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(S2) - Weekend PT #1 - Draft Prep - Printable Version

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(S2) - Weekend PT #1 - Draft Prep - TyronSmith - 07-16-2017

(S2) - Weekend PT #1 - Draft Prep - TheWoZy - 07-16-2017

The draft is about to start. With the preparation I made before the draft, I know which player I would get. I always every data possible on every prospect. Their strength and weakness and also if they are interested to play in my team. Also, I always look for my team needs. If I need Safety like currently in Colorado, I would focus on drafting a safety. But if there's a player star player still on the board, he's a must. I always seperate my spreadsheet into position. I also try to make a mock draft. It's important to know if you can get a certain player at a certain pick. Predicting your opponent pick is very strong tool, knowing what they want can give you the chance to make some trade like picking their prospect and trade them for more pick if there's a player that I want and I know he's going to fall then I can trade down. You also want player that are committed to play for your team in a long term. That's the interviews are very important between the GM and the players. Finally, it's going to be a funtime so no need to be stressful. When I get my picks in, I celebrated with my new player.

(S2) - Weekend PT #1 - Draft Prep - MattJames - 07-16-2017

[Image: IAlKksE.png]

(S2) - Weekend PT #1 - Draft Prep - Bzerkap - 07-16-2017

Man if only I was an NSFL GM I'd be doing so many crazy trades. The war room is really lit over here at the Wraiths, we are going through every single prospect with a fine tooth comb. We're looking at strengths, weaknesses, who they hung out with in college, and what their favorite fast food joint was around campus. Plus, with the way Garden has been playing for us, we have to be extra cautious about the devil's lettuce. We hope they're all on it, seems to really improve performance. However, not only are we scouting the prospects, we're scouting the other teams in the NSFL. We need to know as well as they do what their weaknesses and strengths are.

I really believe we are the most prepared team in the NSFL. We are knee deep in excel spreadsheets, Foosball Insider reports, and Pro Football Jokers Analysis. However, predicting the draft is as much an art form as it is a science. I've brought my personal yogi all the way from India to teach our scouts about the meaning of chakras and how to read one. Our team yoga sessions and meditations are important to our success on the field. We are all about finding a well-rounded prospect who is able to contribute on the field and in the locker room.

(S2) - Weekend PT #1 - Draft Prep - Bafetimbi Gomis - 07-17-2017

Ya know if Thaddeus was a GM, he'd do a lot of things. Let's pretend this hypothetical NSFL team is called THADDEUS WORLDWIDE, and what we wanna do around here is not draft little scared little BOYS. no no not at all. Here at THADDEUS WORLDWIDE, we want to draft men. Some men who are well off and some who are looking for that opportunity to succeed. We don't want no Darren Youngs, no no he's a traitor and a little scared little BOY. We don't need no stinkin' BOB BACKLIN either. Here at THADDEUS WORLDWIDE in our war room consisting of myself, Apollo Crews, and Akira Tozawa, we want men. This is the land of opportunity here at THADDEUS WORLDWIDE and I must say that we will keep all our draft picks and will not consider trading any of our picks at all. We want to draft young men with potential who come from bad homes and give them an opportunity to succeed, like how I was given an opportunity to succeed when I was younger. We know who we drafting. The first overall pick we will be drafting a defensive end from the University of Florida, THADDEUS BULLARD!




(S2) - Weekend PT #1 - Draft Prep - Jiggly_333 - 07-17-2017

The first thing that hits you in there is the smell. Bear and Jiggles haven’t showered in weeks. But for some reason they’re not stressed out. Maybe it’s the fumes. You look to one side of the office and you see the two Orange County Otters General Managers staring intently at a giant chalkboard with a ton of names. Wow! you think, That’s some impressive scouting! But as you look closer you notice strange names like Jar Jar Binks and Nien Numb. You open your mouth to begin to ask what the hell that is, but a fight breaks out between the two GMs.
“You do know that you need a sperm and an egg in order for a human child to be born,” Jiggly Jiggles responds.
“Shmi had a kid using only the force!”
You cut in to ask what you probably should’ve asked when you walked in:
“Excuse me, but where are your plans for the draft?”
Jiggles shoots an angered look in your direction and points to the whiteboard on the other side of the room. The whiteboard is pretty blank except for a crude drawing of a mountain and a stick figure on top with a flag that said, “#1”.

(S2) - Weekend PT #1 - Draft Prep - Aenir - 07-17-2017

[Image: uybZCtL.jpg]

(S2) - Weekend PT #1 - Draft Prep - Ghostspeed - 07-17-2017

On the elevator up to the team's "draft war room" they're still arguing and each scout and the assistant GM's are still trying to make their 'case' for the player they found or piggyback on the latest hot trending prospect and as the doors open and the buzz of the phones and the big screens reshowing the highlights of the top ten mock drafts and the 20 foot wall of dry erase boards subdivided by position and rated by stats, by pre draft physical tests and wunderlik IQ tests. And even by personality traits. Your staff takes their positions and they look to you to give them the inspirational words.
You're a General Manager of one of the largest sporting franchises in the world. You've worked your entire life for this moment and as you scan the faces you see that every eye is on your next move and you know it's time to say it. " Ok, First things first before this thing turns into a full scale assault. I want to know from each one of you here on the historic occasion ....who's up for Chinese food and who wants pizza?"