International Simulation Football League
Activity Check #45 - Printable Version

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Activity Check #45 - ExemplaryChad - 03-26-2018

Ishigawa COL COL COL

Activity Check #45 - Daybe - 03-26-2018

me gusta

Activity Check #45 - RedCydranth - 03-26-2018

Marc Spector

Activity Check #45 - dropbear - 03-26-2018

Howard Miller

Activity Check #45 - Muford - 03-26-2018

Vincent Sharpei

Activity Check #45 - JuOSu - 03-27-2018

Julian O'Sullivan

Activity Check #45 - Ben - 03-27-2018

(03-27-2018, 06:21 AM)Beaver Wrote:If, ???? according ???????? to Kanye West, one good ? girl ???? is worth a ????? thousand bitches, and ????? if, ???? according ???????? to Lil ???????? Wayne, ????? bitches come ???????? a ???? dime a ???? dozen, ???? does that ???? mean ???? one good ???????? girl is worth ???????? $8.33? ? Well, ? $8.35 ? in ???? Canada. In ???? Thailand, $8.33 ? is ???????? about ???????? 275 Baht. 275 Baht will ???????? get ???? you a ????? skanky hooker in ???? a ???? Thai brothel. If ???????? you ????? want a really good hooker, it'll cost ???? you ???? at least ???????? 2000 Baht, or ???????? about ????? $61.00. So ???? in ???????? Thailand a ???????? good ???? woman ???????? is ???? worth $61.00 or ???? $732 a ???????? dozen. ???????? Yes. However ???????? to ???? further ???? this, ???? according to 2Pac Mo' ???????? Money= ???? Mo' ???????? Bitches If ???????? you ???????? divide out Mo', ???? you ???? will ???????? see ???????? that ????? money=bitches Therefore, ???????? 1000 moneys= ???????? one ???????? good ???? girl. ???????? To ???? extrapolate further, ???? diving with respect ? to "money" ???? yields 1 money ???? = $0.00833 ? This ???? changes ???? everything, ???? because ????? money isn't worth ???? hardly ???????? anything. ???????? True. ???? A ???????? linear ???????? relationship ????? between ???? money ???? and ???????? bitches means ???????? the ???????? equation relating money ???????? to ???? bitches ???? is ???????? in ???????? the form of ???? y=ax+b, ???????? where ???????? x is ???????? money and y ???? is ???? bitches. ????? Consulting the ????? Lil Wayne ? theorem, ???? if ???????? 12 ???? bitches ???????? is worth ???????? $0.10, then ???????? one bitch ????? is ???? $0.0083. ????? Therefore ???? we ???????? know ???????? that ???????? the ???????? equation 1=a(.0083)+b must hold ???? true and so ???? must ???? 12=a(.1)+b. ???????? To ????? find the equation relating money ???? to bitches must have "a" and ???????? "b" ???? values which ???? satisfy the two ???? previous equations. Since ???? "Mo'" implies a positive linear ???????? relation, we ???? know ???????? "a" ???? must be ???? positive. I ???????? have ???????? done ???? the math ???? for you ???? and ???????? found that ???? a=119.96 ???? and b=.0043. So, (Bitches)=119.96(Money) + .0043. To ???? find ???????? the ???? number of ????? good ???????? girls ???? you get ???????? from an ???????? amount ???????? of ???????? money, simply ???????? divide the ???????? number of ???? bitches ???? by ???? 1000 (because ? of ???????? the Kanye West Theorem). ???????? No but ???????? biggie said ???? mo' ???????? money= ???? mo' problems so ???? money=problems and ???????? since mo' ???????? money ???????? mo' ???? bitches, we can ???????? see ???????? that ???? bitches=problems ???? Well ???????? one ?? must first consult the "50 ???? Cent Law": ????? "Mo' ???? Money, Mo' ???? Problems". Here ? we ???? see ???? that ? the ???? amount ???????? of ???????? money is ???????? proportionate to ???????? the ????? number of ???????? problems. Then ???? one ???? must factor ?? one ? of the basic rules of ???????? the ? "The Carter Theorem" : "I got ???? 99 ? problem ???????? but a ???????? bitch ain't one". ???????? Here we ???????? see that ???? without a ? "bitch" ???? the ???????? average ???? person ???? will ???????? have ???????? exactly ???? 99 problems. Therefore ???? the ???? formula must ???????? be ???? applied: (current ???????? amount ???????? of money) ???????? (8.33) ???? / ln[(Problems100-1 ) * (current ???? amount ???????? of ???? money)]bitches = worth of bitch ???????? Unfortunately this ???????? formula only tells ???? us the ???? value ???????? "a ???????? bitch" ???? which as we ???? know ???? is ???? only ???????? worth one monies Therefore ???? you must ???? apply ???????? [(worth ???????? of bitch) ? * (problems) * (money-8.33)] + 1 ? / 1000 = The ???????? value ???? of ???????? a good girl ???? Hope this ???????? helps ???? Yeah. ???? No. ???? That's ???????? not ???????? how ???? math ? works. ???????? 2pac was ????? merely stating that ???????? the ???? derivative of ???????? Money in terms of ???? Bitches ????? is ???????? strictly positive. More-over, he ???? skipped a lot of ???? steps ???????? in ???? his ???? proof ???????? and never ????? formally published ???? the ???????? full version. I ???? bet you ???????? believed Fermat's margins really were ???? too small as ???? well, ???????? right? ? Imperial bitches is ???????? actually a ???? unit ? of ???????? weight. An ???? imperial bitch is ???? ~111.1111111112 pounds. Theres ???? one fundamental ???? law ????? of math that Lil'Wayne forgot to ???? include ???????? in ???? his calculations. ???? We have ???? to ???? follow ???????? the ???? law ????? of ???? "bitches ain't shit" ???? theorized by ???? doctor ???? dre ???????? himself. ????? With that ???????? principal included we ???? can ???? work ???????? out ???? that ???? if ???????? bitches ???????? aint shit, ???????? and a ???????? good girl ???????? is ???? worth ???????? 1,000 bitches, ???????? a ???????? good girl ???? is ???? still ???????? not ???? worth ???? shit. ???????? You're ? forgetting that ? Jay-Z published ???? his paper ???? on ???? the "Money Ain't A ???? Thang" ?? theory. Therefore ???????? if ???????? bitches ???? aren't worth shit ???? then ?? bitches ???????? aren't money ???????? and so ???? therefore ???????? they ???????? ARE, ???? in fact, a "Thang". Is ???? that the ???? transitive property of bitches? ???????? Is ???? it ???????? possible ???????? that for ???????? every bitch, there ???????? is ???????? an ???? equal and ???? opposite ???? good girl? That ? doesn't make ???????? sense ???? though because ???????? kanye said a ????? good ???????? girl ???? is ???? worth ???????? one thousand bitches. The ???????? economics don't ???????? make sense. ???????? Newton or ???? kanye is wrong. They cannot both apply ???? their ???? laws ???? to ???? bitches ???????? I ???????? think the ???? important ? part ???? here ? is, ???????? are ???? we ???????? assuming that ???? there is ???????? 1 ???? good ???????? girl ???????? for ???? every ???? 1000 bitches. ???????? This is ???????? a ???????? very ???? scary ???????? thought. 1/1000 females ????? is ???????? a ???????? good ???? girl and ???? the ???????? other ???? 999 are ???????? bitches. ???? To ???????? me this would ???? make ???? my $8.33 a ???????? very ???? good ???? investment. ???????? I paid ???????? at ???????? least ???????? $3000 for ???? my wife's ???????? wedding ???? ring. ???????? Could ???? I have ???????? bought ???????? 360 good ???????? girls ???????? in stead of 1 ???????? good ???????? girl? ???? B/c ????? I ???? can't ???????? help ???????? but ???????? feel like ???????? I ???? have ???????? overpaid for ???? my ???? good ???? girl ???? according ???????? to the ???? genius ???? of ???? Kanye West and Little ???? Weezy F. Baby. ???? Don't get me ???????? wrong, ????? I ???????? love ???? my ???? good ???? girl wife, but I feel duped knowing ???????? she ????? may ???? have only been ???????? worth ???? 8 bucks ???? instead ???????? of 3000 It actually ???????? depends on ???? they type ????? of ???? women. If ???? it is ???? a bakers daughter ???????? it is ???????? less ???? since ???? the sample size ???? is ???? actually ???? larger I.E. a ???? bakers dozen (13) ???? so: ???? (.10/13)x1000=$7.69 ???????? ...0r $9.69 ? Canadian (not counting the ???? maple syrup) ???? How ????? much candy ???? you ???? can ???????? buy ???? for $8.33? We ? can ???? conclude ???????? that ???????? 1 bitch ???? is ???? worth ???????? approximately ? 0.83c, but ????? since bitches ???? are ???? of negative ???? value ???????? it's ???? actually ???? -0.83c. This means ???????? that ????? in ???? order ???????? to ???????? get the correct ? positive value ???????? of a ???? good ???? girl ???? there ? needs to ???????? be ????? an ???????? exponential factor ?? involved here. ???? In ???????? order ???????? to ????? evaluate the amount of good ???? girls ????? needed to ? offset the ???? bitches ???? you use ???????? the ???? simple formula -0.0083B2 = G. This ???????? intuitively makes ???? sense ???? when ???? you ???????? think ???? about how the ???? more ? bitches you ???????? have around ???? you ???????? the ???? exponentially higher ? value ???? even ????? a ???? single ????? good girl ? has. ???? So when ???????? B=1000 ???? we get: ???????? G ???? = -0.0083(1000)2 ???? = $68.89 Interestingly enough, if ???? the ???????? entire ???? female ???????? population ???? of the ???????? US, let's say ???????? 150 million ???? for ???? simplicity, were ???? bitches, ? the ???????? worth of ???????? one good ???????? girl ???? would ????? then ???? be $1,550,025,000,000 which ???????? is just ???? over the ???? total ???????? USD ? currently ? in ???????? circulation.

Math checks out, can't disagree with the man

Activity Check #45 - AdamS - 03-27-2018

Charlie Law


Activity Check #45 - The_Hero - 03-27-2018


Activity Check #45 - bovovovo - 03-27-2018