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PTs / TPE gains - Printable Version

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PTs / TPE gains - Admin - 06-09-2017

(06-09-2017, 12:29 PM)Perkules Wrote:I totally feel you on trying to recruit buddies. Most of them just look at me crazy.

But a sub genre to earn money for statistical analysis would be cool af
@ErMurazor that is a great idea, the sub genre for statistical analysis. I'd love to make that a thing, thank for the the idea. Finding a fair what to grade and pay it may be the biggest challenge so I'm going to tag both media heads here too @NUCK @`incitehysteria`

PTs / TPE gains - Admin - 06-09-2017

(06-09-2017, 12:32 PM)Blaster Wrote:This is also my first sim league, and there are only a couple things I could say since again, it is my first sim league so there are no comparisons.

- Training Cost

It has come up already and I agree, it is a lot, 1M would = 2 weeks of training for my contract of 1 entire season. 500K I think would be a much better amount which would equate to about 4 weekly training = 12 TPE. Not a lot considering your main attributes should cost 5 each which means you get 2 points on your main attribute + 2 TPE Banked.

- More TPE Opportunities

Doesn't have to be anything crazy but I feel like it just takes way too long to build up my player that wasn't in the draft since I did sign up after, I never got the chance to do some of the tasks that the other players did. Which is completely fine because I don't expect to be equal with them especially since I'm considered an S2 Rookie. But I still feel we should be able to get more TPE, doesn't have to be an insane amount, just enough to get attributes up.

- Media Payout

I haven't done Media yet since the payout I feel isn't worth my time considering what everything is costing right now, I'd have to do multiple tasks to even afford 3 TPE (1M Weekly Training) Not sure how much it should be increased by but it should somewhat be reasonable.

So in the end, I think maybe if we had more TPE opportunities, and a balance of the cost that would make this league a little more enjoyable. There should be a balance if the costs go down the payout and the amount of money we get from contracts shouldn't be crazy. But if the costs stay the same, we need more money to pay for these costs.
If payouts increased for media would you still want training costs taken down to 500k? We would increase media in this case as a way to offset the training cost since it has come up so often.

I think it was page 1 where I posted what I have planned for the TPE earning for the entire season. I'd love to hear your opinion on it seeing the entire season mapped out and I'm not sure if you saw that post or not. Each of the ones named PT # are going to be the style of the draft profile where it's a task that you have to write or make grafx for. Not a prediction or any thing like that.

PTs / TPE gains - RainDelay - 06-09-2017

First, having an open forum with all parties involved is the best way to reach conclusions, so I commend all who have given their thoughts.

I agree with a bulk of the ideas laid out by @Durden , and I feel like many of those are reflective of the community's general wants. I personally love to see how active this place has been to start, and I only want to see continued growth. Credit has to be given, though, to those who started this league, as it is no easy task.

Points to (yet again) hammer home:

- Media payouts should be raised
- Training costs should be lowered, or split (i.e. 500k for 3 tpe or 1 mil for 5, that is what I'm used to on the SHL) 1 mil for 3 is absurd
- Alternatively, media and graphics could be done for TPE (within a reasonable cap) and we could eliminate the cash system altogether, or only use contract cash for equipment once per season
- I'm all for a stat analysis section of media

Some other side points:

- Some of you talked about trying to recruit friends to join, but they were discouraged or didn't like it. Of course, you cant force someone to join, but it is always better to keep them aware that changes may come to an aspect they may not have liked.

- This league did just start, so it cant be expected to be a utopia by now. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was the NSFL. Progress has been made, will continue to be made, and we can look ahead to our first season which kicks off Monday.

And with that, I urge everyone to keep voicing his/her opinion, and not leave or "give up", because with a proactive community such as this one, we can only look forward to twenty plus seasons of sustained traffic. As cliché as this may sound, every member's opinion is valued, and together we can build this wall league.

PTs / TPE gains - RavensFanFromOntario - 06-09-2017

(06-09-2017, 02:30 PM)Bengals1Fan Wrote:I think my point is that we want the league running for 20 seasons, not just running with 200 members for one right? The goal obviously would be a 200 person 20 league season, but the feasibility of that from what we've seen has not worked. That's my point.

From the WFL I learned that you need a strong core and a system that works strongly to keep users engaged. I think this system needs to be changed to support a league of this size.

And the SHL has proven that both of those are in fact possible...? 35 seasons strong and 200+ members signed in.

PTs / TPE gains - Admin - 06-09-2017

Tons of talk about media being paid more. Everyone cool with grafx payouts? I don't think they need to be increased.

PTs / TPE gains - DrunkenTeddy - 06-09-2017

(06-09-2017, 11:56 AM)Ballerstorm Wrote:If payouts increased for media would you still want training costs taken down to 500k? We would increase media in this case as a way to offset the training cost since it has come up so often.

I think it was page 1 where I posted what I have planned for the TPE earning for the entire season. I'd love to hear your opinion on it seeing the entire season mapped out and I'm not sure if you saw that post or not. Each of the ones named PT # are going to be the style of the draft profile where it's a task that you have to write or make grafx for. Not a prediction or any thing like that.
Currently an average contract is worth a couple weeks of training, I agree that a contract shouldn't pay for all your training for a season, but maybe 4 weeks of training on average would be good. So I do think that even if Media is increased in payout, changing to 500k for weekly training is a good idea.

PTs / TPE gains - Anti-Hype - 06-09-2017

Lmfao now people wanna get rid of the money? nahhhhhhhhhhhh thats lame. Just give us more options on stuff to buy. Different tiers of training and equipment. That way you have to strategically use it. Getting rid of it all together is a HORRIBLE idea.

PTs / TPE gains - Merica - 06-09-2017


PTs / TPE gains - dave - 06-09-2017

A few people have said it, but to make money more relevant different tiers of equipment would be cool.

PTs / TPE gains - Admin - 06-09-2017

(06-09-2017, 01:27 PM)DrunkenTeddy Wrote:Currently an average contract is worth a couple weeks of training, I agree that a contract shouldn't pay for all your training for a season, but maybe 4 weeks of training on average would be good. So I do think that even if Media is increased in payout, changing to 500k for weekly training is a good idea.
Thanks for the feedback!