International Simulation Football League
(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Printable Version

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(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - WALDO - 01-25-2020

This one is probably the easiest PT you lot have ever done since I have been in the league. The plan is simple. I would meet with the rookie and discuss the obvious questions I would ask everyone. “Where did you find us?”, “Do you have any issues with navigating the site”, “Have you done any of the rookie tasks yet?”, and the infamous, “How much time are you ready to commit to this league?”. I’ll explain how this league is not easy at times. It requires effort and the drive to work hard and get on with your players life. I would explain how it can be hard sometimes, citing my last year as evidence. Even if I earned well all season, I still performed terribly. I would tell them that sun performance doesn’t matter, most people don’t put much of a weight on that if you are earning and active in discord or the forums somehow. I would inform him about the DSFL, where he will be drafted by a different team than his current one, in which he will play until his nsfl General Managers. I would also explain how they are not affiliated in any way, apparently newer people struggle with that and how you just get called up and play for your nsfl team instead of playing for their ML team.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - LordMacharius - 01-25-2020


(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - golden_apricot - 01-25-2020

well apparently i signed up to be a mentor... not my best decison ever since... lets be honest kicking is not something that you can really teach someone to be able to do at an elite level. But here we are. I decided to start by sitting the rookies down and asking them to answer a few questions about how to kick a ball. Most should do really well, the kicking part is the easy part of the job, the hard part is being able to do it infront of a crowd and under pressure. So to try and emulate this I attempted to place them under high pressure for a bit. We took a trip to the local diving club and got the guys set up to go underwater for a period of time. This should allow them to spend time in a high pressure zone so that maybe they can get use to it. This should be fine, no one has ever died diving without experience so we will be fine. The next step is taking them to the airport to kick some balls. We will line up in an area where planes will be flying close to us so that they can get use to kicking in loud environments. This should help them learn how to kick in the NSFL.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Ultimacomanda47 - 01-25-2020

Being a rookie myself, this writing task is quite difficult to answer. I myself am learning all the ins and outs of the league and the best path to super stardom in both NSFL and DSFL; however, I have been in other leagues, such as the PBE and understand how daunting it can be for a first timer to appear in a brand new league. While I cannot give any kind of concrete examples of specifics for the NSFL/DSFL I could prepare them for, I can give them good general advice for being a rookie in any kind of professional sport.

First thing to do, is never let the money control you. You will be given more money than you have ever seen in your entire life, but if you let it go to your head, it will sink your career faster than anything else.

Second thing to do is to realize that your teammates are your brothers and sisters. They are there to fight for you and make you the best player possible.

The final thing to do is never to stop putting 100% effort into everything you do. With how competitive professional sports are, any hint of weakness will be sniffed out and sped past by other players, hungry for a chance to prove themselves.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - SwagSloth - 01-25-2020

As a rookie himself, Baby Yoda got to spend the day with two of his Grey Duck mentors, Silver Bandana and Zack Vega. Silver was nice to Yoda from the first day he arrived in the locker room and helped Yoda get to know the rest of the team. Because of this, Yoda works very hard to block for Silver on field goal attempts. Yoda isn't very big, but he's training every day to get stronger, so he can help his friend out. The day started with practice and, afterwards, Silver even let Yoda try to kick the football. It was tough for Yoda because his feet are shaped a little differently from having to acclimate to the strange terrain of his home country of Dagobah, so it was difficult to kick the ball, but it gave Yoda a new appreciation for Silver's job.

That night, Zack Vega took Yoda and some of the other rookies out to eat and "hit the town". The restaurant they went to was nice, but they did not have chicken nuggets, so Yoda settled for the Chicken Parmesan. He had to cut it up, which was inconvenient, but it was still pretty good. Afterwards, they went to a bar to get drinks. Yoda was craving chocolate milk, but the bar did not have that, so Vega ordered him a Chocolate White Russian. It was also pretty good and reminded Yoda of chocolate milk. At first, it made him feel pretty good, so he ordered more, but then he started to feel a bit sick, probably from too much chocolate. He had been warned as a teenager not to drink or eat too much chocolate when they migrated to the USA. Fortunately, Zack and the fellow rookies helped carry Yoda outside the bar and they took an Uber home. Yoda spit up a little bit while waiting for the driver, but Vega begged him not to spit up any more in the Uber ride and Yoda did his best to keep it together. Overall, it was still a fun night, but Yoda is thinking he will stick to regular chocolate milk from now on.

359 Words

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Rublic - 01-25-2020

If I was to mentor a rookie the thing I would focus on most is showcasing the community on the site and the friendships you can make within it. I came over to the NSFL from another sim league(SHL) so I know that retention is the most important thing in a new players first year. Winning helps keep the players going but at the end of the day the people you interact with daily is what makes everyone stay. I would also go over the differences that you will find in the DSFL compared to the NSFL. I wanna find out what they are looking for in this community and how we as a community can make it the most enjoyable experience possible. I would also go over each position on a Football team and highlight the important aspects of each role. I find too many people just want to play skill positions without showing any love for those less flashy jobs like Offensive Line. As football has a number of different positions it is also important to highlight the skills required to be successful at each position. I want to make it feel as real life as possible with a little dabble in the meta so they can get excited about their future builds! I always love taking players under my wing and mentoring them. I will also take them around town showcasing what the teams mean to the cities that host them and the impact players can have not just on the field but off of it as well. Through charity work and events to just interacting with fans on the street. All of it has a huger impact.

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - MrStennett - 01-25-2020

PBE PT Affiliation

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - rapideagle - 01-25-2020

[Image: giphy.gif]
since i am a rookie, here was me working out for my mentor

(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Wombat - 01-25-2020


(S20) - PT1 - Rookie Mentor - Shadowz - 01-25-2020