International Simulation Football League
(S32) PT 5 - Bad Call - Printable Version

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RE: (S32) PT 5 - Bad Call - Nokazoa - 12-07-2021

You know I'm just a prospect right. I have only been to one DSFL game as a player, so y'all sure are lucky I have an example of this because otherwise, I'd be raisin hell. So there we were, playing the game. I was talking to my "mentor" Malcolm Savage. Great guy. Well we are talking about how back home, I used to go to my buddy's dairy farm and help out. So he goes out there, and there is some blatant PI that isn't being called. I got a tad heated with some nice southern idioms towards the ref, but the guys get me to cool off. Not before the ref comes over and gives me a verbal. I give him the whole yes sir and apologize to him. He doesn't seem to believe me, but hey what can I do. Well, I go back to talkin' to Mr. Savage, and I start talkin' about the cows. Well, the ref overhears this, and thinks I'm talking about HIM! Now, this was a bigger boy, but I would never insult a man's weight. A person's struggle with their weight is deeply personal. Anyway, I get an unsportsmanlike and it could have cost us the game. I tried to explain that to the ref. I wasn't talkin' to him. The boys even came to my defense, but the coach settled us down. He didn't want us to lose because of a ref's body issues. Luckily, Savage is the man, and it doesn't really matter. I ain't allowed to tell stories involving bovine at the games, though.
- Boone McCoy

RE: (S32) PT 5 - Bad Call - Kyamprac - 12-07-2021

PBE Affiliate

RE: (S32) PT 5 - Bad Call - hotdog - 12-07-2021


RE: (S32) PT 5 - Bad Call - MoreliaSpilota - 12-07-2021

Well, I've never played a game in the DSFL but I have played quite a few games back home. Now one Saturday night,  me and Jerry were drinking Coors. Jerry was a highschool friend of mine, nice guy, bit wild at times but he had a good heart.  So Jerry was drinking and he bet me eighty dollars that his dog  Garth, He named his dog after Garth Brooks, I never liked Garth Brooks but Jerry loved the man so he named a damn bloodhound after fancy shirt Garth Brooks. At least name the dog after Alan Jackson or something. Come on.

Anyways, Jerry bet me eighty bucks his dog could be a pro bowl wide receiver because she knew how to fetch. That's dumb as hell and I knew I could prove him wrong but when I tried to get the dog substituted in the fourth corner of a pre-season game in my junior year, Referee told me that dogs aren't eligible to play high school football. I told him to his face that there ain't no god damn rule that say a dog can't play football. It's discriminatory is what is. What if a blind kid wanted to play football? He can't have a guide dog on the field? That's unfair. That's not inclusive.

Let the damn dog play football if he wants to play football.

Quote:228 Words

RE: (S32) PT 5 - Bad Call - yonggarius - 12-08-2021

Every player reacts differently to bad calls. Many players react violently- by swearing or even hitting the referees, for instance- and get themselves ejected or fined for showing "insolence" to the supreme authority of the refs. However, such is not the case for Simon. His signature move against bad calls are what some would call quite dormant.
Simon's response of choice is non other than a stare. "How intimidating would a froggy, green corneback's stare be?" Some would snark. Simon begs to differ, though. His intense, judging stare complete with pursed lips and the particular hand gesture he does (oh, it's nothing offensive, mind you), has proved enough to make even the most shameless referee cower.
So far into his DSFL career of 2 games, there were no situations that warrented that famous stare of Simon's. But someday, a bad call or two is going to come his way and the TV crew will be treated to that famous stare that made every ref in the Pac 12 breath a sigh of relief when Wimon left for the pros. (179)

RE: (S32) PT 5 - Bad Call - .emfaith - 12-08-2021

Week 4 PT - Celebrations for the Season

RE: (S32) PT 5 - Bad Call - AW13 - 12-08-2021


RE: (S32) PT 5 - Bad Call - Highhaschdi - 12-08-2021

SHL Affiliate

RE: (S32) PT 5 - Bad Call - Acsolap - 12-08-2021

While the rules of the game are set in stone not all calls are black and white and with referees being humans rather than robots there is always the possibility that some subjectivity creeps into decisions. Recently we have seen referees relieved of their duty after hot micing that they were calling penalties to "even up" the game and we have all witnessed blown calls that are at times then remedied by calling soft penalties on the other team. Being a receiving tight end the call that is most contentious is that of passer interference. There seems to be no consistency when it comes to the call and often times it seems that minor contact results in a call and at others when they is significant infringement there is no call at all even with play reviews. While Kirkby has been on the end of both sets of decisions he was born in New Zealand where rugby is the dominant sport and regardless of your opinion on calls you are taught always to respect the referee so he just gets on with the game.

RE: (S32) PT 5 - Bad Call - Muford - 12-08-2021
