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(S12) Dick Wizardry Updates - Printable Version

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(S12) Dick Wizardry Updates - AdamS - 07-02-2019

Old TPE: 942 (7 banked) AC111 +2 weekly training +5 mock draft gm +6

Updates: +13
+15 to endurance 98--99

TPE: 955 (5 banked)
(MAX: 80) Strength: 80
(MAX: 90) Agility: 86
(MAX: 25) Arm: 15
(MAX: 75) Intelligence: 70
(MAX: 25) Throwing Accuracy: 15
(MAX: 50) Tackling: 20
(MAX: 95) Speed: 95
(MAX: 85) Hands: 85
(MAX: 50) Pass Blocking: 25
(MAX: 50) Run Blocking: 25
(MAX: 100) Endurance: 99
(MAX: 25) Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) Kick Accuracy: 1

(S12) Dick Wizardry Updates - 124715 - 07-06-2019


(S12) Dick Wizardry Updates - AdamS - 07-12-2019

Old TPE: 955 (5 banked) bonus pt +2 free tpe +2 ac112 +2 weekly training +5

Updates: +11
+10 to agility 86--87

TPE: 966 (6 banked)
(MAX: 80) Strength: 80
(MAX: 90) Agility: 87
(MAX: 25) Arm: 15
(MAX: 75) Intelligence: 70
(MAX: 25) Throwing Accuracy: 15
(MAX: 50) Tackling: 20
(MAX: 95) Speed: 95
(MAX: 85) Hands: 85
(MAX: 50) Pass Blocking: 25
(MAX: 50) Run Blocking: 25
(MAX: 100) Endurance: 99
(MAX: 25) Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) Kick Accuracy: 1

(S12) Dick Wizardry Updates - 124715 - 07-13-2019


(S12) Dick Wizardry Updates - AdamS - 07-20-2019

Old TPE: 966 (6 banked) ac113 +2 trivia1 +4 wk3/4 +3 wk6 +1 pt1 +2 training +5

Updates: +17

TPE: 983 (23 banked)
(MAX: 80) Strength: 80
(MAX: 90) Agility: 87
(MAX: 25) Arm: 15
(MAX: 75) Intelligence: 70
(MAX: 25) Throwing Accuracy: 15
(MAX: 50) Tackling: 20
(MAX: 95) Speed: 95
(MAX: 85) Hands: 85
(MAX: 50) Pass Blocking: 25
(MAX: 50) Run Blocking: 25
(MAX: 100) Endurance: 99
(MAX: 25) Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) Kick Accuracy: 1

(S12) Dick Wizardry Updates - 124715 - 07-21-2019

Banked all of those 17. Updated!

(S12) Dick Wizardry Updates - AdamS - 07-25-2019

Old TPE: 983 (23 banked) ac114 +2 wk7/8 +3 trivia2 +4 weekly training +5

Updates: +14
+14 to bank

TPE: 997 (37 banked)
(MAX: 80) Strength: 80
(MAX: 90) Agility: 87
(MAX: 25) Arm: 15
(MAX: 75) Intelligence: 70
(MAX: 25) Throwing Accuracy: 15
(MAX: 50) Tackling: 20
(MAX: 95) Speed: 95
(MAX: 85) Hands: 85
(MAX: 50) Pass Blocking: 25
(MAX: 50) Run Blocking: 25
(MAX: 100) Endurance: 99
(MAX: 25) Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) Kick Accuracy: 1

(S12) Dick Wizardry Updates - 124715 - 07-28-2019


(S12) Dick Wizardry Updates - AdamS - 08-01-2019

This week's update will feature two posts. One to cover my position swap first. The second will be a normal update going forward using the new position.

Her is the payment:

This is the old RB setup, complete with starting numbers so you can see what was spent where:

TPE: 997 (37 banked)
(MAX: 80) Strength: 80 (+80)
(MAX: 90) Agility: 87 (+150)
(MAX: 25) Arm: 15
(MAX: 75) Intelligence: 70 (+55)
(MAX: 25) Throwing Accuracy: 15
(MAX: 50) Tackling: 20
(MAX: 95) Speed: 95 (+245)
(MAX: 85) Hands: 85 (+140)
(MAX: 50) Pass Blocking: 25
(MAX: 50) Run Blocking: 25
(MAX: 100) Endurance: 99 (+285)
(MAX: 25) Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) Kick Accuracy: 1

(MAX: 80) Strength: 55
(MAX: 90) Agility: 55
(MAX: 25) Arm: 15
(MAX: 75) Intelligence: 35
(MAX: 25) Throwing Accuracy: 15
(MAX: 50) Tackling: 20
(MAX: 95) Speed: 60
(MAX: 85) Hands: 50
(MAX: 50) Pass Blocking: 25
(MAX: 50) Run Blocking: 25
(MAX: 100) Endurance: 70
(MAX: 25) Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) Kick Accuracy: 1

This is what I'm switching to with new numbers:

Player Attributes
(MAX: 90) Strength: 89
(MAX: 80) Agility: 78
(MAX: 25) Arm: 1
(MAX: 70) Intelligence: 70
(MAX: 25) Throwing Accuracy: 1
(MAX: 90) Tackling: 90
(MAX: 80) Speed: 80
(MAX: 60) Hands: 56
(MAX: 25) Pass Blocking: 1
(MAX: 25) Run Blocking: 1
(MAX: 100) Endurance: 99
(MAX: 25) Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) Kick Accuracy: 1

Here's the base:
(MAX: 90) Strength: 55
(MAX: 80) Agility: 50
(MAX: 25) Arm: 1
(MAX: 70) Intelligence: 40
(MAX: 25) Throwing Accuracy: 1
(MAX: 90) Tackling: 40
(MAX: 80) Speed: 50
(MAX: 60) Hands: 30
(MAX: 25) Pass Blocking: 1
(MAX: 25) Run Blocking: 1
(MAX: 100) Endurance: 60
(MAX: 25) Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) Kick Accuracy: 1

This is what I spent on the new stats:

Strength +170 55--89
Agility: +80 50--78
Intelligence: +50 40--70
Tackling +200 40--90
Speed: +90 50--80
Hands +32 30--56
Endurance +305 60--99

Easily more than 500 TPE is in the same place it was previously, so we're well within the 50% rule. The totals I originally spent on Endurance (285), Speed (90), Strength (80), and Agility (80) accomplish that alone (535) and were all spent again.

My total spending on the new position is 927, which leaves me with 70 banked TPE.

SO my final update/roster page should look like:

First Name: Dick
Last Name: Wizardry
Position: DT
College: University of Phoenix
Age: Yes
Handedness: Right
Recruited By: no one
Jersey Number: 69
Height (ft.): 6'3
Weight (lbs.): 300
Birthplace: the vagina
Player Archetype: Interior Rusher (Eg. Aaron Donald, Gerald McCoy)

TPE: 997 (70 Banked)
Player Attributes
(MAX: 90) Strength: 89
(MAX: 80) Agility: 78
(MAX: 25) Arm: 1
(MAX: 70) Intelligence: 70
(MAX: 25) Throwing Accuracy: 1
(MAX: 90) Tackling: 90
(MAX: 80) Speed: 80
(MAX: 60) Hands: 56
(MAX: 25) Pass Blocking: 1
(MAX: 25) Run Blocking: 1
(MAX: 100) Endurance: 99
(MAX: 25) Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) Kick Accuracy: 1

(S12) Dick Wizardry Updates - AdamS - 08-01-2019

Old TPE: 997 (70 Banked) trivia3 +4 wk11 +2 weekly training +5 ac115 +2

Updates: +13

+13 Banked

TPE: 1010 (83 Banked)
Player Attributes
(MAX: 90) Strength: 89
(MAX: 80) Agility: 78
(MAX: 25) Arm: 1
(MAX: 70) Intelligence: 70
(MAX: 25) Throwing Accuracy: 1
(MAX: 90) Tackling: 90
(MAX: 80) Speed: 80
(MAX: 60) Hands: 56
(MAX: 25) Pass Blocking: 1
(MAX: 25) Run Blocking: 1
(MAX: 100) Endurance: 99
(MAX: 25) Kick Power: 1
(MAX: 25) Kick Accuracy: 1