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The Asterisk Game - Printable Version

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The Asterisk Game - jparks98 - 11-08-2017

(11-08-2017, 05:46 PM)Aenir Wrote:that is just not true..... I also check to see if its an Outlaws / Yeti game  :stoked:

Exactly... who doesn't want to call the upset of the century?

The Asterisk Game - AdamS - 11-08-2017

Okay so that's a lot of conversation.

What happens going forward to avoid these sorts of problems, so that were all on the same page?

The Asterisk Game - Sweetwater - 11-08-2017

(11-08-2017, 07:06 PM)kckolbe Wrote:So, every NSFL game gets watched by HO before it is streamed, but DSFL games are not watched before OR during streaming.  And this wasn't a one night fluke.  HO is NEVER present in these games (though attendance in general is improving).  I think this is a big factor in the "HO doesn't care about DSFL" perception.

As far as the Hawk stuff, like I said, that was where it was speculation, I won't pretend to know everything about his life.

For the watching the sim, I didn't say DSFL wasn't watched, just that I'm not the one who was watching. ER hired assistants for a reason.

The Asterisk Game - 7hawk77 - 11-09-2017

This thread has made me lose a lot of respect for people.

As far as the OL changes. I spent a ton of time playing with the sim, bouncing ideas off of timeconsumer, other OL and the rest of the HO. I worked hard to get a solution as fast as I could for the new season. Unfortunately right when I was finalizing and doing the announcement, I got incredibly sick.

I had a flu like virus which basically had me bed ridden for about 6 days, which I commented on. The following week I was super busy trying to catch up on missing a week of work.

Maybe I suck at convincing people of what the ENTIRE HO voted for, not just me. Maybe I suck at explaining my ideas to everyone, but from what I can tell. The OL changes have been a success for the league. The games seem much more exciting now and less frustrating for GM's and OL players.

You asked a specific question about allowing GM's to change an inactive player's build which is pretty iffy considering you are taking away the free choice from another player (if they return to play). You asked Friday, and I responded Monday. I'm very busy on the weekends so getting back to you in one business day shouldn't be that big of a deal.


Anyways, I'll conclude that this isn't my job and this is something I do for fun. Myself and the rest of the head office are human, so are all of the players/GM's/CoGMs. We all make mistakes, and we aren't perfect. Acting like a dick doesn't help the situation.

I'd also like to note that I'm not going to be engaging. I think this entire thread is completely toxic and I won't be a part of it any longer. If you have something that you want to bring up to the HO, use the suggestion forum. If you want to talk to me directly, feel free to PM.

The Asterisk Game - cosbornballboy - 11-09-2017


The Asterisk Game - Sweetwater - 11-09-2017

This topic has been closed to prevent it from devolving any further.