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(S48) PT #3 - When The Going Gets Tough - Printable Version

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RE: (S48) PT #3 - When The Going Gets Tough - Muddym13 - 06-05-2024

As part of Honolulu, we find ourselves at the brink of a breakthrough season, though currently facing our fair share of setbacks and tough losses as we just aren't there yet. Being among the lower-ranking teams can be disheartening, but I find motivation in witnessing the gradual improvement of my teammates and myself week after week. Our team is deeply committed to player development, recognizing that our collective growth will lead to future success and hopefully some Ultimus wins! With the great group of people we currently have on the roster, it makes the losing a little bit better as there is not a single other team I'd want to win with. While I'm not one to deliver locker room pep talks, I try to spread positivity whenever possible, especially after games that the sim shafts us a bit. The leadership provided by Lt. Hudz and Icebear keep us focused on our goal of improvement and do a fantastic job of keeping locker room morale high. Despite the challenges, I remain optimistic that our hard work will pay off. Each day brings us one step closer (to the edge... sorry I had to) to realizing our potential as a competitive force in the league.

199 Words

RE: (S48) PT #3 - When The Going Gets Tough - sonicxdoom - 06-06-2024

While it's D'Squarius Green Jr's rookie season and he doesn't have too much experience losing on Norfolk yet, it is his duty as Team Captain to try to hype his teammates, especially fellow rookies, in all situations, whether it be winning or losing. He does that by creating team propaganda that lifts everyone's spirits and reminds them how amazing of a team Norfolk has built this year! Here is an example:


RE: (S48) PT #3 - When The Going Gets Tough - tcookie - 06-06-2024

Cedric Theriault experienced a lot of winning playing for Laval University, one of Canada's top football schools, but it has been quite the reversal in fortune landing with the Dallas Birddogs, who have struggled to a 1-5 record so far this DSFL season. When you don't have the strongest team on paper and players are aware of that fact, it can sometimes be difficult to stay motivated, but how you handle adversity is a big part of becoming a great player in any sport.

Theriault didn't lose a lot growing up, but as he moves up the ranks he plays against more and more players that were also great growing up and the talent advantage slips away. He has learned to take a loss or a bad game as an opportunity to learn, reflect on the parts of the game that didn't go the way he wanted, and figure out a way to improve on that. Having the confidence that the hard work will pay off down the road, that it will be reflected later in the season or later in his career, helps keep him motivated to keep getting better.

RE: (S48) PT #3 - When The Going Gets Tough - ComebackZak - 06-06-2024

Quote:Written option: Handling a loss takes and learning from your mistakes takes some grit and determination. You can't win them all! How do you help boost the team's morale and get back on track after a tough loss? Do you get back to work focusing on improving what you yourself can do better, or do you take leadership and pep talk your teammates? Or maybe your own third method!

When the New York Silverbacks take a loss it depends on what Frank is feeling and the vibe in the locker room to help boost morale. You can't blanket approach a tough loss especially at different points in the season since the beginning of the season there is more hope and pressure to get to a strong start, depending on record in the middle of the season there could be even more pressure or frustration, and end of the season if you're out of the playoff race it's just keeping morale up to keep giving 100%. For the Silverbacks the last few seasons, it's definitely trying to keep morale up as we have not been the best team for a bit and have really struggled. Frank knows he does a lot of heavy lifting and he is going to be at the mercy of playcalling and game situations as you aren't going to run the ball when you're down several scores. Frank early in the season will take a more individual approach for anyone who is tough on themselves and even right now where the Silverbacks are out of playoff contention Frank talks to the team and reminds them they are living out their dream and need to take that appreciation and fully realize their potential and work their hardest to keep battling every play.

225 words

RE: (S48) PT #3 - When The Going Gets Tough - Coachsj35 - 06-06-2024

Everybody handles a lose are tough lose differently. Losing is a chance to learn from your mistakes as a team and personally.
After any lose as soon as the game is over I wanna start watching the film and breaking it down to first see what I did wrong and what I can do better to help us win. Secondly I wanna watch the film as a team so we can see what we can do better as a team. This is how we can take what we need to work on and get better at to the practice field. But my whole thing is you win or you learn. You never lose. I also like going to the gym after a lose and getting a workout in to blow off a little steam.
We took a couple losses this week so I need to end this and get back to work. Back to film work study then 100 catches, foot work, route running let’s get it in. Stacey D out!!!

RE: (S48) PT #3 - When The Going Gets Tough - oknom - 06-06-2024

SHL affiliate

RE: (S48) PT #3 - When The Going Gets Tough - captainsb - 06-06-2024

Joey Battle and his Chicago teammates are going through a small slide. They had gone undefeated to start off the season going 7-0 but have hit a two game skid and both games were not close. The offense faltered and the defense allowed too many yards and points. What will the team need to do to improve? First of all as a defensive captain, the team really needs to do a better job of stopping the run. In the latest game the opponent had over 200 yards rushing and without being able to stop the run which was the team's strength they will not be able to avoid a deeper hole. The team including Battle needs to beef up their tackling and focus on fundamentals. The defensive backs needs to also not only go after interceptions but lower their shoulders and make sure they are not beat on big plays. The team will have gathered together to make sure this does not continue.

RE: (S48) PT #3 - When The Going Gets Tough - Piercewise1 - 06-06-2024

Jamie Orion has never been big on emotional speeches or pre-game pep talks. For all his obsessions with the sport of football, spoken word has never been one of them (either motivationally speaking to his teammates or trash talking his opponents). He prefers to lead by example, but there are still ways that manifests in a fresh way after a loss.

Maybe he’s a little early to the next team meeting – he has a question to ask another position coach. Maybe he gets in a few extra reps in the wait room, or adds another 10 pounds onto his final set. He’s probably going to ask for an extra late-night session in the film room, adding even more cramped writing into an already-too-full notebook; once it’s full it will join the stack in the corner – he might need his own individual filing cabinet at this point.

After a loss, you won’t hear anything out of Orion – at least, nothing you haven’t heard before. But you’ll see the difference.

RE: (S48) PT #3 - When The Going Gets Tough - amjohnson636 - 06-06-2024

We do not believe in negativity within Orange County. If any non positive messages are sent we put that person in the pit of solitude where they are subject to "cerebral therapeutic education" where they come out one week later full of joy. Losses suck but we view them as a way to get better draft picks. Not that it matters as we are the best of the best when it comes to drafting talent throughout the draft. The only downside is that we lost to NOLA but then again they are the second line and we are the FIRST LINE and as the first line we are undefeated so therefore there is no negativity to be found. We always want to uplift other Otters and sometimes take a step back in order to see where we can improve especially as GMs we can review strategy and see whose still active.

RE: (S48) PT #3 - When The Going Gets Tough - zaynzk - 06-07-2024