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(S2) - Weekend PT #3 - Breakout stars - Printable Version

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(S2) - Weekend PT #3 - Breakout stars - JBLAZE_THE_BOSS - 07-30-2017

The NEXT superstar? What kind of ridiculous question is this? I've paid little to no attention to any of these chumps that weren't in the league last season. These guys are late to the party, and now they're trying to get a piece of my pie. I've been in this league since day one. I've been THE superstar of the NSFL the moment pen touched paper and my playing here was official. I was the face of this upstart league that gave it exposure so some nobody can come in here and try to take up my spotlight? I don't think so.

The issue with the idea of who the next superstar is insinuates that the current superstar is inadequate for the job. That's where you're wrong. I'm the best QB in the league on the best team in the league in the best city in the league. I have the job that everyone wants, and I'm the only one who could handle the pressure. I'm the only superstar that matters in this league. I'm going to cement my status as a superstar when I embarrass anyone who tries to stop me from sending a message to the rest of the league.

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(S2) - Weekend PT #3 - Breakout stars - NITROONE - 07-30-2017

Many people this season will be considered good, fewer considered great, and only a handful will be called stars. For one young man this title can be a gift or a curse however for one young man named Perry Tucker the chance to be a star meant so much to him he changed his position.

The former tight end the ed linebacker for the Liberty team changed position to better help his team fill a position much needed. This dedication to winning and his report in the locker room is the reason many of his team mates live playing along side Perry.

The natural skill the kid shows and his tackling ability are one of the many reasons the switch was made but his work ethic in the gym and his training regime is what caught the attention of the General Managers early on. He is a huge locker room presence that makes his teammates better. This is why in this season you will see Perry Tucker among on of the top in thenleagur, not just in his position on the field but in the entire league.

Tucker is looking to make huge waves and is for sure one to watch this season

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(S2) - Weekend PT #3 - Breakout stars - jparks98 - 07-30-2017

[Image: cP48JWj.png]

(S2) - Weekend PT #3 - Breakout stars - Bzerkap - 07-30-2017

The next great NSFL superstar isn't unknown and isn't without some controversy, but he is a great player and only showed it in limited action last year. The next great NSFL superstar is Ethan Hunt, quarterback for the San Jose SabreCats.

Coming into the inaugural season he was billed as running quarterback, and with the way the S1 draft shook out, those weren't desired in this new start-up league. He was taken by a team with two quarterbacks already on the roster, Orange County, and rumor has it he was asked to use his athleticism at other positions. Like Tim Tebow before him, Ethan refused and stuck it out at QB, eventually being traded to San Jose. Refusing to switch was the best thing he ever did.

Hunt never complained while backing up the interception prone Mike Boss. He bided his time and practiced hard. This hard work paid off when he landed in San Jose, as their new starting quarterback. Hunt hit the ground running, with his first start against the Yeti in week 9, torching the defense for 228 yards and 2 touchdowns. This earned him a 107 QB rating. The rest of his season wasn't as good as this first start but he still ended with 6 touchdowns to 3 interceptions and a 75 QB rating.

Coming on strong for the S2 preseason was a must for Hunt who wants to solidify himself as one of the greats. He did just that in preseason week 2 with a 235 yard, 5 touchdown performance against the newly created Philadelphia liberty.

Hunt will be one of the best quarterbacks this season, and he will need it as San Jose has already moved on from him with the young Christian Adams waiting to take over and his declaration of not returning to San Jose once his contract is concluded.

(S2) - Weekend PT #3 - Breakout stars - Julio - 07-30-2017

Darlane Farlane is clearly the next break out star for season 2of the NSFL, there are a variety of factors that point towards this. Ability. Darlane is insanely quick and has a powerful first step. He has game breaking capabilities and can shift around the defense if need be. He has a particular tyle of play and him being focused on that will prove to be vital for the Baltimore squad. He's not particularly strong and does not have much going on between the ears in the football sense, but they are only small detractors as he is very good at what he does.Role. It's no secret that the Ravens have given Farlane full reign of the running back position-- No split, truth be told. He's going to be a key piece in Baltimore's offense and it will provide him with multiple opportunities to succeed in this capacity. He will certain have the chances, but will he be able to actually convert? That's a major question but I have a feeling he will relish the challenge. He was posting impressive results in the pre-season and allowed the Ravens to gain enough hards for them to actually pull ahead. The team looks to improve on last season's record of 4 wins, and Farlane will have a lot to do with that.

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(S2) - Weekend PT #3 - Breakout stars - fish - 07-30-2017

Ottokar Von Gerhardt. A young man born in Germany who moved to Indiana to become Amish with his parents. Since then, this ox of a man has ended numerous college quarterbacks careers. Since being drafted by the new NSFL franchise,Philadelphia Liberty, Von Gerhardt has amassed 5 tackles and 3 sacks for a loss of 22 yards in three games. Also notable, was his exhibition game against other rookies were he metaphorically murdered the opposing QB sacking him five times.

When asked about his preseason performance, Von Gerhardt has remarked that " I hate quarterbacks. Useless divas. They pass a touchdown and they jget a I million dollars. I'm here to regret their life choices." Staring at defensive end at Indiana University and now for the famed Philadelphia Liberty organization opposite of a lethal Drew Davidson, Ottokar will undoubtedly ruin every quarterbacks career in the NSFL. So far Ottokar Von Gerhardt has been a deluge in the locker room, helping people build barns, take care of their pets with some sage Amish advice and cooking fantastic stew at his essenhaus. It will for sure be an amazing year fo lr such an amazing young talent. I for one am excited to see how this young stud tear up the league after being drafted in the fifth round.

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(S2) - Weekend PT #3 - Breakout stars - Aenir - 07-30-2017

A player who is poised for a s2 breakout is none other than that new OL for San Jose, Vincent Sharpei. He played last season on a waiver contract, but has since been drafted by San Jose. I think he will have a break through year because as opposed to Baltimore where he was the only active lineman, he is one of 4 actives here, and with more help his stats will vastly improve. He had a 4-1 Pancake to sack ratio last season, and to also note with the defensive players getting a new set of rules from the commissioner that bodes well for the rest of offenses across the league. Sharpei has been hitting the gym hard, and has improved both is strength and agility in addition to his already formidable technical blocking skills and his time in the film room watching the tendencies of the opposing defensive ends. I think a Pancake-Sack (P-S) Ratio of 8-1 would be a good year for Sharpei and his line, but I personally think He will top out around 10.5/11 to 1, and that should put him in the top echelon of OL in the NSFL. Woe to anyone who tries to get by this Mammoth of a man!

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(S2) - Weekend PT #3 - Breakout stars - deadendpath27 - 07-30-2017

Next big breakout stars of the NSFL: Colorado Yeti FS Roman Thomas & SS Torque Lewith

One of the most promising young pair of safeties in this league, Lewith and Thomas look to pick up where Marmeladov and McNoodle left off in S1. With McNoodle now filling the ever-important nickelback role for the Yeti defense, the two young safeties look to step into starting positions immediately in Colorado. A much improved pass rush entering season 2 means these two rookies will have a lot on their plates as far as ill-advised and errant passes. If this defense performs accordingly, it will be interesting to see if Lewith and Thomas can reap the benefits and force turnovers.

When the Yeti decided to move Marmeladov in the off-season, leaving a gaping hole in their defense, they knew it would be important to recoup these losses in the draft. Scouting Torque Lewith proved to be difficult for all GMs, as he was a QB when entering the draft. When seeing how far he had fallen due to lack of demand for QBs, he decided becoming a safety was his best bet to make a name for himself wherever he ended up. Fortunately for both him and the Yeti, he decided to become a safety and is going to play a huge role.

Roman Thomas was simply the best safety in the entire draft, and one of the best young DB prospects of our league. Colorado made no delay in snatching him up, knowing they had a chance to flip their losses and put a surefire ball hawk in center field.

Between the two, I believe Thomas will impress more in his first season in Colorado due to Lewith's minor setbacks after switching positions, but this is a package deal. This DB duo will try and convert pressures into easy turnovers and kill the confidence of QBs who think they can impose their will on this squad of downright scary defensive players who have become increasingly physical.

Some Yeti fans have gone as far as comparing this duo to former Philadelphia Eagles duo Brian Dawkins & Quintin Mikell, or even current duo Malcolm Jenkins & Rodney McLeod. We will see if these early comparisons hold any weight as the season gets underway.


(S2) - Weekend PT #3 - Breakout stars - theFlock - 07-31-2017

As the season begins to start up, we're expecting the veterans to show up and perform just like last year. With two new expansion teams, and another class of rookies being drafted into the league, we'll want to watch certain individuals play. One of the players you'll see a lot about is Luke Luechly.

Drafted to a team that knows plenty about good defense, Luke has taken strides in preseason to show his abilities, and his value. When you think of players that stuff the stat sheet, you don't normally think of football players, you think of basketball. Luke is the exact definition of a Stat sheet stuffer. With a high average of tackles per game, like also had added fumbles, sacks, tackles for loss, and interceptions. On a defense that was great at stuffing the Stat sheet with results last year, this year the Outlaws look to add another stud line backer to play along side All Pro duo, Jaylon Lee and Harrif Ernston.

This young man is definitely one to get excited about. His activity in the locker room and determination in the training field show that he will be a great player in this league, so keep your eyes on him!

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(S2) - Weekend PT #3 - Breakout stars - Hypodynamic - 07-31-2017

(07-30-2017, 10:52 PM)jparks98 Wrote:@Hypodynamic
[Image: cP48JWj.png]

Am a jets fan but this some good shit here ????????????????????????