International Simulation Football League
(S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Printable Version

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RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Skindog44 - 08-18-2021

PT 30-5

Success. Quite the word when regarding the definition of it when applied to a certain thing. success here for me in the ISFL or better yet the DSFL, is team cohesiveness and success. last year we were very close to winning a ultimin fell just short in the conference championship. Coming into this season we thought we'd be bringing back the majority of our team but ended up losing a few key pieces that put us back a little bit. but I have to give our head office an absolute Gold Star when it comes to how they recruited and how they signed draft picks this last season. several of these players have been paramount in our success this season and is driving us towards yet another opportunity to win a championship. I think at the beginning of the season many didn't even peg us to get out of our conference but yet here we are again leading the conference. I do look a little bit at individual success as well as a gauge of my own successes and I did have a few goals set forth at the beginning of the season that I'm currently on pace to match. as a competitive individual for me success is the end goal of achieving the highest level of perfection. this includes but not limited to winning championships winning individual awards and so on. but the thing about the long-term success is the continuation of a successful organization. and I believe Dallas has really set themselves up to be a lasting impression on this entire league as so many people come out of this organization and impact the rest of this league that continues to move the league forward in progress. this may be my last season here in Dallas and I'm looking forward to what lies ahead but I'm gonna really enjoy the fact that I spent the last few seasons in a fantastic clubhouse they are successful.


RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Muford - 08-18-2021

A lot of people in this league, at least to my knowledge look at success as making a team that compete for a long time, and bring titles home, see the Orange County Otters from Season 1 to Season 24? That is a successful franchise, even though they’ve finally hit a rough patch. I’ve been on quite a few teams since Season 1, and in my honest opinion, success is the friends you build along the way. One of my favorite, most successful teams has to be that Season 13/14/15 San Jose Sabercats, as we were always bullshitting, always having a great time, and even before we started winning, it just felt right. We were in voice chat every damn night, playing games and bullshitting with one another. On top of that, activity bred activity, we were able to get a few friends from the SHL to come over and create players, and it jumped from just a fun time in the locker room to a fun time on the field, as we started winning, and we were finally able to bring home @ckroyal92 ’s first ring for the San Jose Sabercats. Take me back to that time, because that success is probably some of the best I have ever had in any leagues.

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RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - g2019 - 08-18-2021

When I entered the league, I knew making friends and bonding with teammates might happen, but was mainly concerned with winning and being the best. While I am still ultra-competitive and will do whatever I can to help my team and player succeed, success for me has really become about those relationships, first and foremost. The Norfolk locker room is my favorite Discord server; the way our players, GMs, and alums have bonded is really something special. There is always fun to be had, we all get hyped for games, and we keep each other positive during tough times, both in the league and in real life. I've met so many fantastic users in this league, and despite the fun that the sim and the actual game play provide, it is these users that really make things here special.

Additionally, something that I’ve learned from some of the fantastic league veterans here, is how amazing it is, and how much emphasis is placed on creating a fun, positive, and welcoming environment for new users. As a rookie, I have absolutely fallen in love with this league and the people in it, and that’s because users took the time to connect with me, get me fired up about the league, and answer my questions. Therefore, I also gauge success by how many people I can help, how many new users I can get hooked on the league, and what kind of real and positive impact I can have on those around me in the league.

(256 words)

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - zaynzk - 08-18-2021

Success in this league is defined by a few things, User Success, Team Success, and Player Success. I believe i have been fortunate enough to have a little bit of everything, Player Success, i have won two awards with my player, Defensive Breakout and Safety of the Year. I ended up switching positions to OL so and am not really playing in the top OL role so I have no idea if i will ever hit the heights i have already hit in my career with this player. Team wise is where i usually get the most joy out of, as a GM i feel like it is my Duty to keep my team competitive or building towards being competitive, with us winning the Ultimus last season i feel like a huge Team Success has been achieved, however we are hungry for more, and honestly i want to see New York viewed with the same prestige Orange County once held. User success is a bit interesting, I feel like i am genuinly well liked around the league for the most part, however i do not think i do as much for the league as other users. I hope to one day really help change the league for the better.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - taterswc - 08-19-2021

Woof Woof(Everyone measures success differently. Some need to get the win, the trophy, or the juice deer. I measure success based on the health of my pack. The wolves, humans, or other creatures I run with. Except for those juice juice deer. If the pack all comes home healthy and happy that is a good days work in my eyes. My short time in this league has landed me on the Norfolk Seawolves and I couldn’t be happier. When I started on the Seawolves we were 2-8 for the season, but you wouldn’t know it from our locker room. I was welcomed with open arms to a fun and talkative group. I didn’t know the season record at the time, and I am glad it never mattered. Active players in a fun helpful locker room. Isn’t that what sim leagues are all about. Having fun and hanging out with people. We might not get that juice deer every time but the pack all comes home alive and well. Sure, we chase it. Try our best to get ahold of that tender juice dee… I mean win, but even on days we don’t get our win we still have fun. If everyone had a fun time, then it was a successful season in this pack)

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Drizzy - 08-19-2021

For me, team success has to be all about winning rings. It's the same as in any sport or any other sim league, there's no greater measure for how good your team is besides the ability to beat out your rivals when it's all on the line. I think that there are definitely smaller measures of success, such as those mentioned in the prompt, like beating a team that's better than yours or managing to come out victorious against a rival. These things are undoubtedly great and things that teams can absolutely be proud of, but in my mind there's a lot of difference between doing that and having what's required to go out and win a championship against the very best team in the league. Individual success is a lot more difficult to quantify. People could see it as individual success if they were able to contribute to a winning team while others might require winning an award or getting picked for a Pro Bowl game to see their season as successful. It's tough to say what's important for me, but I guess the Hall of Fame is there to truly measure who was or was not individually successful, and all I can hope is that my player's going to find his way there one day.

217 words

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Alcott - 08-19-2021

Considering football is a team sport, the ultimate meaning of success boils down to wins and championships. Sure it's nice to have individual awards an accolades that show off how extremely talented you are and what a great football player you've become, but ultimately individual success only carries you so far. When being compared to great players of generations past, present, and future, the stats can be adjusted for eras but ring counts will always remain the same, and without having tasted ultimate success atop the peak of the International Simulation Football League by taking home an Ultimus victory, all those impressive stats can fall flatly on deaf ears. Plus "individual" stats are kind of a lie anyway, aside from pancakes (which could be aided by a teammate, just saying) there are no statistics that are actually based solely on the play of one player. Rushing yards? Who helped block those meanie defenders trying to tackle you? Passing and/or receiving yards? Who threw and or caught that ball? Tackles? Who took on the double team or set the edge to force the ball carrier your direction? Interceptions? Who applied pressure to the QB to force a bad pass or covered the other receivers to where your man was the best option? Field goals and punt yards (kickers are people too damnit)? Who got you the ball and made sure you didn't get wrecked while you did your silly leg swing thing? Basically what my points boil down to is individual success is a lie and teamwork makes the dream work. And what is that dream you ask? Wins baby, wins.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Thelastheraclid - 08-19-2021

[Image: EDM6mis.png]

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Rangerjase - 08-19-2021

SHL CW Affiliate claim

Was told I was allowed to use this as a claim since I didn't use it last week.

RE: (S30) PT 5 - What is the Meaning of... - Beck - 08-19-2021

My rookie season is coming to a close and what a ride it has been. Although our record does not reflect it, I would call this season a success. Why do I say that? It is simple, because we have a young team that has nearly max earned and over achieved this season. I think that is what defines success in our league.

Prior to the start of the year, the over under at the casino had us at 3.5 wins. Now, going into the last game of the season, we are at 6. When you talk about what is success or what is being successful, I think for teams like Honolulu that are young, and are not in a season with playoff or championship aspirations, you have to consider this a success.

I think ultimately everyone wants wins over their rivals, followed by playoff victories and even championships. I think these are all other successful seasons and of course if I had to chose between winning 6 games or winning the Ultimus, I would choose the Ultimus. But I think success comes down to where each individual player and team is at in a given season. Ultimately Honolulu has had a great rookie draft class that has just about max earned. This is going to set us up to knock out bigger achievements in the future.

227 Words