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(S6) - Ultimus Week - Printable Version

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(S6) - Ultimus Week - Supersquare04 - 03-25-2018

Championship game recap: In what was a brilliant fight between the Marshals and the Coyotes ended in a spectacular finish. Going into the second quarter the Coyotes lead 7-3 off of a Robby Rainey touchdown vs the Coyotes field goal. With a quick score the Coyotes lead 13-3 (courtesy of a missed field goal). The marshals would then drive down the field and kick a short field goal to make the score 13-6. The Marshals then decided to stop toying with their prey, going on a vicious spree. it involved another field goal by Darkapple and a short touchdown run by Mike Vick to make the game 16-13. After a moment of rest the great Willy Nyquist ran for an incredible 80 yard touchdown scamper. After a made extra point the game was all but over. Coyote fans all over were crushed after blowing the 13-3 lead, but marshals were celebrating all over. Darkapple made a case for himself for MVP as he finished with 11 total points, but it was Nyquist who went OFF for a total of 155 total rushing yards. In what was a spectacular game, with twists and turns and changes of the lead, the Marshals walked away with their first ultimini in a long time.

Going to Disneyland: Mike Boss HAS to be crowned MVP of the ultimus. I mean how can you not crown the man with a plan? Boss threw the pig skin (rip pigsnout) for a total of 460 yards! it looked like he was playing the yeti defense! not even to count the fact that he added in 2 touchdowns to go with his sack of yards. And I can already hear people complaining "but square he threw 2 interceptions! But square boss is overrated! "but square I am TC and qb isn't that important!" Shut up, especially you TC. Mike Boss was an absolute legend in that game and no one can be perfect (2 picks). He made that Liberty D look like swiss cheese and boy did he carve it up. I know I sound a lot like Shannon Sharper but it's the truth! Theres a reason the Otters won and they couldn't have done it with a different quarter back at the helm of Orange County. There are quite a few other cases for MVP including Josh Garden and Jordan Yates, but Garden was on the losing team and yates didn't even get into the endzone! Sorry but there is 0 argument for anyone else as the MVP.

robbed: The Yeti got absolutely ROBBED from the playoffs this season so the league could have the sabercats make their first appearance. I have never seen such BLASPHEMY from officiating during my entire NSFL career. For example Nick Pierno once threw to the other team on accident (I think) and the ref called it an interception...What kinda officiating is that? Another example is when we were getting bullied by the Otters. I'm not going to talk about how we should have won because...It's the otters. But it just wasn't fair! isn't there like a mercy rule or something...Ok so what I'm trying to say is the refs actually let the saberkittens make the playoffs and I find that unacceptable because it ruined my predictions...So yeah the refs suck and we need a new sim so the Yeti even have a chance. Poor Nick Pierno could be a 6 time ultimus champ if this sim didn't hate us and the refs in said sim weren't garbage on a stick. So there you have it, all the evidence you need to know that @timeconsumer is rigging and must be removed immediately, along with an asterisk next to his trophy's. Get the Yeti in the playoffs we deserve it! please...

Unsung Hero: You wanna talk about someone who doesn't get credit in the playoffs where credit is due? let's take a look at Nicholas Pierno. My man has had RECORD SETTING performances. he threw for a league low 0 touchdowns, fumbled the ball 0 times, and was sacked 0 times. Name me someone who has done the same. I am waiting...EXACTLY YOU CAN'T. Nicholas Pierno also NEVER missed a pass through out the entire playoffs. not once did a pierno thrown pig skin touch the turf.
Say what you want about Nick Pierno, he may be hot garbage in the regular season but hot darn when the playoffs roll around Pierno sure puts on his game face. Wait he didn't throw any touchdowns or yards? listen to me, people always harp on how Pierno is holding the yeti back by turning the ball over again and again. And just when I bring up stats on how he is clutch in the playoffs with turnovers you people want to come at me with stats like touchdowns? please get that nonsense out of here, It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came! Theres a little Lord of the rings reference for ya.

(S6) - Ultimus Week - AzhekAhriman - 03-25-2018

1. Robbed
Despite being a member of the Wraiths I can’t help but feel for the Baltimore Hawks here, as they once again had a clear line to the playoffs ripped away by the vagaries of the sim, a loaded slate of games towards the end of the season, and a fateful loss at home to my own Yellowknife Wraiths. While I’m loathe to say that Baltimore was “Robbed” (We beat them fair and square on their own field to take it from them and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise), I do think the Hawks make the best case of anyone in the NSFL for the title. They had an extremely efficient offense in S7, with QB Avon Blocksdale, RB Owen Taylor, and WR Alexandre LeClair forming an offensive trinity that was good for second in the NSFC in total yards and points for. The undoing of Baltimore was once again on the defensive side of the ball, as that unit gave up the third most yards in the league and let other teams stay in it and pounce on the Hawks if their offense ever stuttered. The run was a particular problem for the Hawks, as they gave up the most rushing yards of anyone not named the Yeti. This was on particular display in two pivotal games vs Yellowknife that were blowouts in large part on the back of strong running games by YKW’s QB and RB.

2. Unsung Hero
This man is the reason that the Otters even had HFA in the playoffs to start with, and he’s also the man that won them yet another Ultimus title against the Liberty. No, I’m not talking about Mike Boss, Bradley Westfield, Angus Winchester or any of the Otters’ other superstars. I’m talking about their less than 300 TPE kicker, Bradley Madlad. Now, I’m a RB by trade so it’s usually not in my wheelhouse to give a bunch of love to a special teams guy, especially one that doesn’t look the part by TPE necessarily. But if you take one look at the Otter’s playoff games this season and you see just how clutch he’s been. Madlad was perfect on all extra points and FGs during the Otter’s third Ultimus run, and his huge 55 yarder in the championship ended up being the difference between the Liberty having to chuck one up to Josh Garden to overcome a six point lead and just being able to kick the easy field goal and go to overtime. Whether you view Bradley as an indirect arbiter of the infamous Garden Curse or not, he’s clearly been one of the unsung heroes of this playoffs and the whole damn season for OCO.

3. That Magic Moment
In the DSFL playoff's 1st round the Kansas City Coyotes found themselves up against PDXBaller and his perennial juggernauts from out west, the Portland Pythons. The game had been tight so far and the Coyotes had a touchdown lead. The situation was still precarious, however, as the Portland offense seemed to come to life and it had been a few series since Kansas City made any headway on offense. You could feel, even with our goofy little sim that this was going to be the drive that either made or broke the Coyotes. Give Portland the ball back and there was an imminent threat of having to potentially watch a year’s worth of work slip away to the high powered Portland offense. So of the Coyotes went, making their way down the field, getting deep into Portland territory. And then, the sack. Mark Strike gets leveled for a 9 yard loss and its 3rd and 19 on the 40, out of field goal range and in desperate need of points. Strike gets into the huddle, calls for a deep post for Miller and tells him “Go get it man!” The play works to perfection, Miller explodes out of the slot and the Portland defense is nowhere to be seen. Strike lofts a beautiful Ball to Miller who runs under the pass and gets a huge block from fellow WR Hunter Mason on a 40 yard TD that would end up the difference in a game that was tight wire-to-wire.

4. Going to Disneyland
I’m not going to lie, writing this hurts me and I wish I didn’t have to put the words to paper. But Willy Nyquist was the Ultimini MVP. Nyquist blazed for a hundred and fifty yards on just fifteen carries, but that general efficiency isn’t even the reason Nyquist is on a trip to Disney right now. It’s the 80 yard deathblow he hit Kansas City with when he took a HB Dive on 1st and 10 from the SA 20 and went untouched into the endzone. He had some help along the way of course, which is why he’s brought all his offensive linemen and tight end Alex Chimpunk with him on this adventure, but Nyquist won that game for San Antonio and there’s no doubt to that. In a year and playoffs that was dominated by explosive running plays Nyquist made the most explosive on of them all. Given his achievement it is no surprise that the trip has mostly revolved around very fast roller coasters for Nyquist. When asked by a reporter about his preferences he said the following: “Oh I like em fast, if they aren’t fast enough I drift right off to sleep and have to get Alvin [Chimpunk] to wake me up once we’re done”.

(S6) - Ultimus Week - DestaDanger - 03-26-2018

Robbed: Write about why a team failed to make the playoffs should have over somebody else.

Being such a tough conference, someone in the ASFC was unfortunately going to be very disappointed. This year, that unlucky team were the Arizona outlaws. With an 8-6 record, they were better than 3 other teams in the NSFC and a close second to the league leaders. However, that was not enough to overcome two 11-3 teams. Unfortunately, having a losing conference record (2-4) seemed to spell doom to the franchise. According the the NSFL stats page, they were only able to record 38 sacks this season, which is tied for second worst in the league. Perhaps, with an improved pass rush, they will be able to make a leap back to the top and become contenders once again…Or pray to the NSFL Gods for a conference switch to put them into the NSFC. Their rushing game was by all means satisfactory and their passing game was efficient with the third highest completion percentage. It seems that the pieces are in place and I would expect for a close race again next season as this does not look like a team dying down anytime soon. (honestly, going over this made me wish I paid slightly more attention as the race seemed to be pretty hot in the league).

Hate the player or hate the game: Tell us which team made the playoffs and shouldn't have, or which team didn't and should have?

Moving to the other side of the league, I’m going to talk about the Baltimore Hawks. They were a game away from a playoff berth and seem to have been quite unlucky in not making it. A team with the likes of Hendrix, Delacour, and Blocksdale are likely to always be in the mix and their record showed it.
Their defense seemed to be explosive, turning plays into touchdowns with 4 and were second in the league in tackles though the rest of their numbers seem to be middle of the pack. To their offense’s credit, they were very efficient moving the ball on the ground being tied for the best yards per carry in the league at 4.3. Combine that with a strong defense and you have a recipe for success. It seems to me that this is just a team that needs a couple of bounces or two to go their way and they will do very well moving forward, making this a team I am quite excited to watch more of.

Going to Disneyland!: Who was the Ultimus MVP? Give us a rundown of their celebratory trip to Disneyland.

Sheer numbers dictate that Boss should be the Ultimus MVP. He came in and slung the ball all over the field racking up 460 yards through the air including two touchdown passes. His first was a 49 yard pass to Bradley Westfield and the next was a precise 16 yard pass to Robert Phelps. Unfortunately, he also threw two interceptions but the sheer mass of yardage that he gained was enough to propel him as the best player in that game. Special mention has to go to Yates with 156 receptions on 9 catches.

Boss will fast pass his way around Disney land chowing down on turkey legs and cotton candy and playing all of the side games. However, his favorite part might just be getting pictures with all of the Disney characters and if he’s lucky may be able to join in the Disney land parade since he is the Ultimus MVP afterall. Let’s just hope that he doesn’t eat too many turkey legs and gets back to work this offseason to keep his run going.

Championship Game Recap: Do a recap of the best play from the championship game.

With 11:06 left in the game, the Otters just scored giving them a 10 point lead. It seemed like the game could slip out of sight if Liberty did not score on the drive. Madlad kicks it to the ever dangerous Josh Garden. What happened next shocked the NSFL world as it changed the game and gave Liberty life. Garden looked up, saw the ball, then back down the field at the 11 opponents rushing at him. He caught the ball, and ran full speed ahead. Garden takes it up the middle with blockers in front, hit the spaces, and turned it into a footrace that the Otters kicking team had no hopes of winning. It may not have been a game winning score on a dramatic drive but it cannot be argued that it was not electric. It was a huge 102 yard return that gave Liberty life which is often all a team needs. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to turn the tide and the Otters left that day with the win. However, the efforts of Garden won’t be forgotten anytime soon.

(S6) - Ultimus Week - sapp2013 - 03-26-2018

Future Talent: Make a sig for a S6 player who you feel will or did make a large impact for their team in the playoffs.
[Image: WX59Mfj.png?1]

Robbed: Make a graphical stat comparison of a team who failed to qualify for playoffs but why they should have over another team.
[Image: AfaFNgF.png?1]

That Magic Moment: Show one of the most exciting points in a game.
[Image: SGm0UR0.png?1]

(S6) - Ultimus Week - Aenir - 03-26-2018

That Magic Moment: Pick one moment from a playoff game and describe what made it so amazing to watch. (Must be completed after the game you write
The Magic Moment I have chosen is the opening kickoff of the San Jose Sabercats’ first playoff game ever! The crowd was electric, especially the contingent of Sabercat fans who made the trek to Orange County. Outnumbered by a large margin, at times the small contingent even out screamed the Otters fans! At the end of the game they even stood up and sang the Sabercats fight song. What a game! It was an extremely well fought game with the Sabercats coming up just short in the end. Falling by only 3 points, perhaps home field advantage DOES matter afterall! However things are looking up in San Jose and with a few additional tweaks the Front office has their work cut out for them, with Free Agency and the draft occurring soon. The NSFL with the shortest offseason of many major sports leagues. All this being said, it will still be a tough season ahead of them with reigning champion Otters, and the always tough Outlaws in their way. If they can navigate that…perhaps a repeat appearance and possible Ultimus trophy arrival for all the long suffering San Jose fans is in the Sabercats near future… What A magic moment that would be! (203)

Unsung Hero:Who was the unsung hero of the playoffs, convince us. (Can be completed after the Ultimus game)

The Unsung hero of the playoffs is Vincent Sharpei, the long suffering former offensive line man and current linebacker of the San Jose Sabercats. He had never made the playoffs before this season, spending 1 season in Baltimore, and the rest since then in San Jose. The ultimate example of a team player, he took less money to stay in San Jose to help them beef up the roster as well as set an example for teammates who might have potentially been looking to cash in elsewhere. (Looking at you [@`BayleyIsland`] ) He had a solid game leading 11 tackles and led the Sabercats with 2 Sacks. Sharpei was a force to be reckoned with, single handedly stopping Orange County Drives and practically willing the Sabercats forward on defense. Alas in the end, the Otters were just a bit too much and squeaked out a victory. But do not let that put a damper on his performance as he was voted the Sabercats Defensive player of the game for his contributions. He was also named the Sabercats defensive player of the year (due to an extremely limited ballot print run, this was a poll of 1, and although anonymous we suspect Sharpei voted for himself) anyway, Sharpei is the unsung hero of the playoffs for this reason! (217) [@Muford]

Sit-down with a star:Interview a player from a team that is not your own that is in the playoffs. You must ask them four questions and at least three must relate to the league in some way. YOU MUST POST THE QUESTIONS AND THEIR ANSWERS FOR CREDIT. (Can be completed at any point)

Q1: How do you feel about your former team not making the playoffs for the first time?

Q2: It has been rumored that in the past that you had some psychological issues that manifested in alternative personalities, but that since youve moved to canada (and their Free Health Care) you have had no recurrences, anything else going on there that you feel comfortable sharing with us?

Q3: Any thoughts to your upcoming season, perhaps even any post-football career ideas?

Q4: Do you ever wish you had joined your siblings Tor Tuck and Tommy Tuck (and Half Brother Gilmore Tuttle) with their Passion for hockey? Sure its physical, but is it as bad as the constant pounding one gets on the gridiron?

A1: Obviously I have ties to Arizona and you hate to see them miss the playoffs. I still have some buddies from the league over there and I know they want to win and I will always root for Arizona. I think Arbin Asipi will get the ship going back in the right direction and back into the playoffs in the near future.

A2: Jayce Tuck has no recollection of the psychological events you speak of. However, the Canadian Health Care system has been great for his mental and physical well being and he is happy to finally live in a first world country.

A3: I do not have much thought on my upcoming season but I am looking for a new contract so we will see how that shakes out. I am not too concerned since it will be easy for the best player in the entire league to get the kind of sizable contract that he is looking for. As for post-football, Jayce is eyeing something quiet far away from the realm of professional sports. He'll probably end up in a cabin in the forest, Mordor, Mustafar, or perhaps just regular old hell.

A4: Never. Football has always been Jayce Tuck's passion, some may even argue that he was too passionate about it, his brothers in the hockey realm play for the money. Jayce Tuck plays for the love of the game. The physicality of football is what pushed him towards football, plus it isn't as bad when you're delivering the hits.

Sit-down with a fan:Answer questions for an interview from a player that is not your own. You must answer at least four questions and at least three must relate to the league in some way. Link to the interviewers PT to receive credit. NOTE: THEY MUST POST THE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FOR YOU TO GET CREDIT. (Can be completed at any point)

Please see [@ErMurazor]'s post