International Simulation Football League
(S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - Printable Version

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RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - DangWookie - 06-21-2024

Interviewer - Ace, first of all, thank you for taking the time to speak with us today
Ace - Of course! Anything for you guys
Interviewer - With the pleasantries out of the way, what do you think of Sarasota's disappointing season thus far?
Ace - Disappointing? I think that is a little harsh. I think everyone knew the Sailfish would struggle a little bit this season with some of our players getting closer to their death beds but I think we would all agree that we've been on the wrong side of a couple close losses. With a little more luck, I think we'd be sitting higher up the table and there's lots to be excited about as the season winds down.
Interviewer - Glad to hear a positive spin on things for the team, one last question before I let you go - how are you feeling about your chances for MVP this season?
Ace - I don't think it is out of the question, this has been my most productive season in the league so far but there are some other extremely talented players vying for that award so it is really anyone's game at this point. I'm just going to keep doing what I do and hopefully, everything works out in my favor
Interviewer - Well that's it for me, thank you again Ace for taking the time out of your training
Ace - No problem man, have a good one

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - jsteele14 - 06-21-2024

PBE Affiliate

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - YetiTaz - 06-21-2024

Interviewer: "We would like to welcome the newest member of the Tijuana Luchadores Holden Affart. Welcome to the ISFL and to Tijuana, Holden. What can we expect from you, Mister Affart."

Holden: "Thank you for having me. My first priority in Tijuana will be to fit into the team. As a waiver addition, I am coming into an environment that is already being established so I will need to find my role on the team so as to not disrupt team chemistry."

Interviewer: "Do you have any personal goals for the season?"

Holden: "I just wish to improve during this first year in Tijuana and establish a career path that will lead me to future success."

Interviewer: "How do you plan to meet these goals?"

Holden: "The most important step will be to work hard and learn. Listen to the coaches. They have already set me on a path to perform some agility drills so I can improve in that area."

Interviewer: "What is your take on belief in team management?"

Holden: "That is the number one criteria. Team management is composed of people who have been at this a while. They understand how to put a player in the best position to succeed so that the team succeeds. As an offensive lineman, I'm not going to be stat-padding or glory hounding so I will be gaining my most personal success through team success."

Interviewer: "Thank you for joining us and good luck in Tijuana."

Holden: "Thank you for having me."

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - ztarwarz - 06-21-2024

(this is the give an interview option)

Preston Beatz, it's been a long, storied career, but it's coming to a close with your recent retirement announcement. What would you say your greatest accomplishment was?

"Well, I'd say it was making Baltimore a great franchise again, after a long time where they were one of the worst franchises in the league. Becoming the first QB to win back to back MVPs in over 20 years, since the great Franklin Armstrong, wasn't half bad either. I'm comfortable with my status as one of the greatest QBs ever to play in league history."

How about your recent seasons? Is it fair to say that they haven't been what you'd liked?

"While I won't say that I expected much different, as an aging QB on a team without much talent, there's not much I could do. I still would prefer not to throw over 20 interceptions in back to back seasons, but at least I'm at the top of basically all the record books now!"

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - PSanchez55 - 06-22-2024

Generic Reporter: Chris, tell us about yourself?

Chris: I play football.

Generic Reporter: Care to elaborate?

Chris: I go get the Quarterback.

Generic Reporter: Why do you do that?

Chris: Because I’m good at it.

Generic Reporter: Some have suggested that you aren’t that good at your job, others have suggested that with the backing of a weak agency, you won’t develop like you should.

Chris: Okay, and…

Generic Reporter: What do you say to claims that you aren’t good enough to compete in the very competitive International Sim Football League?

Chris: I go get the Quarterback.

Generic Reporter: Whaf do you say to claims that the agency backing you doesn’t have the money invested to produce an elite talent?

Chris: Because I’m good at it.

Generic Reporter: Did you even graduate kindergarten?

Chris: I am a good rusher, okay.

Generic Reporter: I don’t like that look in your eye. I think we will wrap up the interview now.

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - lucyxpher - 06-22-2024

VHL Affiliate

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - AJay887 - 06-22-2024

Interviewer: Thank you for sitting down with me, Gajeel.

Gajeel: You're welcome. Is this going to last long?

Interviewer: Not too long, I won't take too much of your time. First, I want to address the regular season for Austin. Clearly you guys were hoping for more.

Gajeel: You're right. We definitely should have won a few more games than we did. It hurts to only win 5 games of 16 at the end of the season. A lot of our losses were really close. But we're strong enough to bounce back from this, hopefully have a really good draft to shore up some of our weaker areas and win a few more next year.

Interviewer: How would you rank your personal performance this year?

Gajeel: I feel like it was a bit of a sidestep, I didn't see a lot of improvement, other than actually forcing some fumbles this year, but most of my stats either remained the same or got slightly better. I was hoping to get my hand in to mess up a few more passes, but it just wasn't thrown over by me as much.

Interviewer: Well thank you for sitting down with me, Gajeel, I greatly appreciate it, and am looking forward to seeing your improvements next season.

(213 words)

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - RussDrivesTheBus - 06-22-2024

AJ: Mr. Beard, forgive me for being a bit forward, but I'd like to get right to the most interesting part of your career; your existence rather.
DB: Feel your own risk.
AJ: You're a beard. As far as I can gather, you are, simply-put, a finely-manicured collection of hair. How does that happen?
DB: Is this not the league that employed a sentient potato? At one point they also had Literally A Triangle on a team. Is it really that weird?
AJ: I guess if you put it in that contest, it's not as odd. But I do have questions around how all of you...came to be? Does that make sense?
DB: I understand your curiosity, but unfortunately, I don't have an answer for you. Much like the universe we live in, I wasn't and then I was. That's really all I know about it. 
AJ: While it is a bit underwhelming, I must accept your answer at face value.
DB: I see what you did there!

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - caravaggio - 06-22-2024

PBE Affiliate

RE: (S48) PT #5 - Media Darling - shadyshoelace - 06-22-2024

Interviewer: Hey Lenard, thanks for sitting down with us for this interview. We're excited to hear about your thoughts on this season and the team moving forward!
McRobinson: Thanks for having me. It's been a while since I've done one of these, I'm looking forward to some hard hitting questions.
Interviewer: We'll get to the tough ones eventually, but let's get started with a softball: How would you describe your performance this season?
McRobinson: The important thing is that it's not about my performance. I'm a piece of the bigger Honolulu Hahalua puzzle, and I think we made some great strides as a team this season. Going from the bottom of the conference to six wins is big, especially with how many young contributors we have right now. Everyone took a big step up, and I couldn't be more proud of the attitude and effort the whole roster brought in. The future is bright.
Interviewer: That's great to hear. But you have to be a little bit proud of your season, right? What's a moment that stands out to you?
McRobinson: I'm sure you want me to say something like the week sixteen win over New York, right? Flash some of my stats up on the screen? Of course I'm happy when things break that way, but I'm going to have to say the week fourteen win over Arizona. That team is tough, man, and on the road? Forget about it. Everyone wrote us off, but we were hungry after the disappointing loss to New Orleans the week before. The way we rallied in the second half and then held strong, the offense and defense really came together there to do something great. It's those moments that show you what this squad is going to be capable of doing on a weekly basis soon.