International Simulation Football League
(S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - Printable Version

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RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - micool132 - 12-31-2022

PBE affiliate

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - Starboy - 12-31-2022

Setting up New Years Resolutions is an important task for anyone hoping to avoid making each year feel the exact same. Sometimes years can start to blend together, especially in the sim world, as you try to keep updated or make sure that you are getting the most out of your player. My goals for the upcoming year are focused on trying to get the best for what I am working on as a player. Currently my goal rests on finally getting an award at the ISFL level. I have received two DSFL MVPs which many would be envious of, but I have yet to receive an ISFL award where everyone focuses on with determining if any of your hard work was worth it. I would like to also be able to finish off the career with Armor Queen so that she is remembered with either her talent in odd conversations or to actually become the first anime player in the Hall of Fame. Having been in the league for so long, wanting to be remembered is one of my biggest goals with at least one of my players whenever I finally finish my time in the league.

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - Skindog44 - 12-31-2022

PBE affiliate

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - CeeKay - 12-31-2022

For Cornelius King III, his goal going into this football season as a rookie wr is to make a positive impact on the passing game and the team as a whole small or big especially this year since hes a rookie in his first season in the league. even though the expectations on him by others isnt that high his expectation for himself is thats why he has he wants to have a big impact in the passing game.
his other goal which has been the same every sesson of football he ever played is to see his team the san jose sabercats reach the playoffs and possibly the Ultimini and hes gonna do all he can to make that happen.
And if we're being honest hes achieved those goals so far as hes looking like the oroy through 5 games, not only leading his team in receiving yards but all rookie wide receivers with 667 yards and 2 tds. although the sjs haven't started out the best theres still a chance to achieve goal #2

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - pauadrian - 12-31-2022

I think the objective for Tyler One is very clear. He is currently the running back for the Portland Pythons in the Development Football Sim League. He does not want to stop there though, the objective heading into the new year is to become him. What is becoming him? He wants to be the best running back in the league and be drafted in the first round for the International Football Sim League. The fact that he has had a fantastic start to his season proves that he is very much on his way to becoming him and dominating the International Football Sim League. Another goal that Tyler One would like to accomplish is to absolutely destroy the living hell out of MC Hammer when he faces off against him. He wants to zoom past him every time they face off due to the fact that Tyler One hates stupid pun names and has known MC Hammer for a long time

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - Reedy0rNot - 12-31-2022

Joe Reed always has the main goal of being the ultimate team player. Being a team player means that I will always put the team first, before my own wants and wishes like stats and awards. Being a team player, my ultimate goal is to be enshrined in to the Butchers HoF. I know that I probably will not have the best stats to get into the ISFL HoF, but I want to believe that my attitude and willingness to give my all to the team will be enough to get me in. Another goal that me and my player have is that I want to help the team that took a chance on me and drafted me win a ISFL championship. That would mean that everything I have done to this point has been worth it. Who needs stats and awards when you can lift that trophy and party with your brothers during the championship parade. 
(157 words)

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - Repgnar - 12-31-2022

PT Pass

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - SimmiZ - 12-31-2022

On the field, Sim Sunigh want to be an impact right off the gates for OCO. Being the 3rd choice overall, and be a starter right away felt pretty awesome for Sunigh, but now the real work start. The Otters are reshaping their defense starting this season, and Sunigh will be a key piece for that, so his main goal is too proove to the direction that they made the right choice, by being an example on and off the field. On a personnal note, Sim would love to finish the season with at least 80 hits, that would put him at 5 tackles per game.

Off the field, he want to do more for people in need, and start creating bond with OCO fans. Starting tomorrow  he will go at least once a week help in a shelter to give some foods to homeless people, and distribute some clothes to them. 

151 words

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - speculadora - 12-31-2022

As the new year approaches, Crashmore stares at a photo of his wife. She was brutally murdered by a group of low-life scumbags, who suck, and now nothing will stop him from exacting his revenge on those pieces of shit. He turns to the chief, sitting at the bar with him, and tells him "Don't save any caskets". When the clock strikes midnight and the new year begins, his new resolution is one that he will stop at nothing to fulfill: to get revenge on the dirtbag pieces of trash who took away his wife. She probably wasn't the love of his life, but she was OK. In any event, he vows to spend every waking moment working tirelessly to track down leads and gather evidence, determined to bring these low lifes to justice. As usual, he doesn't care about the rules or the consequences of his actions; all he cares about is avenging his wife and taking out as many low life loser ditbag pieces of shit as possible. It will be a long and difficult road, but he's willing to do whatever it takes to bring these scumbags to justice or death. Probably death, because they're dumb.

RE: (S39) PT #2 - Work Hard, Play Hard - shrub02 - 12-31-2022

Since Bender is an old bot on a rebuilding team, I have different goals for him than season’s past. I’m not hoping for  a pro bowl appearance or a deep playoff run. I simply wish Bender to stay relevant and savor every victory the Otters can muster up. As far as personal goals for Bender, I have a couple in mind that will help cement his legacy as one of the best LBs to ever grace the ISFL. Firstly, I’m hoping for at least 100 tackles this season. He’s currently on pace for that, which would be his 10th season with over 100 tackles. Only a handful of players have ever done that. Secondly, I’m hoping Bender will get at least 12 TFLs. I know that might be a stretch but if could somehow achieve that, he would only need 5 more to make it to 100 career TFLs. Only 3 players have ever done that before. 

157 words