International Simulation Football League
(S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Printable Version

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RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Seven Arrows - 10-11-2024

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RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Dev0 - 10-11-2024

The swimming pool bowl!

Pretty obvious I would say as the next place to play a game. The difference would be huge, no gear, harder to run, and very dangerous to be on the bottom of the pile, or atleast way more consequences. 

Teams would have to get used to far less fans being able to watch, as well as communication not really being an option. Also switching on and off the field would be a big deal. I think the refs would stay outside the pool. Everyone would need the colored swim hat things like water polo players have. 

Coin tosses would mean so much more as picking the deep end has real concerns or effects on strategy. I'm not sure you would use actual linemen. However I guess anyone that is a really strong swimmer would be ideal. 

I also think it would be all passing, I can't see how a run play would work.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Muddym13 - 10-11-2024

If the Honolulu Hahalua had to play football on the moon, they would face a lot of unique challenges, like pretty much everyone else who would play a game on the moon, due to the moon’s low gravity and lack of atmosphere. The movement would be completely different as players would have to adjust to bounding across the field instead of running in the usual Earth-bound stride. Wouldn't surprise anyone to see animals flying all over the place as a majority of our team is non-human. Defenders and offensive players alike would need to account for the increased hang time in jumps and tackles, making the game more about positioning and timing, rather than flat-out speed. The quarterback would have to soften passes, as the ball would stay in the air much longer in the moon’s reduced gravity, while kickers would send the ball soaring farther than ever before, potentially turning kicks into game-changing plays. Although, Ray Baker already looks like he's playing on the moon with the power of that leg! The lack of air resistance would also add to the complexity of the game, with passes and punts traveling at incredible speeds, challenging players to time their movements precisely.

The team would also have to adapt to wearing spacesuits, which would restrict their movement and reduce their agility. The bulky suits would slow down the pace of the game, requiring players to focus on endurance and strength, which could hurt some of the skill positions while helping the more down and dirty ones. Ultimately, the Hahalua’s success on the moon would be on their ability to adapt to an entirely different environment, leaning on creativity and flexibility to turn the conditions to their advantage. I believe that this team is good enough to still finish 1st seed tho! In the famous words of Kirk Cousins, YOU LIKE THAT!

304 Words

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - ForSucksFake - 10-12-2024

Check it out. I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. It’s even worse as a playing surface for football. Ask Robert Edwards III. He was a first-round pick by the New England Patriots who rushed for over 1,000 yards as a rookie only to have his future flattened when he suffered a gruesome injury while playing in a rookie flag football event for the Pro Bowl that offseason. He blew out his knee and didn’t play for two seasons, but he was washed when he came back. I cannot think of a worse playing surface than sand. I’d rather play on the lavas of Mustafar than sand. If I had to guess how either would play out, I think Anakin Skywalker would be miserable playing on sand and lava, but he’d at least have more limbs playing in the sand. However, if the Baltimore Hawks could win the Ultimus playing on lava or sand, he’d take that any day.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - ACynicalGamer - 10-12-2024

The Custard Bowl!! Hey, that's kind of a thing already right?

Now I know what you're all thinking, why on earth would anyone want to play a game of football drowning in custard? And it's honestly a good question, but that, my friends, is where physics comes into play! 

I use to watch a TV show when I was younger called 'Brainiac' - it was a science show because I was cool, obviously, and they'd find ways of making all these wacky ideas physically possible. Custard is, fundamentally, a non-newtonian fluid meaning it has variable viscosity based on stress. Basically, keep running on it and it will be solid, stand still and you'll start to sink! 

So all we need now is a massive container, I'm talking like Olympic swimming pool size, and a sh*t load of custard and we can play the first ever football game on custard!! It would be challenging, sure, but it would be fun, maybe, and it would certainly be different! (162 words)

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - lock180 - 10-12-2024

There is only one place that would make sense to play a game on that isn't the boring old turf monster. We are taking it to an instant classic of a movie "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs". And if you still don't know where I'm going with this then you clearly haven't seen the movie because we are going to the great Jello House to play football in jello. I had my wisdom teeth taken out a few months ago and had jello for the first time in a long time and wondered why I had not eaten it in that long. After eating it for three days straight I realized it is because it really isn't as good as I thought it would be. That being said I think it would provide some interesting dynamics to the game of football especially if the movie physics remain true. The ground turning into a trampoline would completely change the game and make for an exciting new twist and "underjello" plays could be a great new meta.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Punk42AE - 10-12-2024

PBE Affiliation

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Pib - 10-12-2024

So, picture this. You’re playing football on a London street, bringing a new blend of strategy, agility and adaptability to the game we all love. The narrow lanes of London, lined with parked cars and weird pavements (sidewalks, to those across the pond), result in a game that’s as much an obstacle course as anything else. While the rules of the game could remain mostly the same, enough that an observer would be able to identify what is taking place in front of them, there would be a few quirks that would provide a little twist to the traditional game.

One such example would be the inclusion of the ever-pleasant London youth, who tend to have a penchant for “bladed articles”. Their mere presence turns every play into a test of vigilance, awareness and street smarts. No longer does clearing the safety mean you’re taking it to the house. Oh no. Now you must also clear Archie and Theo, who have no interest in the ball but rather a pound of flesh because of a stray glance you gave them in-between series. Good luck.

184 words

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - nunccoepi - 10-12-2024

Another fun one! The PT team has been doing great with these lately. Also, I know that it was in the prompt, but the choise for a kicker in an alternative setting just has to be one with limited gravity. So of course, I would choose the moon. Just imagine how far that ball would soar. I actually have no idea how this would work in reality but would the football just keep on flying on forever? I don't think there is literally zero gravity on the moon, so I imagine it would come down at some point (unless MvH's leg was just so riduculously powerful that it would put the ball in orbit, but this is unlikely as he only has 90 power right now and does not have a Bionic Leg, much less Stell Toed Boots, but I digress). Also, that is of course assuming that that ball could even be kicked at all. Would the impact of MvH kicking push him back with just as much force as he put on the ball in the forward direction? I really don't know these things, so it is a good thing I'm not an astrophysicist. I'm sure @infinitempg could tell me more though.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - g2019 - 10-12-2024

SHL Affiliate