International Simulation Football League
(S38) PT #3 - Halloween Havoc - Printable Version

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RE: (S38) PT #3 - Halloween Havoc - AW13 - 11-05-2022

Fat Jack is trying something different this year for Halloween and it should be a really fun time. Often told he looks exactly like the actor Jack Black or possible former actor based on this timeline, he wanted to ease into that role. Jack also is really one to interact with fans on a personal level and loves to make guest appearances, take photos, and just be an overall great guy especially when it comes to the fans and he loves appreciating them as much as they appreciate them.

So, this year, based on some twitter polls and comments, Fat Jack has asked a bunch of his and San Jose Sabercat fans to clue him in on a bunch of Halloween parties that are going on. He is sending out some representatives to verify the legitimacy of these parties first and then plans to attend 10 parties over the nights of Halloween and the weekend right before it!

The plan is for each of these parties to dress up as a character that actor Jack Black has portrayed in films or has done voiceover work for! He will have costumes such as Po from Kung Fu Panda, Nacho Libre, Selly Olberon from Jumanji, Shallow Hal, Mr. Schniebly from School of Rock and much more. He plans to go out and party with all his fans, have a great time, some great photo opportunities and more. It should be really fun and he hopes to inspire other athletes to do similar things!

RE: (S38) PT #3 - Halloween Havoc - CeeKay - 11-05-2022

Cornelius King III isn't a big fan of Halloween. The only time he ever dressed up for Halloween and went trick-or-treating was on one October 31st, when he was only 11 years old, with his younger brothers and his mom.
Even then, he was quite shy and usually lingered in the back, letting his brothers knock on the doors before finally stepping up and getting some candy.

This year, Cornelius was convinced to dress up for Halloween as he was informed that the Birddogs were hosting a team Halloween party. The primary reason he agreed was because fans were invited. He felt that this was a great opportunity to interact with the Dallas birding community. He dressed up as Frozone and took pictures with all the kids who were at the party! He even agreed to team up with some Birdog teammates to take some of the kids trick-or-treating, of course with the permission of the parents. So overall, he had one damn Halloween night!

RE: (S38) PT #3 - Halloween Havoc - TheDangaZone - 11-05-2022

Every holiday I like to celebrate with my wife and we tend to go pretty hard on what we do but Halloween is definitely the one each year that we go so over the top on. We will spend a long time each year planning our outfits, usually something couples related in some way though now always. This year we also spend a ton of money on different decorations around the house since I now get that ISFL money from Austin. We really like to be at home and make the kids nights as they come for candy. We get the full size candy bars, yes we're that house. We'll have the spookiest looking house within a mile radius and we'll gladly sit out all night handing out candy to all the kids and just love seeing some of the creativity of the kids in their costume ideas. We'll also get some partying in the weekend before if we can because we're still young and who's not going to go out and have some fun on our time as well. Especially in ridiculous costumes.

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RE: (S38) PT #3 - Halloween Havoc - Raven - 11-05-2022

Written option: It's that time of year, whether the sim agrees or not! A night of frights and treats galore! There's so many different ways to celebrate the spookiest time of here, so this week, we're gonna find out how your player likes to roll on Halloween night! For this PT, talk about your player's Halloween adventures. Did they dress up and go to a party? Visit a haunted house? Hand out candy? Clog the team toilets? Go wild!

Pérez is not a big Halloween guy, but at the same time, he does enjoy having a nice evening with friends, so he will always host a casual costume party during Halloween. This year Pérez dressed up as Link, as he had recently been on a Legend Of Zelda gaming spree. He invited close friends and some of his team mates to come on by. They spent the night eating candy and snacks, playing a few drinking games and playing some video games. Just overall a very chill evening having a great time.

Living in Germany, the trick or treating part is not a huge part of the Halloween celebrations. Pérez and fellow sports people did visit schools as guest speakers around the Halloween period which came with them handing out candy and such. So it was a nice two birds with one stone situation.

Overall, Pérez had a nice Halloween night with good friends.

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RE: (S38) PT #3 - Halloween Havoc - iStegosauruz - 11-05-2022

If you have ever seen a sign for a barbecue restaurant you know the branding is really confusing. A happy, smiling pig beckons you inside, not understanding that the restaurant they are advertising for profits off slaughtering them and their brethren. One of the most successful advertising campaigns in the United States bounces off of that concept, just in reverse - Chickfila has cows advertise "Eat More Chicken," ostensibly doing so to save more cows lives from the meat grinder and being a burger in their final form. For Halloween, Hogmolly split the difference between the two concepts these advertising campaigns and became a chicken. Orlando Doom - his renowned friend and potential kicker of the year candidate - dressed up as Colonel Sanders. What better way to bring awareness to the mass extermination of pigs for their delicious meat than to advertise chickens? If only Doom and Hogmolly had managed to find someone to dress up as the herbs and spices.

RE: (S38) PT #3 - Halloween Havoc - ReverendOReily - 11-05-2022

Let's get one thing straight - Kumquat Archipelago is ALL. ABOUT. THE FALL. ACTIVITIES. Growing up in Indonesia, Kumquat didn't experience seasons as we know them in America - when you live near the equator, especially on an island, you're liable to only know a dry season and a wet season. When Kumquat first moved to America, he was blown away by the idea that a single city could see 20 degree temperatures in one part of the year, and 90 degree temperatures just six or seven months later. Kumquat thus has a special appreciation for the seasons, especially autumn and winter, which are like nothing he ever experienced back home. Kumquat spent much of his Halloween touring cider mills, pumpkin patches, orchards, farms, and the like. He acquired a variety of different apples which he then turned into an exquisite pie - it is important for one to practice their pie making skills in early November in anticipation of Thanksgiving. Kumquat is still a little hazy on some of the American traditions surrounding Halloween, and gave out slices of pie to trick or treaters on Halloween night - this made for a much appreciated walking snack from some, but also got him some pretty confused and resentful looks from forkless masqueraders.

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RE: (S38) PT #3 - Halloween Havoc - negs - 11-05-2022

For Halloween, Creg Jerrith IV made a plan to get as much candy as possible. Creg's costume had to be better than every other trick or treater in order to receive the most candy. Cregory wanted to assert dominance of the candy. Creg made a ghost costume out of a white sheet with the two eye holes cut out. It took him hours and hours to complete the costume, yet he was able to finish it right before the trick or treating began. To start, Creg went to the elder homes to trick or treat. They always had the best candy and would give them to great costumes. Next, Jerrith would go to the bigger mansions and make sure he had the best costume of anybody there. He would stand at the door and announce his presence, staking his claim to the best candy there. Cregory ended the night with so much candy and he is going to eat it all.

RE: (S38) PT #3 - Halloween Havoc - shrub02 - 11-05-2022

Halloween is one of Bender's favorite times of the year. It's the only time of the year that you are encouraged to conceal your identity and go find some treats. His favorite places to collect treats also happen to be his favorite stores. First, Bender orders a custom Anton Bruckner costume and heads to the nearest liquor store. He took all the booze he can fit in his bag because you gotta celebrate Halloween with some drinks. After taking treats from the liquor store, Bender dons a Rean Schwarzer costume and goes to the cigar shop. They were nice enough to offer him all of their fattest cigars as a treat! I'm sure the sword that he threatened them with had nothing to do with it. Next he wore his President Camacho get up and visited the local bank. After they generously gave him a bag full of money, he proceeded to the casino to drink and smoke and enjoy all the scantily costumed fembots. Not a bad Halloween I'd say!

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RE: (S38) PT #3 - Halloween Havoc - domffl - 11-05-2022

Halloween was an especially fun one this year. I was able to have some time off with the bye week, so I took my wife and two daughters to our family's house so that the kids could trick-or-treat with their cousins. Ever since her cousin's ballerina-themed birthday party in August, my oldest daughter has been absolutely obsessed with ballerinas and dressing up. So it came as no surprise when she asked us to be a ballerina for Halloween. My youngest is only 4 weeks old, so she didn't have much say in her costume, but you can probably guess what she was, too...yep, another ballerina in the family. This was the first time I had been trick-or-treating since I was a kid myself. I had almost forgotten how fun it was to be out walking along the sidewalk amongst a host of neighbors doing the same thing. It was a fantastic evening of catching up with family and collecting candy, but now I'm ready to get back into some ISFL action.

RE: (S38) PT #3 - Halloween Havoc - zeagle1 - 11-05-2022

Donovan Winters has never been a huge fan of Halloween. Every year he shows up to whatever parties he was invited to in a half assed costume. He puts just enough effort into his costumes so that he does not get called out for having bad costumes, but he definitely does not show up in a crazy custom costume.

This year he went to a party at Sherwin Blue Jr's house, which was mostly filled with his kansas city coyotes teammates. This year Donovan dressed up as an astronaut using a store bought suit. He figured now that he is a professional athlete it would be ok to spend a little more on the costumes. After a few drinks and some fun games, Donovan, Sherwin, and friends began to explore the neighborhood and see what other houses were doing for Halloween. Mostly they spent the night signing autographs and taking pictures with fans, occasionally eating candy in exchange.