International Simulation Football League
(S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Printable Version

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RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - yosh - 10-12-2024


RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Muford - 10-12-2024

SHL Affiliate

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Bradkipp - 10-12-2024

I would like to talk about the Norfolk Seawolves playing in one of the given examples of an alternate environment, Underwater. First the entirety of the Norfolk Seawolves are trained to operate a submarine and a few of the players are also scuba certified. These two things would allow for the team to have a much better time faring underwater than most, if not all, other teams in the league. Additionally Kipp Summers is a Mudkip which would allow for extreme mobility is such an environment. This would likely lead to Kipp being switched to a running back for the game as he would be the easiest way for the Seawolves to score points in a place where movement is so limited. Most likely a game played in this environment would lead to a record number of touchdowns, and a record number of 2 point conversions given that most other teams wouldn't be able to stop Kipp summers swimming circles around them as well as FG's being almost impossible to make in this environment.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - captainsb - 10-12-2024

For a special season, the Osaka Kaiju are forced to play outside their island country and under water. Global warming had impacted water levels which led to rising water levels. But not only that a big earthquake happened near the Nankai Trough and that has caused big issues. So what does the league decide to do working with local government and the team? They decide to play the games underwater. The team needs to adjust in playing underwater and what makes the biggest difference are making tackles and jumping. Also breathing needs to be better monitored and teams will need to take more breaks and time outs to make sure players have enough oxygen to continue. Joey Battle as a defensive leader wants to make sure he can better manage his breathes and how to tackle people underwater. He practices taking down sea turtles and hippos to practice. Turtles is slippery and hippos need strength so both are really great at practicing tackling.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - omg - 10-12-2024

It's one thing for a team to adapt to an unusual field or stadium, but what if we upped that chaos to the next level? Let's build our field inside a Pokemon stadium, and whichever pokemon is active determines the "hazards" of the field based on their type. In addition, every time that a team scores or a new quarter begins, the active pokemon changes, shifting things up even in the midst of the game! Let's say the game starts and Pidgeotto is the first pokemon. Normal type would be just a standard field, but Flying type would add high winds to the equation, making passing and kicking much more difficult. A good rushing team could take advantage of that and let's say they score on their first possession. After the score, the pokemon changes to Suicune. Suddenly, the whole field is underwater, and players have to adapt to swimming. Let's say that is a bust and neither team can do anything; come the second quarter they get some reprieve and a Meowscarada comes out. We get a grass field but with some vines and trees in the way that players have to figure out how to avoid on the fly. This won't be easy though, as the dark type shuts off all the lights. Someone is running head first into that tree! With a total of 18 different types and up to two effects spawning at once, there are hundreds of different field combinations that could appear at any time!

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - 18situaseans - 10-12-2024

Since I’m in the S51 class, I have to go with Area 51. This would be a very unique environment with it arid climate and very high security. Would fans even be let into the game? Probably not. But it would be very fun to play here. Receivers would have to dodge UFOs and Quarterbacks would have to make sure the ball doesn’t go over into the restricted area… that wouldn’t be good. This is some serious business playing in Area 51. It isn’t some funny joke, do not take it this way. Players have to be very careful to not make any of the guards mad because it can get pretty ugly if they do. The guards might even join the game as Linebackers… there would be no crowd so no cheering? Incorrect, there would be a crowd, it just wouldn’t be humans. If you get what I mean. Overall, this would be a pretty interesting experience for players, as well as all Extra Terrestrials of the universe to experience a game they’ve never seen before.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - modpro - 10-12-2024

Our team being from Texas, the Austin Copperheads would be very familiar with a desert environment. The sand would change a lot of things: Firstly, fumbles and punts would not roll. You have to be precise with your punts and not worry about the spin. We can manage that. Snaps would be a whole different game. Under center would be difficult as you would get sand in your quarterback's face, but shotgun, you would have to heave it to get it to your quarterback. The worst part though would be running. Your calves have to put in that much more effort to move you on a sandy surface. I know this from having played beach soccer. Luckily, the Austin Copperheads have calves like you have never seen before. We never skip leg day. This would put us at a tremendous advantage on this sort of unfamiliar playing surface, and would give us the boost we need to get to the Ultimus once more.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Bazooka_Joe - 10-12-2024

PBE affiliate:

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - br0_0ker - 10-12-2024

I know you are not going to believe this, but I once played football in space! I know, crazy right? There were these two guys or I think maybe one of them was a dog or something, but anyways they owed me a lot of money, see. I gave them a few chances to earn it the honest way, you know, just carrying some uhhhh merchandise across intergalactic borders. No blood no foul, right? Well anyways, these pricks, on top of not paying me back for my VERY generous loan, they went and DUMPED the payload as soon as the feds came snoopin' around. I mean, what gives? Doesn't anyone have any honor in this universe any more? So anyways, these two guys, they come crawling back like "oh Mr. Pizza please sir we're so sorry" " oh Mr. Pizza forgive us they were going to lock us away forever" " oh Mr. Pizza that's a wonderful new dress you're wearing" (I don't wear dresses and it WAS a very nice dress...) So anyways, I give these two chuckleheads a chance to win themselves out of the money they owe me: in a football game in space! I won of course. Doubled what they owed me.

RE: (S50) PT #5 - Unfamiliar Territory - Philliesphan96 - 10-12-2024

PBE Affiliate