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(S25) - Ultimus Week - Printable Version

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RE: (S25) - Ultimus Week - JuOSu - 11-13-2020

SHL CW counts for one 3 tier task

12) Well, early on in league history we saw what may have been the most outrageous and most impactful scandal ever. It was of course, the often talked about scandal of Er making multis. For those that have never heard the story, Er was a player on the Arizona Outlaws and he was a really important person in the league. Er was the simmer for the league at a time when the league only had one simmer, so he simmed every game. He was also in the Arizona war room and was responsible for a lot of things for them and helped them crucially when scouting for the draft. As it turns out, he was often scouting himself. In the end, it was found that Er made something between 8 and 13 players himself and controlled them all. Some went inactive, when drafted to another team mostly, but it is truly insane to think about how much work Er really put into this, as he updated several players, kept up different personalities and backstories. He really did an insane job at it all. In the end, slm was a big reason why this was found out and he has talked about it in a podcast with Bex since. It's still insane that it was ever found out. They really did an amazing job with that. The thing that clinched it for me was Er never sending any pms to players he supposedly scouted. Back then discord wasn't a thing yet so it was easy to check his pms and see he never wrote people he highly recommended to his team. The result was huge, with Arizona having won three titles in the first three seasons, which suddenly had a huge asterisk next to all of them. It was pretty crazy at that point. All the multis got taken out and Arizona was suddenly no longer a top team. Er actually only got punished for a season which I really think was not a lot given the insane results this caused. I really felt like he should be banned. Many people even thought this was too harsh which is insane to me. I know Er has been in other leagues since and it blows my mind that some people are totally fine with that. But I guess his dedication cannot be doubted, he was a machine at the time. And there you have it! The biggest scandal ever explained.

16) I think I had a really good year and I should at least be considered for an award though I feel like I may not win it. I ended up with 62 tackles which is good for 3rd among Defensive Ends, I had 16 tackles for loss, which is tied for 4th among Defensive Ends. I also had a decent six sacks on top of it all. I think in the end that Nero Alexander, who had an insane 23 tackles for loss will win Defensive End of the year, but I really think I ought to at least be in the top 5 or even top 3 for that award. On top of it, I was a rookie, which should be enough to get me in the conversation for defensive rookie of the year. I know less about my competition for this award, so I won't go into too much details but getting sixteen tackles for loss in sixteen games as a rookie should be enough to really be considered there as well. I am unsure if I will really win either award in the end, but I am hopeful I will still at least get some votes for both of them, and I think I deserve that after the season I just had.

RE: (S25) - Ultimus Week - Sabremike - 11-13-2020

SHL Champions Week - 2.5 TPE

Task 15

Kita Chiasa's first time being in the DSFL has been a really amazing experience so far.  He hasn't gotten many looks at the field so far but he is ok with that as he is about to enter the draft this season so just practicing with an actual team has hastened his development and is on the fast track for becoming a difference maker in DSFL and eventually the ISFL.  Being a Cornerback Chiasa needs to keep focusing on reading players the receivers and tight ends and has a lot of work in his development on this front.  So far I have been satisfied with Chiasa's career so far and just being in the league early and getting opportunities to develop him early is really beneficial for his long term career.  So far most of the GMs for teams I've talked to have been extremely friendly.  They were the first people I talked to in this league and they have made it very welcoming and got me more excited to join the league.  Additionally before the trade deadline when I was picked up by Dallas having a rookie mentor check in and make sure everything was going well made me feel very at ease as if I had any questions someone was there to guide me.  The whole locker room in Dallas has made my experience fun.  Seeing a room that's always active encourages me that I can always talk to someone about the league, real sports, or just life in general.  While I need to break out of my shell and engage more in the locker room its easier to engage in a locker room this active.  As I wasn't drafted this was the first time in any simulation league I was picked up early and it was exciting waiting on the day of the trade deadline waiting for my player to be finalized and waiting for him to be picked up by a team.  I was anxious all day when I finally got a PM saying I was taken by Dallas it was a huge relief.  The only confusing thing for me is that the sim is hard to understand moving a t a fast speed but this is something I need to adjust to.  Lastly I enjoy some type of competition in the offseason so it would be neat if there was some type of mixed ISFL DSFL offseason competition where captains pick there teams and they compete to see who can win a quick league/tourney structure, but as someone who has played Draft Day Sports I realize this would be very difficult to pull off if not impossible.

+5 TPE

Task 25

If the ISFL/DSFL decided to have a skills competition there are many activities they can do without copying the NFL exactly.  Some games that could be added I feel would be fun for those invited to the skills competition would be a dunking contest, a frisbee throwing and catching competition, endzone to endzone dash, and a field goal shootout.  For the dunking contest any receiver, running back, corner back, or tight end who believes they jump high enough to dunk can compete and compete in round after round trying to show off their dunking skills in front of a crowd of football fans.  For frisbee throwing QBs or anyone who has completed a pass can compete and anyone who has received a pass can participate to catch it, the goal is to see who can throw it the farthest in ten attempts and who can catch the most in ten attempts.  In the endzone to endzone dash different heats of the fastest players in the league line up in one endzone and run to the other side of the field, whoever has the fastest time in the final heat is considered the winner.  Lastly for a field goal shootout all kickers at the event will take their turns making field goals, they have three strikes per shot, they start with a 25 yard field goal and it is pushed back 5 yards after every round.  The last kicker standing wins, if there is a tie, all tied kickers take turns kicking from 55 yards until there is one kicker remaining.

+2.5 TPE

RE: (S25) - Ultimus Week - Drip - 11-13-2020

15) This task is exclusive to non-recreate rookies of the S25 class and later. In 400 words or more, how has your experience been in the league? Who have you met that has made your time here more fun, friendly, and exciting? Have you been satisfied with your player’s early start? What was it like being drafted for the first time? Do you have any comments or suggestions for the entire league that you think should be implemented?

A. I joined the ISFL around 30 hours ago now, so my opinion is almost as fresh as you can get! Coming from the SCFSL and being a commissioner of a small league that failed, I was pretty hesitant to join a league that was not fully integrated with discord. I have spent the better part of 10 months learning the ins and outs of discord, so joining a league that was purely forum based presented a challenge for me. Well, I am glad I took that challenge. I have already felt so welcomed by all of the rookie mentor team, especially Schwarznarr or Melvin Murder-Moose. I started my registration on the old website, which made sense why nobody could find my player anywhere. Schwarz was with me every step of the way. Also, I am sure my name has turned a few teams away but I am here to prove that I am a legitimate prospect. I was asked to join a few locker rooms and feeling like I belong in the league has not been an issue. I truly believe that I have found a league where people are honestly fun and I cannot wait to be a part of it moving forward. As it pertains to the draft, I can not tell you how it feels because I haven't actually been drafted yet. But I bet it is gonna be an amazing feeling. I of course would like to be the first RB off the board and in the first round, but I am okay if in the DSFL draft I go a bit later and am able to prove that I am a first rounder of the ISFL. Truthfully, the amount of customization that I can do with my player is outstanding.Truthfully it has allowed me to move my mind in many creative ways. I created a wikipedia page for my player. That is pretty damn cool. Not only that, but I don't think that me joining the league could have come at a better time. I am right before the draft, I get to watch the ultimus and the ultimini, and I get to be in the rookie chat and be scouted and drafted. I am very very excited. Now it's convincing somebody to take me in the first round! Again, I could not be more grateful at how helpful everybody has been and I can not wait to play for this awesome league.

30) Reflect on the two expansion teams. How did their first seasons go? What were their key strengths and weaknesses, and how are they poised to improve in seasons to come?

A. Coming into the league as late as I did, I never got the opportunity to watch the two expansion teams play live. I only have a few things to work off of while crafting my assessment of their season. 

There were two expansion teams this year, the Berlin Fire Salamanders and the New York Silverbacks. The former had a record of 3-13, where the latter had a 4-14 record in their first season. Personally, I would assume the Silverbacks would win more games than the Fire Salamanders on name alone. Intimidation factor is real folks! Looking only at their records, both teams were at the bottom of the league, which would lead to the assumption that they are actually bad teams. However, all is not lost in this season for these teams. First seasons for expansion teams are rough in almost any league, and this season proved no different. Yet, both of these teams had quarterbacks that threw for over 20 TD's, with the silverbacks QB throwing 27 touchdowns to only 14 interceptions. IN Berlin, they have a rookie running back who finished fourth in league rushing! These are both very bright spots in a season where all new teams only look for bright spots. 

The future for both of these teams is very bright, and the GM's of these teams know that. In a few seasons, I am sure that these teams are going to be much more competitive. And I am positive that when these teams are much better, they will look back on their first season and view it as an essential stepping stone for where they are.

25) Imagine that the league’s Pro Bowl included a skills competition similar to the NFL. What sorts of  games could you see being implemented? Which players do you think would perform the best in ultimate frisbee, dodgeball, or other games? Which conference would come out on top?

A. Before I get into the actual answer, I would love to see this actually be a thing. Could you imagine a Pro Bowl jackbox game? Trivia murder party between all of the Pro Bowl QB's? Delightful. I also would not mind a pro bowl game where it's competitive Just Dance, where the players are grouped up by conference and position, and whoever gets the most points proceeds. In reality though, a skills competition would be extremely fun. I was thinking more like the skills competition that we see at NBA All-Star Weekend. Where we could get somebody like Jamar Lackson throwing a dime, running through some machines, catching some balls from a quarterback or a machine, then sprinting down into the end zone to tackle a bag. 

I saved my best idea for last however, because not only is this fun, but it may be a legitimate idea that can be implemented. Let's let the pro bowl teams design their own announcement video or entrance video that can be played before the game. The audience could vote on which one they like more and at the end of the game the winning team could get a TPE boost or something. If this is already a thing, I chalk it up to being new to the league. 

I believe that the ASFC would win this. The Sabercats have just won back-to-back ultimus (ultimuses?) and they weren't the highest seed from their conference. I believe the talent from that conference is just better and that shouldn't be taken lightly in pro bowl results.

RE: (S25) - Ultimus Week - SomeSay... - 11-13-2020

12) Give a thorough examination of a league scandal from any point in time. What made this particular drama so noteworthy? Who were the major participants involved, and what was the offense? What kind of impact did this scandal create on the league, and have any permanent changes come about as a result?

Well, well, well…. I guess since I was a participate, I can talk about the great CHOCCY MILK scandal of the ISFL/PBE invasion. It all started a few months ago with the debate in the Minnesota Locker Room about what was better Chocolate Milk or Strawberry milk. It was a harmless fun debate INSIDE the locker room at the time. No feelings were hurt, and we all had a blast giving each other shit for the type of milk we all preferred. Good Times. Then months later I cannot remember exactly how it all got started again. But the debate grew again inside the Locker Room. I know JO3Fish is the one to blame, but I do not remember exactly why. LOL Then we started to spread the preaching of the almighty CHOCCY MILK to other locker rooms. We all involved sent invites to other locker rooms we had access to in Minnesota so we could all join and preach the holy word of our lord and savior CHOCCY MILK. Some locker rooms had a blast with us debating the greatness of the one and only CHOCCY MILK, some took it as spam that when we arrived, we presented are case with the messages of CHOCCY MILK. Not sure why, they did not realize it was just some evangelists looking to spread the word! Then someone got the idea that we should preform the GREAT COCCY MILK RAID OF PBE! So, a Locker room invite was sent to the Minnesota Locker room and we all conjugated in PBE and spread the holy word of the one and only CHOCCY MILK! Now I am sure…... wait no I am not, let me go this route. When you are in college in dorms, play on sports teams or in the service there is lots of hazing, practical jokes and all-around dumb shit that occurs that is literally just a joke…. Well that is what all this was and unfortunately some cannot handle a bit of a “panty” raid. (if you ever watch the office, remember when Michael and they perform the raid on accounting) yeah that, good ol fashioned bullshit fun. Well PBE did not take to kindly and proceeded to BAN or KICK most of us from the server. ( SORRY PBE it really was just some good fun….seriously) In the end it led to some slaps on the wrists some bad feelings between some people (some still salty) but in the end it was some fun. I do not regret it at all, it is the internet. We collectively agreed PBE probably crossed some metaphorical line and apologized to the correct people. Unfortunately, it feels that after the incident you must tread lightly everywhere. I hope some realize the harmless nature of it all and can let it be water under the bridge.

14) Greatness emerges through trial by fire. Recount the story of a team who came back from adversity, whether it’s a single miracle game or an entire season or multi-season comeback. How was this team‘s challenge significant, and how did they engineer a recovery? What key moves or plays were the lynchpin to victory?

I would not specifically call it coming back from adversity but as massive underdogs in the game (now back to back champs) I think we definitely emerged trail by fire. So S24 for the San Jose Sabercats started off as one of hope for us inside the locker room. Monty was finally at a good spot to perform well, we had a great duo in the backfield led by Jamar Lackson. A solid WR core with Ty Hood, DTF, and the great Nate Swift. Are defense was young in many parts. Myself, Stein, Lanier all on our sophomore seasons and looking to just help in any way possible we added Oles Jr to hopefully push us over the edge in the secondary. Our LBs and D-line had some great users, and we had the one and only Matty as our kicker but EVERYONE put us towards the bottom of their predictions. We knew he had a solid squad if the sim just gave us a little bit of luck.  3-1 in preseason was a good start but it usually does not mean shit for the regular season. We got two great wins at the start followed by two tough losses for most the season we played every game so close. Starting 2-2 felt ok, we thought it could have been 3-1 but it could have easily been 1-3. Again, over the next four games we get to 2-2 again and sit at 4-4. We then roll off 3-1 in the next four and sit at 7-5. Feeling good but still doubted, with all the games close and the whole division being close as well, we were the lucky ones and still thought to be out of it. With a 2-2 in the last games and with the tiebreaker in the division we finished at 9-7 on top.  OCO won the wild card and we faced them to go to ultimini, again we were doubted and pulled off a dominate defensive upset to advance on with a final of 17-3. Finally, the championship. Hell, we were massive underdogs, facing a dominate regular season team in the Yeti who finished at 14-2. There looked like no hope, but we knew, it would just take something to get it going. Luckily, for us we played a helluva game, and me snagging a PICK SIX to turn the momentum of the game really was the changer. We were able to pull the upset at 17-12 and go on to win the ultimus……… By adding oles and putting ourselves in the best position to win the close games, we were able to survive the fire and put up a hell of a run. And congrats on them boys for #2 tonight.

RE: (S25) - Ultimus Week - HENDRIX 2.0 - 11-13-2020

Tier 2: Short Form Tasks (400+ words)

Choose up to TWO for 5 TPE each.

8) Awards season is a big part of the offseason festivities. Take the stand, in 400 words or more, for one or more players that are not your own, and argue why they should receive awards glory. They can be your teammates or anyone in the league. How did their stats and on the field contribution contribute to their case this year?

For this prompt I am going to go through the ISFL and write about who I think should win each positional award.

QB: Dexter Banks of the Sailfish is an easy choice here. He led the league with a fantastic 97.5 passer rating, getting close to a 100 rating in this era is exceptional. It was not just great efficiency from Banks. He led the league in passing yardage with 4,799 and passing touchdowns with 33. This was the final season for him, with this amazing season he will finish on top.

RB: When I look at RBs I only take into account their rushing related stats, this is not the offensive player of the year. This is a close race between Owens and Lackson. It depends what you value more: the 286 more yards by Owens or the 6 more touchdowns for Lackson. I’m going to go with Lackson. The entire point of football is punching it into the endzone.

TE: Similar to RB, for TE of the year I want to analyze the players who actually played TE, not ones who got their stats inflated by flexing out wide in the slot, TE builds who played WR should be considered for the offensive player of the year award. The best TE who actually played TE (according to the index)  this season was the young Heath Evans of the Outlaws. He was second in the league in receptions with 101 and had over 1,000 yards and 7 touchdowns.

WR: This is an amazing development but the ISFL WR of the year will be Baltimore Hawks rookie Howlett. He led the entire ISFL in receptions with 102, led the league in receiving yardage with 1,646, and was tied for 6th in touchdowns. The Hawks aired the ball out this year and the young Howlett thrived.

OL: This is always tough because there aren’t many ways to see OL performance on paper. But I’m going to go with Douglas Quail of the Silverbacks. He was 2nd in the ISFL in pancakes with 93 and he didn’t allow a sack all season. They ran the ball a lot but rookie QBs are known to get sacked a lot, and none of those sacks counted against Quail.

DE: Nero Alexander should win this. He led all DEs in tackles, had the most tackles for loss in the league with 23, and added on 7 sacks.

DT: This is a close race, but I’m going with Rapid Eagle. His 9 TFLs were 2nd for DTs, 9 sacks were T-3rd, and added on a forced fumble and fumble recovery. He was also 2nd among DTs in total tackles.

LB: This makes me very jealous but Galf Wilf is going to win this again. He had an incredible 20 sack and 20 pass deflection campaign. He also had 3 interceptions and 3 TFLs. Amazing year and I tip my cap to you sir.

CB: Oles is my pick here, pun intended. He was T-1st in interceptions and was T-2nd among CBs in pass deflections.

S: The safety position is tough because I can’t really tell you played FS/SS compared to NB. I’ll go with Blaylock on the Secondline. Having six total forced fumbles and recoveries is great. He was also T-1st in the league in interceptions.

K: Venus Powers was a machine this season. Perfect extra point percentage with the 3rd most attempts and had a 97.2% field goal accuracy on the 4th most attempts in the league.

P: I’ll go with Alex D. He was 2nd in punt average, 3rd with punts inside the 20, and 2nd overall in percentage of punts that ended up inside the 20, with 22%. (621 words)

10) Pick any position, and determine who in your view is the greatest player to ever suit up at that position. Why do you view them as the GOAT? What achievements, records, accolades, or statistics do they hold? How do they stack up against the other legends in their position, and why does your chosen candidate come out on top?

The last time I did this task I argued for who I thought was the GOAT LB, in this one I will go to the offensive side of the ball and make an argument for who I think is the best RB of all time. I think in this position there are two worthy candidates: Owen Taylor and Marquise Brown. The days of the bell cow seem to be dead in this league. Since there is so much talent at the position getting bulk career stats will be difficult. It also means competition for individual awards and pro bowls will be at an all time high. In order for a running back to get into the same tier with Taylor and Brown they will have to luck into the perfect situation. With all that being said, I think Owen Taylor’s résumé is the more impressive one. Once Taylor switched positions from defensive end he was elected to eight pro bowls as a running back. In terms of career total rushing yardage and rushing touchdowns, Taylor ranks with the 3rd most yardage with 11,597 yards and first in touchdowns with 123, which is 18 more than 2nd place. Where I think Taylor pulls away is individual awards. He won running back of the year six times, which included four years in a row. Taylor also won the Offensive Player of the Year award twice, he is one of only five players to win that award multiple times. In Taylor’s first year as a running back he was voted as the league’s Breakout Player of the Year. It is a defunct award now, so we can’t fault Brown for not winning this, but Taylor was voted as the League’s Most Outstanding Player (MOP) in season 10, which is the same year Taylor’s Hawks won the Ultimus Bowl. The MOP award was pretty much the “people’s MVP”. That just shows how much respect he had league wide for his season 10 play, his peers recognized it. One more impressive trophy Taylor has in his cabinet is the season 10 individual Performance of the Year. In one game he had 212 yards from scrimmage and five touchdowns. Taylor spent his entire career with the Baltimore Hawks. During his prime seasons he was one of the most dynamic players this league has ever seen. In my opinion, Taylor’s combination of bulk rushing statistics and vast amount of individual accolades make his the best RB in league history. (413 words)

RE: (S25) - Ultimus Week - Lowlycrib - 11-14-2020

Tier 3

Ultimus Banner:

[Image: nN2fUSL.jpg]

Playoff MVP:

I could really pick just about any player on the Sabercats but I'm going to root my own here and select myself. The Sabercats magical repeat run looked to be in dire circumstances after falling down to the Outlaws 21-3 at the end of the 2nd quarter but Tyron Brackenridge started to rally the team with key tackles to stop the sticks moving from Cue. We eventually were able to tie up the game and heads to overtime which saw a seesaw of field position being passed back and forth until Tyron Brackenridge read one of Jay Cue's reads and took back an interception to the house and ended Arizona's dream of an Ultimus and sparked ours. Orange County was no slouch but we handled them with ease and saw us head out to an early lead thanks to many great defensive plays for the defense and a crucial sack deep into Otter territory for Tyron Brackenridge. Although Tyron Brackenridge was relatively quiet in the Ultimus it was his leadership and off the field skills that truly kept the team poised and ready for the big game as he saw much of the rest of the team pop off with sacks, tackles for loss, and interceptions but still pointed to the crucial piece of Brackenridge holding it together. (218)

Trading card:

[Image: pm2GdOA.jpg]

RE: (S25) - Ultimus Week - FleshBagSoup - 11-14-2020


RE: (S25) - Ultimus Week - LancedJack - 11-14-2020

14) Greatness emerges through trial by fire. Recount the story of a team who came back from adversity, whether it’s a single miracle game or an entire season or multi-season comeback. How was this team‘s challenge significant, and how did they engineer a recovery? What key moves or plays were the lynchpin to victory? (5TPE)

S24 was a season struck in earnest for the Norfolk Seawolves. Having come off the back of an Ultimini expectations were high. However with some departing players and some young talent making their way into the ISFL the road was always going to be difficult for the team. Starting the season with five wins was precisely what the outfit required, allowing their developing rookies time to get blooded and develop alongside their long standing offensive weapons finding their groove. This was punctuated with a 37-17 victory away over the Dallas Birddogs; an exclamation point on the results they had had thus far. Through that point spirits were high and the defensive outfit was proving to be ferocious in the face of the DSFL offences. What would follow however would be quite the challenge for the young team with a four game slide. Four losses left them at 5-4 which was extremely disappointing. The mood in the locker room would best be described as abysmal after a very sobering 19-12 loss to the Minnesota Grey Ducks. What would follow however would be the spark that the Seawolves would require in order to turn their season around and make the push to the Ultimini. I'm of course talking about the free agent acquisition of Dogwood Maple. He, single handedly, proved to be the proverbial boot up the arse that the Seawolves required. He would lead the teams morale in a skyward trajectory and hold it there for as long as he possibly could. Very quickly the resounding call of "Pants off For Dogwood" was established, a rallying cry for Norfolk to establish themselves around. They'd follow this free agency with another victory over Dallas, this time at the Norfolksdome. It was hard to believe at this point; maybe they didn't want to admit to themselves that they had found in a talisman. In a draft class loaded with personalities, Xmus, Jimi DeSoto, Adyan, to have found such promise on the waiver wire would surely be antithetical to the culture they had built. But it followed again, a 10-7 handling of the Myrtle Beach Speed Glitch Exploiters and a 16-3 away victory over Kansas. The crescendo was building and it was in the key of Dogwood, note Maple. His was the way. Alas the hopes of the team to bring home an Ultimini in the name of the Maple were dashed upon the rocks of the Royals.

8) Awards season is a big part of the offseason festivities. Take the stand, in 400 words or more, for one or more players that are not your own, and argue why they should receive awards glory. They can be your teammates or anyone in the league. How did their stats and on the field contribution contribute to their case this year? (+5TPE)

Sit your small son body right there and open up those enormous ears cause I'm here to wax lyrical the Norfolk Seawolves. The biggest small son slammers that have ever walked Gods green earth. Fatsos are sitting real small watching these men and I'm here to tell you why.

First up we've got the enormity of performance that is Jimi DeSoto. Now Jimi came to the Seawolves via the draft and set the tone immediately. The man was a demon of the preseason, leading the side in tackles in 2 of the four games and cruising as the top pass defender. What would follow would be a season as a leader in the defensive unit, being voted captain but going on to (spoiler alert) be revealed as the new co-GM of the Norfolk Seawolves. It's hard to overstate the impact that Jimi DeSoto has had and will continue to have on the face of this particular franchise. He's nothing short of a paragon of the league and should be held up as such.

Next we have the word count friendly name Xmus Jaxon-Waxon. Now concussions are a real and very threatening problem in the ISFL world but it would appear that Xmus has sustained a few knocks to the noggin before reaching the DSFL. He forgot what position he played and, were it not for a final game sack by yours truly, would've lead the Seawolves in sacks in his first year with the side. An astonishing feat for the hard hitting Safety out of the University of Pennsylvania. Much like DeSoto the cultural impact of this player is impossible to exaggerate. He's been outstanding both on and off the field. His discord presence is unmatched. It could be 4am and you're wondering how to poach an egg? He's there.

Finally, you know him I love him he's Dogwood Maple. The historian and statistician of the media section. Something of a darling of the forums and twitter alike we've all enjoyed his writings in the media section. What you wouldn't know is that he's also a player when it comes to the football as well. He's learned his trade from Xmus and posted six sacks this year along with 84 tackles. EIGHTY FOUR TACKLES?! From the safety position? This man is flying downhill like a runaway card. Someone put the handbrake on this guy. Or whatever you Americans call it. Parking Brake? it's probably parking brake you're so very literal. Dogwood Maple is the Seawolves talisman and should be treated as such.

RE: (S25) - Ultimus Week - WildfireMicro - 11-14-2020

22) The player I will be doing a scouting report is my own DSFL draftee Tsuyu Asui. She is a Possession Archetype wide receiver specializing in holding onto the ball but not as much on speed. She currently has 88 TPE all together and her Hands are at 76 while her speed is at 74. Her current intelligence is at 53 which might mean she will get a few penalties but I plan on working on that, though Hands is what I am focusing on the most.

She hasn't has many highlights in her brief time on London Royals waivers but she has been on the field and once caught two catches over 10 yards on a game. Still her low TPE compared to her teammates meant she wasn't as involved. In the regular season in 4 games she had 3 catches for a total of 35 yards with her longest catch being 15. She wasn't the star of the show like Speedman but she was definitely trying her best to be involved. She has had some drops however and that is an issue I need to work to improve on and I definitely intend on doing that. Overall she is a frog girl from Tokyo and I hope she is an asset to any team that drafts her.

23) [Image: dVK9fPu.jpg]

RE: (S25) - Ultimus Week - majesiu - 11-14-2020

PBE/SHL Affiliation