International Simulation Football League
(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Printable Version

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(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Evok - 01-14-2018

I currently like the way the twitter system is handled here. It’s actually paying to use it compared to some other league which most likely add to the odds of someone doing it. 600K is a great lump of money and basically could pay for my training for a week if I buy the 500K one. You aren’t going too far with it, but it’s enough to have some interest. I think there is also an index of all the current twitter account and if that can be kept organized, I think it will be really interesting down the road.

I would like to have added something during the offseason to keep the interest around. The offseasons aren’t too long, but it’s enough that I forget to come around. I saw recently on another sim league the idea of a ‘sponsorship endorsement’ that players could possibly do and gain money or TPE. It’s basically to create some fake brand and have player complete task about those products like a real player would do in order to complete the contract they would have with that company. Something like ‘do an interview and answer three questions about this brand’. A bit like a PT.

Something I would like to see changed or removed would be to have a better index. I don’t know if it’s because I’m just not understanding how this index work, but I have a really hard time navigating in it and actually find my stats when the time to do the milestone is there. There is no way to go see the stats for one player only and you always have to search directly for the player instead of finding it easily. If I wanted to see all the stats for my team’s players, I would have to go in each of the category and search for them instead of having them listed directly in the team.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - jparks98 - 01-15-2018

1 thing that you would like added to the league

One thing that I think would be really cool is adding a new archetype for RB, DT, LB, and DE. I think there should be an athletic freak type of player archetype and every position except the ones I named have on to fit that mold. In the NFL guys, there is always athletic freaks like Myles Garrett, JJ Watt, and Myles Jack. So maybe we create an archetype with super low intangibles but extremely athletic. So for a linebacker, you have a 90 speed, 85 strength, 85 agility type of player but then stats like tackle, intelligence at 80.For Defensive tackle, you can have 100 strength, 80 agility, and 75 speed with 70 in tackle and a 65 in intelligence. Defensive end; 90 strength, 85 agility. 85 strength; 75 intelligence and 70 tackle. The running back would be 90 speed 90 agility with 85 strength; hands and intelligence will be 65 and blocking is 40. Obviously, these numbers are not set in stone. I haven't tested them but i just wanted to give a baseline of what I mean. I think this could add a lot more options for new people and more diversity to coach game planning.

I would also like the return of backyard football. This was one of my favorite things to ever happen on this site. Maybe we can bring it back to help alleviate long offseasons and I think that it will add more stuff for new people to sink their teeth in.

1 thing that you would like removed/changed

I think the draft and the rookie seasons of new players need to be reworked. With guys like Boss Tweed and Angus Winchester touching 900 TPE soon, it will be very hard for rookies to make a splash on certain teams. Especially if they are a late-round pick because they joined the site late. With all the TPE growth from season 1(best draft, fight me) and season 2(it was okay), it's nearly impossible to recreate late round steals like in real life or like we had in season 1 with Tweed and Ernston. There is just too much ground to make up for younger guys to make an impact. And in my opinion, we are almost at a point to where early draft are going to barely make an impact. PDX had had great point about adding TPE multipliers for rookie seasons only, based on activity. That way, the person who creates the day before the draft can still make an impact if he's an extremely active guy.

1 thing that you currently like
There are a few things that I love about the NSFL. This is my favorite pastime besides collecting bluegleam with Aloy. My favorite thing about the NSFL is the locker room. It genuinely feels like a real team. There's locker room leaders, trash talkers and everything in between. The locker room just adds realism and I love it. I also like how the most Ultimus winners are the banner at the top of the page. It one of those little things that just makes everything just better. If someone new they know what team is the cream of the crop immediately. I bet it makes the Ultimus win that more special. I also love the addition of a ticker tape. It's truly amazing to have one. if it stays updated, it could be the most eye-popping feature of the site. If someone joins midseason, then they get a mini glance at how's the season progressing.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Vikain - 01-16-2018

What I would like added to the league is more transparency in the way the HO and streams are worked. It seemed at least early on when people would ask questions or raised their concerns the league would either laugh it off or just say “don't worry”. But that's the most important aspect of what I believe that truly needs to be fixed. On a more lighter side I think the league should implement some way to get players to be more active as a team. I know this is a little harder to do than said but I think besides Discord teams aren't bonding as maybe they should. I’m thinking maybe there needs to be a seasonal either PT or some activity that will give out TPE for teams in a way that they can to their players for doing some team related elements.

The thing I would like to be removed is maybe how the Ultimus Week is done. It is the most stressful part of this league in my opinion. Instead of a week of madness and chaos where the everyone writes about the same insights I think there needs to be some rework. I suggest we expand it to a midpoint of the season till right before the beginning of next one. The writing and the graphics need to be changed into something less stale in my opinion. This is no knock on anyone but we have been doing the same questions and graphics for seasons now. There needs to be something spiced up as its one of the most important things to develop your player.

The thing I like is the Discord. I think it definitely brings teams and teammates together. Almost like a chat/voice locker room. Even though I don't personally use it too much it's great to see some of my teammates talking to enjoying the vibe of each other. It also helps keep people on track and not just go inactive. I was surprised to hear that some teams don't actually use Discord. I have no idea why it just seems like it would hurt the team. I understand that some people don't want to talk to everyone every time but to not allow any of your teammates that right seems a little strange. I hope in upcoming seasons people will be inclined to use Discord and build a chemistry and widen the community on NSFL.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Chukka - 01-17-2018

I would like to maybe have one offensive and one defensive player in the sim league. If we are so worried on not filling out draft classes or not having full teams of players this could be a possible temporary solution. I'm not completely sure how I would like the updating to work but, it could encourage more people to create more content to update more than one player. While some people would like to only manage one player there could also be the option for the more fleshed out players to spend their TPE elsewhere. This could also stunt the growth of certain players to create more tiers of players because of the options they are given. (118)

Personally, I don't like the front loaded or back loaded contracts because it allows teams to sign big name free agents for nothing for a couple of years to contend and avoid cap hits. This can be absurd and allow VERY backended/frontended contracts. While front ended and back ended contracts are a thing the limit on how much a team can give right away should limit the signings done by certain teams. This should balance out the league and not allow teams to stack stars for cheap. This could possibly add more parity to the league and make the season a lot more competitive and fun. This also allows GM's to show off their skills by negotiating and swindling more. (121)

I love the content and communication by the community. The signatures, the writing, the streams, twitter, discord. There is so much interaction available to the people of the forum. The discord even though I might not participate in fully, is usually fun to read and gives some 'insight' into what is going on in the league. The streams are fun to watch because it feels like there is an actual impact of the players on the field not just the numbers that show up on the index the next day. Talking about the index; I love this thing. It is so convenient to navigate and see all whats happening and peep my stats quickly. (114)

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Bzerkap - 01-18-2018

So the biggest and most obvious problem with this sim is the blatant inability of any ground game to work at all. The absolute best runners can do during a game is somewhere around 4.4 YPC, and over the season the best runners have about a 3.6 YPC average. This is absolutely abysmal. Hendrix did some initial testing of moving the run game slider up and it resulted in much more realistic running games with the best runners averaging about 4.6 YPC or so, and some of the runners with limited carries above 5 YPC. I think moving this slider up and even moving the passing slider down will result in a better product on the field and will actually make mobile QB a somewhat viable build now.

128 Words

Ineffective corner blitzes ruin this game. They actually aren't even ineffective, they're actively detrimental to the play of a good defense. We, as teams, do not have the ability to picks plays for certain situations, just the ability to pick a playbook that the sim then chooses plays from. Each playbook has in it a corner blitz play that could be randomly chosen at any time. When this play is chosen, massive pass plays happen about 90% of the time and you have to watch as the corner runs down the artificially slowed WR. Blitzing is an integral part of a good defense and there is an inherent risk/reward play to them, but the corner blitzes really have no reward as the receiver is wide open. It's a bad play to watch on stream, inflates WR numbers, deflates a good defense, and overall contributes to a questionable outcome. It needs to be removed.

153 Words

The community is really the best part of this league, by far really. I've met some really great people, and some people that annoy me, but that's life and those annoying people either annoy everyone and are effectively removed from the group by being ignored or simply sticking with their own circle that enjoys their company. I've had great conversations with this community and lots of friendly banter back and forth, whether about the game, life, hobbies, or whatever. We also, as a community, I think have helped a lot of people here to enjoy themselves or have a quick escape from something else. Whatever it is, this community is great.

111 Words

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - AzhekAhriman - 01-20-2018

Added: More ways for players to interact with strategy and the sim along with more discussion in general on the quirks of the sim. The strategizing and playcalling and such are among my favorite parts of football and I would love to see the NSFL work out small ways that rookies could start to learn those systems and impact teams in a positive way. Maybe have a Co-GM training program or internship so teams can bring on a rookie in a low risk role so as to expand opportunities for those that want them with out being a burden on the team's as it is. I would also love to see a more active discussion of the sim here on the site.

Removed: Not to piggyback onto PDXBaller too much but I believe his idea of removing the DSFL salary cap and doing more to limit inactives could actually be a case of addition by subtraction. I would love to see this removal packaged with an addition of some sort of strategic system with bots to add a little more agency to team building while also making sure that DSFL GMs can build around their rookies in a way that is both conducive to building those players up and getting them involved in the site and competitive in the current season. Any system that puts those two goals at odds should undergo serious review by HO in my opinion

Like: The sense of camaraderie here on the site. Pretty much everyone terms of developing my knowledge of both the simulation and the builds that work best for my player. Lord knows the twitch chat has been hilarious, even when my Coyotes were getting replaced by yet another team. I would say that what I like the most about the league is the ability to replicate some of the most interesting things about football whether on the playcall sheet or in some goofy twitter beef. The NSFL provides that in a way that is unique and I look forward to being more and more active in the future,

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - sapp2013 - 01-21-2018

Written: Write 1 thing that you would like added to the league, 1 thing that you would like removed, and 1 thing that you currently like. Each part requires 100 words to be written to receive credit for it.

To Add:
So there are two things that I think we need to add. the first is a regression team. We discussed this a little bit in discord, but we really need to figure it out. our current system does not reflect football players at all, and assuming this was taken from SHL, it reflects a hockey players career more than an NFL players career. I have done a Regression Article recently that hopefully you will look at. yea, the values still need to be tweaked a bit, but it is moving in the correct direction. so to do this, we need to put together a team who will talk and test different systems for regression, and then implement them.

the second thing we need to add is a new sim engine. I was thinking madden 08. I know that it has been talked a lot about how it would be difficult to implement and how the games would be ridiculously long. there are sites that have mods on them and it is definitely worth a deeper look into. I did record a game with it with our players and thought some of you would like to see how awesome it looks and it is much better than following dots around and working with wolverine studios:

To remove: There's not really much that I want to remove. most of the stuff that some consider to remove can be fixed by adding something, which I think is a lot more positive thinking. I guess one thing we need to do a better job of is removing people from job positions when they disappear. keep those people accountable. Sure, if you go on a vacation, let people know and you will be fine or if an emergency comes up where you might nt reply for a couple days, but when people are ignoring this site for weeks at a time without notice, we should remove them from their jobs.

Like: One thing that I liked when it was implemented (idk anymore) is the Head Office decision tracker. It allowed us to see what was being discussed and if there were things that we cared about, we could see if they were up next or add them to the list if need be. Maybe add a position just for that with a little lower pay, say $3 mil just to keep track of everything happening. Another thing that I like is how dedicated HO members are, but you guys put in too much effort. I say add 2 more members to the HO so it takes a load off of you guys, especially now that you are also doing simming duties.

words: 488

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Squamish - 01-22-2018


I know this isn't really something that's up to the powers that be to implement, but a more robust and lively podcasting scene would be welcome. I'm only seeing a few podcasts and they're just kind of scattered in with media. It's nice to see your player mentioned in articles, but it's even better to hear someone talk about your player, or even your team. Perhaps a solution would be to allow podcast options on some of the PTs? I know for example the advertising PT that's up right now, that could easily be a radio style commercial. Just some small things like that would be nice.


Team specific DSFL locker rooms, these absolutely need to become a thing. I'm fairly active in the Luchadores discord and I like that, but it should only ever be used as a supplement to on site team discussion, not as a complete replacement. There are people who don't have discord and as it stands right now, those people have nowhere to just sit and talk casually with their teammates. In any other league I'm in, there are team specific locker rooms at all levels, from minors and/or college up to the main league. If this is a thing here, I'm not aware of it and need to be added, but I'm assuming if I'm not in it, it must not exist, since the season's a good way in by now. The only thing I'm seeing is "Rookie locker room" which frankly just doesn't feel like a thing since it has people from all sorts of teams.


I'm sorry, this has been a dislike for other people in this same topic, but I like that I can take whatever contract I want. If I want to be a good player but still barely take any money, I can do that, and I should be able to do that. There's a league I'm in where based on your TPE bracket, you have to take at least a certain amount of money, and while I get why they do it, it's ultimately developed into everyone taking exactly the minimum for the TPE bracket (since it's quite a large amount anyway) except if they're on terrible teams with no players. It's essentially removed contracts and negotiation from the league entirely. I'm happy with the way it's done here in that I can take 1 million if I want to take 1 million. I also like being able to play as a DT, which isn't always the case in football sim leagues (in fact, it's more often that you can't than that you can).

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Byden - 01-22-2018

One Thing I Want Added
I haven't been here for very long (just over a day if I'm correct) but I've managed to browse the boards quite a bit as I figured out what to do with my player. What I wish was available to me was more opportunity to earn training points as a player who isn't a part of the upcoming draft class and isn't on a team. Currently, my interest level in the league is fairly low mostly because I don't have a whole lot to do without playing or earning TPE. I plan to stick around, but other members might not.

One Thing I Want Removed
Again, I haven't been here long enough to see what's not going well, so I'm just gonna read some other people's answers and take it from there. What I would kind of like is if I had more ability to build my character the way I want to based upon his starting archetype. It's cool to be able to select from 3 or 4 different builds, but the difference between them I don't feel is big enough that it will be effective in making me feel different. Is my power rushing linebacker going to be stronger than buddies speed rusher? They might be even, or maybe I'm crazy overpowered. I would like to see the caps removed on building, or have strengths and weakness type settings instead, things you can select.

One Thing I Like
I love the general premise of this entire league. It seems like a great place to spread a love for sport and I'm looking forward to hopefully finding sites like this around if they exist. I already found the affiliates section of this site and I'm hoping to sign up for a couple of different ones and just haven't really gotten around to it yet. The idea of earning points weekly and competing against real people in a league that already has a dedicated member base is pretty cool to me, and I'm looking forward to getting to know my team mates and opponents in the future.

(S5) - Special PT - Changes - Roly - 01-23-2018

I think there's the possibility of something cool with the eventual implementation of DDS PF18. In the newest version, you have the ability to "play" games - live playcalling. I think that would be an interesting way to add yet another sim league first - influencing live game results. Maybe not every game is playable, maybe only one game a week and playoffs, but it would be cool to see it used. It opens the door for offensive/defensive coaches or designated players to be play-calling. Obviously the method would need to be hammered out, but it seems like a cool possibility (with the caveat that the games would be significantly longer, which they are in DDS PF18 regardless since they have automated boxscore pop-ups). There's obviously interesting dynamics available re: coaches as well, where DDS PF18 allows customized coaches now and each has specific playbooks. Could be a new position or extra character ala GM?

In terms of the actual sim, I think that penalties could be examined. I know while I was simmer there at the end of the last season I noticed you can change the number of penalties available to be called in each category "auto 1st down," "25-yard," etc. I'd like to experiment with removing a few and see if it decreases the number called. Or even just taking out the annoying ones that are rarely called in RL. Just have a couple penalties, all 5-yarders, might make one of the annoying random aspects the sim more tolerable.

In the boards, here's an unpopular opinion: get rid of auto-payouts for media. Players can release say 2 articles in a week and all articles are graded for quality, not quantity. You don't need to set extremely specific quality ratings, just grades with attached $$ values. Other political sims do this and I've never seen complaints. Check out to see how they handle media.

Its a broken record in these posts, but: the community. The guys here are all incredible and welcoming. How often do you have a sim league where going inactive and leaving everyone in a brutal spot and big lurch isn't the end of your affiliation with the league. The reason I came back was that so many people reached out and made it easier to come back and not be embarrassed (or too embarrassed). It honestly a great community to be a part of.