earn TPE, pumping out content and doing several jobs? Success is probably measured in awards, championships and eventually the Hall of Fame. I kind of lived that life for a while, and with Hanyadi I've done basically all of that. But success could also mean making an ISFL roster and just hanging around in the locker room, doing stuff with your teammates and having fun. Both sides are equally valid, there is no objective best way to enjoy the league, everyone has their limits and amount of free time they're willing to give up.

But what does success mean to me? After a Hall of Fame running back career and a somewhat mediocre quarterback/safety career (at least so far), I've gotten away from caring about stats beyond occasionally glancing at the index or whenever I win a Berlin game ball. And I'm okay with that, at least for now. The only goal I have left to reach is getting drafted in the first round, but I've done everything aside from that. What happens after my third career, I have no clue. Maybe the league will have folded, who knows. All I want to do with Raske is relax, earn casually and have fun. All of which I am doing right now.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Huskies311 - 08-18-2021

It’s natural to want to feel successful in anything you do, and the ISFL is no exception. So, how exactly is success defined in the league? To me, I think each individual user has to define what it means to them. There are a multitude of answers that I think most people will choose from. For me, feeling successful in this league was based on much more than just personal stats. In fact, I don’t use stats or awards at all to base my success on.

The first way I felt successful in this league was doing a league job, and doing it successfully. My first job in the league was as a PPT member, and then I progressed to PPT Head. Being a department head was really fulfilling, as you get to contribute to the league in a real way. You also get to mentor new department members. The other way I felt successful early on was GMing. Sure, winning championships is fun (I have done so), but retaining users, building bonds, seeing people grow in the league is where the real success is in my opinion. Finally, just having fun in whatever way you can is success to me. Watching sims or not, max earning or not, talking in locker rooms or not, whatever brings you joy is what I say success is.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - caltroit_red_flames - 08-18-2021


RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - deadlunatic - 08-18-2021

Written option: This week is the last week of the regular season of the 30th season of the ISFL. Wooooooo! This week, tell us what you think the meaning of success in this league is? Is it winning championships? Winning awards? Destroying that one team that you hate? Or just having fun with your team? There are so many ways to define success, what would you define it as.

I think this question really depends on when you ask it. If you are asking a rookie brand new to the ISFL, you could easily make an argument for any and all of those to make a successful career. I know when I started I was interested in winning games first and foremost. I wanted to be a part of a winning team. Now that I have been around for a few seasons, I still think being on a winning team and winning multiple championships does make for a successful career. Now, I do believe that the position you play and your specific role plays a big part in how important stats are for a successful career. A wide receiver one versus a full back, well of course anyway you look at it the wide receiver on is going to be easier to judge off of stats alone. Same for a blocking tight end, sure they might get some pancakes, but most likely it will be less than a offensive lineman and they are going to get very few receiving stats. 

I do believe having fun in the locker room is a huge part of the game as well. But, I think you can have that independent of success on the field. I am sure there are super fun locker rooms that just aren't winning on the field. And I guess for some that is enough. I am just a little too competitive in general for that to be enough for me. I like winning in some way, whether that is winning games, or winning the stats race. I need more than just a good time if the game I am play is in any way competitive.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - SouljaBoy2007 - 08-18-2021

As a user, I've been on a wide variety of teams. My first experience in this league was on a Palm Beach team that won 3 games. I didn't record an interception and barely had 70 tackles. Two years later, my Arizona Outlaws won an Ultimus trophy. I had a 13 tackle/1 INT game in the conference championship and generally stuffed the stat sheet in the regular season. From this, I learned that success in this league is not tied to the performance of your team or even the performance of your player. Success is found in the interactions you have with other users, making jokes and cheering on your team. Every interaction I've had in this league has been positive and that is where success truly lies. Of course it helps when your team is winning or your player is playing well, but that is all independent to your enjoyment of other people's company. My players have never been at the top of the league, but I've still had a ton of fun in this league. Success means different things to different people. I'm sure there are users out there who define success as winning championships or winning awards. I personally can attest that you don't need to be amazing to be successful, you just need to have fun with others.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - By-Tor - 08-18-2021

To me success in this league will follow two narratives: personal success and team success. Some users have both, most have one or the other. It is my goal to have both. Neither is necessaritly betterthan the other, but I'd argue that team success can create a better playing environment.

Personal success is measured in TPE. Is your player a max earner? Max earning can make a user feel good about what they put out on the field to help their team. It can be a sense of pride knowing that your player is "better" than others of their class. Many users that don't reach this level of success often recreate because they know this is the gold standard. 

For team success, it's just that. Everyone wants to be on a winning team, but no one really knows the secret formula. Theoretically, if you can bring a bunch of personally successful players togehter in a high TPE team, you can manufacture team success. But in many cases, its the teams that have good strategy that win. 

Having fun is important, because after all it's just a game. In my opinion, it's these two things above that lead to having fun. I'm not a hugely active user on discord (even though I pay for nitro lolz) so conversation there just doesn't do it all for me. 

Gimme those 'ships and then we'll talk. Smile

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - GuitarMaster116 - 08-18-2021

This is a difficult question to answer as there are so many different things involved when it comes to the meaning of success in the league. The meaning also has a big difference when it comes to the ISFL and the DSFL. I will start with DSFL as it is much simpler. Now while winning Championships is obviously awesome in the DSFL, truly the meaning of success to me in the DSFL is right in the name, which is development. DSFL teams are essential for bringing new players into the league and keeping them around to get prepared for the ISFL. So really I think creating a fun and active locker room and developing well is the definition of success in the DSFL. In ISFL you have to take the same principles as DSFL, good locker room and development, and then add on championships as a big one. In the ISFL to me, a championship is the ultimate endgoal for all the work and effort put into a team. DSFL has such a high turnover that it isnt realistic to have that same goal. But ISFL there are many ways to improve a team, and the window for failure and success is much larger. So a successful team needs to make the team a good place for players to stay, keep them invested so they earn, have a specific timeline to compete, and finally bring that all together to win it all.

Word Count: 242