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(S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Printable Version

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RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - KezKincaid - 09-22-2021

SHL Affiliate PT (username: Muerto)

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Ephenssta - 09-22-2021

To be honest, I find it funny that the team thinks I pay enough attention to my bank account to notice that my contract deposit was incorrect, whether that was an overpay or an underpay. So I hope they don't think too poorly of me for not reporting that the team was paying me way too much money, although I suppose you could argue I deserve it as I am currently being underpaid based on my TPE value, but that's a totally separate issue. It is probably my privilege speaking, but I am wealthy enough in this league that I do not regularly check my bank balance. In fact, the only time it really matters is when it comes to the beginning of a new season and I have to drop over 13 million dollars on fancy new equipment, that is not provided for some crazy reason. But even when that time rolls around, I can be confident that I have enough money to cover the bills. I built up a bit of a bank on my first player when I was doing some podcasting and then again when most of my money came from my HO salary. And now I have a new media series that should pay out quite nicely throughout this season. So I am set to the point that I don’t check enough to notice if Colorado decided to slip some bribe money my way.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Jerms - 09-22-2021

Let's see...if I found an extra four million in my bank account I would surely contact my GM immediately and tell him the mistake. Being an honest man from humble beginnings such thoughts as, "That sure would buy a nice plot of land to extend the family ranch" or, "Imagine all of the top shelf whiskey I could get with a chunk of change like  that." No, no I would never think of all of life's pleasure I could purchase with a hefty sum of money like four million, no siree. I wouldn't dare extend my collection of vintage rifles and pistols from the old west, or buy a couple of purebred stallions to breed race horses with. And I would never in a million years send my- er I mean that- money to a tax haven where I could have access to it without worry of the man shoving his hands in my pockets. No, what I would do is call up my GM like the good country boy that I am and let him know straight away what happened. Because all that other stuff I mentioned before would be crazy and greedy and totally out of the realm of possibility...

Word Count: 202

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Beck - 09-22-2021

One gloomy rainy day, Sal Ami gets a notice from his PNC app that there has been a deposit. He opens the app thinking it is his tiny 1 million dollar salary, but is shocked and excited to see that there is an additional 4 million dollars in there. Sal Ami is a man of good faith and his initial reaction is to immediately tell Sid about this. However, he remembers hearing the saying that, “everything happens for a reason.” With this in mind, Sal just assumes it is a bonus from maybe a clause in his contract that he forgot about. Or maybe it is an offseason bonus for his efforts in his rookie season.
Instead of double checking with the team, Sal decides to hold a giant party. To show that he is still a good guy, he makes sure this party includes all of his team mates so that they can have a night out and enjoy themselves too. 4 million on a party seems like a lot, but considering the cost for equipment, this seems just about right. Sal’s team mates are all delighted that their now favorite team mate would be so kind and generous and take money out of his own pocket to host such an event.

Once the team returns to practice, Sal is showered with praise and high fives. He is now a legend in the locker room. Eventually the team accounting department will find their error, but at least Sal and his team mates were able to live it up.

259 words

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Reno - 09-22-2021

SHL PT Aaffiliate

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - g2019 - 09-22-2021

I'm going to choose the boring route and tell my GMs about the extra money. I pride myself on acting in an ethical manner and prioritizing the team, and I think these characteristics were part of why Colorado was interested in drafting me in the first place, so I certainly wouldn't want to act out of character. I believe the Colorado will continue to be a very good team, and I have Ultimus ambitions in the future (and hopefully it's something I can be a part of!). @Tesla and @SchwarzNarr are two of the kindest, most sincere people in the entire league, and I want to make sure we have the funding to continue building the team and replacing players who age out and retire. As I continue to get more and more involved with the league, I will be even more of an asset in the war room, helping us to identify free agent and draft class targets, and we will obviously need cap space to do that. Even though $4,000,000 might not seem like much, teams can sign some solid inactives free agents or draft picks with that money. Taking the money would also create a dangerous precedent and could lead to other players doing the same thing in the future.

(215 words)

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - cole6249 - 09-22-2021

It’s well known that John Riggins is struggling with money in the DSFL. A rookie with no sim experience, taking on the max TPE grind. He attempted a career in graphic design, downloading gimp- but the results were absolutely atrocious. John Riggins decided to earn his money on the field. Walking home from work he eyed the tier 6 equipment in the window, and sighed knowing that it was just barely out his price range. Checking his bank account he let out a gasp, he realized that an extra 4 MIL had been deposited into his bank account by accident. He thought about all the hard work he had to put in this upcoming season to earn money, and all the fierce competition with years of experience and play time. Surely this equipment might help him see more than two carries in a game (fucking brutal btw). Curiously he stepped forwards towards the entrance of the store, with less hesitation. Inside he ran his hands over the shiny new pads and sharp cleats he would buy,  but felt guilt. As he motioned his credit card toward the cashier he looked down at his phone to check his balance and was shocked to see his GFX submissions had earned him more money than expected. Disaster averted

WC: 215

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Vaelynn - 09-22-2021

First off, I rarely check my bank account, so I likely wouldn’t notice for several weeks and would probably have spent all of it by that point…. Assuming I am lucky enough to find out the error, I would definitely inform the right people of the error. I know how seriously the league takes things, so I would most likely suffer the wrath of the front office WHEN (not IF) they discover the accounting error. This league means a lot to me, so I treat it respectfully.

Now the money would be awesome, I could buy my tier 6 equipment for the year, but I care more about trustworthiness and honesty than I care about TPE. Hypothetically, if I had the additional money and there were no ramifications for receiving it, I’d invest it wisely in training and save the remaining money for future training down the road. If / when I got enough to ensure a solid future for my character, I would start betting on games with it so I could potentially get enough to last through several generations of players. Money is tough to come by – contracts aren’t worth much, and despite the fact that I have two league jobs, I could always use more.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - SchwarzNarr - 09-22-2021

Well, if I were to mistakenly find an extra few million because of my contract deposit, I would definitely know that it wasn't because of my GM, because that's me. So I would have to assume that it is like that monopoly card that says 'Bank Error in your favor', despite the fact that Opera runs his banking department so cleanly that there is definitely not a bank error in my favorite, so we'll have to go with a computer glitch. The reality is, I'm rich enough to not even recognize or realize that there was a bank error in my favor in the first place. I know I have over 250 million, but outside of that, I couldn't quite tell you the amount, I just don't check it. So I guess nothing would happen. Maybe the bank or someone else notices it, and then I'd just give it back, but since I don't actually check my bank account, I wouldn't notice it, and so it'd just sit there, accumulating with the rest of my wealth until I inevitably died, retired, or just left the league in some way shape or form. I sure hope a bank error like this happened for my players, that would be awesome for those who are less fortunate than myself, but for me, I wouldn't notice.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - StadiumGambler - 09-22-2021

I would go and spend the money, of course. I'm getting pretty broke thanks to my media inspiration well running dry, so I would spend the $4,000,000 on 4 weeks of extra training.

As for Saleem Spence the player, he would report it immediately to Sailfish officials, to avoid having them get in super duper big trouble with the ISFL brass for salary cap violations. However, if Saleem could keep the 4 million, and didn't have to do things with it like buying shipments of Total Pectoral Energizing (TPE, for short), then Saleem would probably invest in his father's private practise, and would also invest in a beef jerky company, with his personal friend and quasi-mentors Nick Brain of the Toronto North Stars, and retired former SBA guard Gerald Eddy. Saleem would also maybe sell his apartment lease, and buy a formal house in Sarasota, now that his position feels very stable, being Sarasota's second Wide Receiver at the moment, and being groomed for the top spot.

Saleem would also make a small donation to various local charities, particularly ones that get the youth of Sarasota out of the slums and onto the gridiron. Saleem does coach local youth football in Sarasota and his old stomping ground of Winnipeg in the offseason, and being able to fund those programs is important, both for the kids lives and for helping develop the next generation to take over once guys like Spence retire.