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(S23) - PT1 - With a Little Help From My Friends - Printable Version

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(S23) - PT1 - With a Little Help From My Friends - Billybolo53 - 06-16-2020

The Sarasota Sailfish are poised to have a great year this year. We have a secret weapon in Dexter Banks. Last season we were severely held back my bad qb play early in the year, that improved when we acquired Rose Jenkins, but not by much. She held her own tho and we managed to squeak in to the playoffs. With Banks moving over from WR we actually have one of the better Qbs in the league.
Some people are concerned that we are losing our best receiving threat, while this is true we have two stud WRS on the roster and also called up two really good TEs. The Sarasota Sailfish have the luxury of depth at WR and TE. Which made the banks switch a no brainier to our Front office

Another reason for optimism is how we were able to rework the Defensive Line. Losing 3 DL starters to retirement is tough on any team, but Sarasota was able to call up me, and draft two stud Defensive lineman. All in all I think we improved our QB play and defense this season. We are def gunning for back to back playoff appearances. I thinks Sarasota is going to be a team that is looked at as one of the best in the league. We have a great welcoming culture, we have a ton of fun in the locker room and everyone is looking out for each other. I am beyond excited for what the future hold for this franchise and will guarantee I retire a Sailfish when it's all said and done.

WC: 266

(S23) - PT1 - With a Little Help From My Friends - AL_GRINGO - 06-16-2020

PBE Welfare

(S23) - PT1 - With a Little Help From My Friends - jdourtled - 06-16-2020

The San Jose Sabercats surprised a lot of people when they barely missed the playoffs in S22, so you'd assume they'd be looking to continue on that success, right? Well that's where you'd be wrong. The Sabercats called up 6 rookies to fill holes in the roster, some of which replacing some important pieces. First of which being quarterback Monteray Jack and wide receiver Tychondrius Hood, who will be looking to replace the one-two punch of Dan Wright and Action Jackson, who left due to retirement and free agency respectfully, though Deondre Thomas-Fox should help Hood ease into the offense. Rookie Jamar Lackson is going to help ease the load for Rando Cardrissian and make an already good run game even better. The Sabercats also called up 3 players on the defensive side of the ball, first of which is defensive end Walter Chestnut III, who should be an instant starter and hopefully will be able to improve a pass rush that ranked 9th in sacks last season. Corner Matt Krause and safety Brendan Lanier were both called up to their biggest hole at safety. Though hopes are high in San Jose to make the playoffs, it'll be interesting how their young contributors will fare in their first year in the league.

(212 Words)

(S23) - PT1 - With a Little Help From My Friends - caltroit_red_flames - 06-16-2020


(S23) - PT1 - With a Little Help From My Friends - Goat_Whisperer - 06-16-2020

Portland Pythons did not have the best season last year, but things are going to be different this time around. The roster has gone through a lot of changes, most noticeable factor is the youthful look of the team, a lot of hungry young players have joined the Pythons, that will automatically push whatever happened last year into history. The hungriness combined with the elite level skill of players like Petrongolo, Wright. Jr, Videl-san, and Macgregor to name few will make Portland almost an unknown team to play against. If you underestimate Portland by thinking the younger players will be no match, the older guys will make you pay for it.

The biggest difference-maker however will be the training camp, the coaches have made sure each player understands what is expected from them, and that is high fitness levels. This team is going to be one of the physically fit Portland teams seen in a long time. Remains to be seen what kind of effect that will have when the season starts, but Portland is moving towards the right direction fast. If the new players are able to learn from the older players, and more importantly if the new players are able to get familiar with everything the coaching wants them to do, Portland will surprise quite a few during the upcoming season.


(S23) - PT1 - With a Little Help From My Friends - Bayley - 06-16-2020

PBE PT - Bayley

(S23) - PT1 - With a Little Help From My Friends - Blastmeaway - 06-16-2020


(S23) - PT1 - With a Little Help From My Friends - Memento Mori - 06-16-2020

The Philadelphia Liberty are a young team, which gives us plenty of hope and reasons to believe that we'll improve on the 6 wins we achieved in S22. On the offensive side of the ball, we called up two players who spent last season in the DSFL: Offensive lineman Simon Tremblay and tight end Donatello Arrabiata. Our quarterback, Brock Phoenix, is one of the younger starting quarterbacks in the league and another offseason of development will have served him well. While our RB1 and WR1 Sam Torenson and Nacho Varga regressed, they are still among the best in the league at their respective positions and the supporting cast - running back Fuzzy Dotson, receivers Randy Vuxta and Flash Panda as well as tight end Avon Blocksdale Jr. - all improved. But where I really expect the team to take off is on defence. We had a league-average defence by points allowed in S22, but were great at forcing takeaways. Our 13 fumbles forced, 10 fumbles recovered and 11 interceptions ranked 1st, 1st and 3rd in the NSFL, which becomes even more impressive when you consider that we started five true rookies. I expect my fellow S22 rookies Tristan Gronlie, Spike Suzuki, Matt Cross and Wesley Eriksen to have a huge impact on an individual level, and together with S23 rookies Tycker Om and Eugene Smoothie help to catapult the Liberty defence to among the league's best as we bid to make the playoffs in S23 - which would be the first time since S16 that Philadelphia has competed in the postseason.

(258 words)

(S23) - PT1 - With a Little Help From My Friends - WannabeFinn - 06-16-2020


(S23) - PT1 - With a Little Help From My Friends - Reno - 06-16-2020

251 words

Chicago is in a bit of an awkward spot, the team is filled with both reckless optimism and grounded reality. The players on the team have all bought into what Bayley and Muford are putting down, but at the same time we all understand that this season could very well be a wash despite out best efforts. It’s hard to do worse than only winning one game like we did last season, but at the same time expecting the Ultimus after one season is a bit unreasonable. Overall the goal for Chicago for Season 23 is to be respectable, and just maybe pull off a nice upset here and there during the regular season. The beauty of the team is we’re all super young and have plenty of room to grow without fear of regression hitting for another few years. Chicago is poised to do some damage during Season 24, the team will have grown significantly over the course of all of Season 23 and as a result the Butchers will be doing some damage then. Until that time arrives though, it will be more focused on development of our talent from within and focusing on personal goals. I feel that one teammate that will be poised for a breakout season is Mario VonPebbles. He’s earning well and getting better each day and looks to be poised for a dominant season on the defensive side of the ball, and could see a future defensive player of the year in his future.