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(S15) - PT4 - Gaming - Printable Version

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(S15) - PT4 - Gaming - Leafer - 06-09-2019

Austin Roenick play video games? Well video games is very popular in this generation because they do stuff which they cannot do in real life and they play with their friends. Austin Roenick has not played a lot of video games because he sucks at it. He does not play any shooting games because his aim is garbage and he does know what he is doing while he is playing. Plus shooting games is not really a big favourite for Roenick because it results in an enjoyment of killing other people which is something he does not like. So then he just sticks to sports games because they are realistic and fun. Problem is sports games in the new gen are trash. All of them except baseball which he thinks is cricket. Madden is not really a great game for him so obviously he does not really play sports games because he plays it outside in real life. So then there are action games and fighting games like smash, dragon ball z, mma, kombat and such games like that. Roenick is a huge favourite of fighting so that is therefore his favourite game to play and especially with the other people he plays with.

(S15) - PT4 - Gaming - TropicaliaCC - 06-09-2019

After a long day of grinding in the weight room and running routes, I like to hop on my Xbox and play some Madden. I usually like to pick bad teams and rebuild them through franchise mode. Since they added in the custom draft classes it has been an even more realistic experience playing with guys that are currently in college (Man, I miss NCAA Football games). Anyways, recently I started a franchise with the New York Jets and cleaned house on the offensive side of the ball. I traded away Darnold and every decent receiver they had for draft picks. I simmed the first year and tanked to a solid 3-13 record and compiled 4 first round draft picks. I chose Kyler Murray first overall to be the savior of the franchise and added the likes of N’Keal Harry and Noah Fant to give my tiny Quarterback some large weapons. I’m a little over half-way through their rookie years and putting up some ridiculous video game numbers with Kyler. I like to run a spread offense when I play, so I can sling the ball around and pick up easy rushing yards with the QB. It’s too bad that EA did a poor job of implementing physics for the conventional run game because now I rarely pound the rock. Defensively, I like to play as the Middle Linebacker and try to take away the short routes over the middle.

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(S15) - PT4 - Gaming - WALDO - 06-09-2019

(S15) - PT4 - Gaming - contacts - 06-09-2019

Jammerson Irving was born in Jamaica, and the fact he is playing football at all, let alone professionally, is pretty incredible as he had never even played the sport until his junior year in high school. That story has been told before, but Jammerson's gaming taste might be even more unlikely, as he is an avid EA NHL fan and plays almost non-stop when he isn't working on his game on the field or in the gym.

Of course, due to his parents immigration to Canada while he was a minor, he has been surrounded by rabid hockey fans during his formative high school years, so the hulking Jamaican naturally picked up the game. Jammerson Irving has always had an addictive and competitive personality, and gaming was no different. He trains for competitive EA NHL as hard as he trains for the NSFL, and is actually a very accomplished online player. Jammerson has actually tried skating, and playing hockey, but after a few nasty spills he has decided to forego any actual hockey playing for the virtual version. It only makes sense.

Interestingly enough, Jammerson has only played Madden a handful of times and doesn't enjoy it. He has often tried to get the locker room to switch over, and has met stuanch resistance and has had little success. Hockey all the way.

(S15) - PT4 - Gaming - JVMjrDOT - 06-09-2019

When Jordan von Matt isn't on the field practicing for his next game, he's unwinding with his Xbox One or PS4. He definitely plays a lot of Madden, but sometimes it's nice to not have to think about football at all, even if it's a video game. He always buys the newest Call of Duty game, since that's always a lot of mindless fun. He also like playing NHL 19, as he used to play that competitively. Unfortunately, he doesn't have any friends to play hockey with, as no one else likes hockey. His friends are all lame. Jordan also likes playing Out Of The Park 19, which is a baseball simulation game. He enjoys being the GM of a team (usually the Seattle Mariners), and trying to get them to win the world series. Lately, he's done a bit better than the GM of the actual Mariners, who are one of the worst teams in baseball right now. Jordan will occasionally play Xbox with his wife as well. There are a few co-op games like Overcooked, which is a fantastic game where you try to make various food items in a small amount of time. It can be very addicting.

(S15) - PT4 - Gaming - timeconsumer - 06-09-2019

Cooter Bigsby doesn't play video games. But he does appreciate some more old fashioned games to help him unwind and relax, especially in the offseason. Cooter really enjoys playing dynamite fishing with his friends. It's easy, throw a stick on dynamite into the pond, count how many fish surface, whoever loses has to drink beers equal to how many fish he lost by. It really benefits you to go first in this game. Other than that Cooter really likes to do some drag racing with his buddies. They all work on their cars a lot but Cooter's is one fast fucking machine. It's a Chevy S10 with a twin turbo Grand National V6 motor in it. But they don't go to the track, that's no fun. Instead they prefer to do it old fashioned street race style. Another game is golf. Cooter doesn't play golf though, that shit sucks, but it is a game. Uhhh, let's about the "I slept with your sister last night" game? Is that a game? It is to Cooter. The problem is that nobody ever wins that game, except for the child support attorneys, they win. Every damn time. No wonder Cooter is broke all the time.

(S15) - PT4 - Gaming - MaxGnarland - 06-09-2019

Quentin Sinclair often plays vanilla Minecraft on a server with friends from college. Quentin spends most of his free time playing on this server and has for the past two years. He enjoys creating intricate redstone machines and mob grinders as well as large scale building projects. "It really helps me use my creative side that I don't always get to use when playing football. It's also a good excuse to hang out with my friends even when they can't be here physically, it's how we keep in touch" Sinclair said. When asked about if anyone else on the team plays he said "Nah, everyone else on the team thinks the game is for children and would rather play 'adult' games like Madden or 2K. Those games are fun and all but that's what we do for a living, I like to spend my free time doing stuff unrelated to work." Asked why Minecraft is so appealing to him Sinclair answered "With most games there is only so much you can do; whether there's a story that you have to follow or having limited game mechanics to play with. With Minecraft there is no shortage of things to do and the simplicity of it makes it easy to complete large projects if you put the time into it."

(S15) - PT4 - Gaming - maxlane - 06-09-2019

I just got signed to the Tijuana Luchadores for the DSFL playoffs so I have not had a lot of time to play a lot of video games but my favorite that I played during my college and high school days is Black Ops Zombies and specifically the zombies mode from Black Ops Two and Black Ops Three. I would come home from a long day of practice, meetings and class and be able to unwind by just logging in a couple of hours of just unloading on zombies. I can get my mind right as well when I conquer easter eggs left and right.

Another video game that I really enjoy is MLB the Show 19. Their ultimate team mode is different than any other sports game in the fact of all of the player's base cards have dynamic overalls which makes the economy in the game more interesting and better to follow. Also unlike any other sports game, MLB the Show is the only sports game where there is only one currency they use throughout the entire game. A video game that only uses one currency definitely shows that they aren't a huge money grab.

I am also a big franchise guy and enjoy playing any sports game's franchise mode. My goal after football is to be in the FO of a professional sports team (hopefully football) and make my way up. I have been playing franchise mode in sports games for all my life and have joined multiple online franchises which have been really fun as well. It is nice to have my own little community in my online franchise that is separated from all of the jocks of the football world, I can get into my own little nerd world and hang out with other football fans.

(S15) - PT4 - Gaming - JBLAZE_THE_BOSS - 06-09-2019

When Johnny Blaze wants to unwind, we know that his ritual includes fat blunts and bowl packs. It also includes playing video games for an unhealthy amount of time. You can occasionally find Blaze losing to 11 year olds on Fortnite. Others it will be getting dominated by basement dwelling incels in a shooter like Call of Duty or Battlefield. Most of the time, though, he is playing a sports themed video game. Blaze grew up as a young man during an era where there was no monopoly on sports video games. His childhood was filled with 989 Studios NFL Game Day, or the EA Sports offering Triple Play Baseball. These days, he is an avid Madden player, and mixes in some NBA 2k here and there. Blaze dabbles in online video game streaming on the Twitch platform, but because he sucks so bad at Battle Royale games, the audience is usually minimal at best. In one memorable stream that later became viral, Blaze was in a 1v1 situation in Fortnite and found himself moments away from a Victory Royale, before he clammed up and had a double-ramp built on his head resulting, ultimately in a loss. Blaze then destroyed everything in his room as the stream went black.

(S15) - PT4 - Gaming - speculadora - 06-09-2019

Hugh Mongo's favorite video game is pokemon. He likes all of the different versions of pokemon. Blue, Red, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red, Leaf Green, Heart Gold, Soul Silver, Diamond, Pearl, Black, White, and whatever the two new versions are called and also whatever comes after black and white as I think there are a couple in between those and the new games as well. He's also big on pokemon go. Huge. Hugh. He grinds that shit constantly. He'll go out on runs just to hunt down pokemon and then he will train them and he basically devotes all of his contract money to the game honestly it's kind of a concerning habit but he's surrounded himself with so many yes men that nobody really does anything about it so he'll probably be the first person to ever go broke because of pokemon go. or maybe not the first but certainly the most stupid. Outside of being a pokemon freak he also likes to play pokemon snap. That might be his favorite game, the old one on nintendo 64. he knows all of the little glitches and cheats to get the sickest photos, and pretty much nobody can beat him at pokemon snap probably because it's not really a competitve game but if it were he would be totally unbeatable because he plays it constantly.