International Simulation Football League
(S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Printable Version

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RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - AW13 - 09-23-2021

Okay! The scenario is that the wire transfer for my contract salary which is paid yearly instead of weekly (I will take the guaranteed money!) has been essentially doubled and my salary of $4,000,000 now becomes $8,000,000 what does this mean? Absolutely nothing really other than maybe make me feel more comfortable when I buy the weekly trainings. I think I am at the point now where if I did receive extra money in my pay, I probably would not notice and would just continue on spending money on the weekly trainings and such. I need to find motivation to pay attention about my money earnings these days and earn some more money but as it stands now, I can honestly say I would never really know. I don't even know how much is in my current bank but I would guess around $3,000,000 or so. So, if I did notice I would probably be nice and let someone know but the more likely scenario is that I will just keep buying weekly trainings and maybe wonder why I have not run out of money yet. I think that in my other leagues such as PBE, I still don't even know how my bank keeps up despite my job pay and such so in a league I consider towards the bottom of the totem pole, yeah no chance. I think it is a pretty boring response to getting extra money but I wanted to say the honest response especially as I could just talk about it and it is easier for the PT than to make up some sort of weird story for me. I am not good at creative writing really and like facts, stats, etc so yeah, keeping it boring but hey, it is me.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - y2bobman - 09-23-2021

So the Outlaws have given me an extra four million you say? Probably what I deserve if I'm honest. I mean look, I'm the top linebacker in this league, fact. And the secret behind my success? I mean, other than hard work, more hard work? Chicken wings. And four million bucks buys a hell of a lot of chicken wings. In fact, let me think about this. I can get 10 wings for $5. So... erm... that's.... erm.... damn that's too many wings, even for me. So yeah, hang fire a second. Let me call up Z a minute. I mean he's been my boy since the London days, like a brother to me.

So speaking with Z, seems the only logical explanation is that someone else on the team is four million short on their deal. But it ain't him. So we heading out for some chicken wings. See if we can't make a dent on that money. And then whatever is left, maybe I hand that back in to the office tomorrow. Or maybe I don't. I mean, my memory kinda lapses these days from all the hits I give.

Next day, damn, seems that it was Crunk who was short on his paycheck. He only missed the payment on his car and gone had it repossessed. Fuck. I should really come clean. But that ain't me. I lay the whole thing on Sarrasin. And I ain't seen him around here since. Think maybe Crunk caught up with him. That's football.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - zeagle1 - 09-23-2021

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - 3lewsers - 09-23-2021

SHL Affiliate PT

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - hotdog - 09-23-2021


RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - TheDangaZone - 09-23-2021


RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - Dagumpa - 09-23-2021


RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - captjanko - 09-23-2021

(403 words)
The mysteries of the world often reveal themselves without request. In unexpected and sublime moments one might find meaning in assumed providence when in fact the unexpected and sublime is not miraculous but is instead calculated, or rather, a less than calculated error. Waking up with 4 million dollars in my bank account, surely, cannot be the result of an unknown magical boon for my benefit, but was likely instead an unforced error caused by the slip of a finger during contract deposits. To reap the rewards of one's errors, rather than the rewards of one's own work, does little to benefit the soul. As such, I would feel obligated to the tell the GM of the error.

Our true selves are revealed in the dark. A banal comment, perhaps, but to be banal is to be obvious and too many people have missed this important point. Honesty and integrity go hand in hand and to allow a major error to potentially impact my team's cap space demands that I tell my GM the truth and protect the integrity of both the team and my soul. It is irrelevant whether or not this error would go unchecked. It is only relevant that the error occurred and that I have the power to do what is right and tell my GM. Upon telling the GM, I imagine the money would be justly returned to the digital confines from which the originated. What the GM does with them is out of my control. A finders fee might be nice but not expected. Using the funds to bring in a new Free Agent might be most beneficial for the team. There is, of course, the opportunity that the funds were not given to me by accident but instead as a bonus for becoming Captain and in my sleep deprived state I missed the message declaring the incoming bonus.

Should the above be true, I'm taking brother @HalfEatenOnionBagel on a big bro date. First, we're hitting the executive course with some late aged women to hear them talk about their divorces. Maybe we get one of their phone numbers and then take them to brunch? That's right, we're getting waffles. Waffles with chocolate chips, heaps of bacon, and some hot coffee. The women are sizzling, the coffee is sizzling, baby we're sizzling. After some golf and brunch, we say farewell to our female compatriots and head to the Czargyros homestead for Sonics and Tonics. I think 4 million dollars would buy some very nice emulators for Sega Genesis games, so it would be money well spent.

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - MamaB - 09-23-2021

Integrity and honesty are two very important characteristics that can not only shape the image of a single player, but the team they play for as well.  Taking the money would not only destroy my image, but would also bring a lot of negative media to the team, and the other players on my team.  

Additionally, team morale and bonding is one of the most important aspects of playing for a team.  Teammates need to be able to trust each other, on and off the field.  Making poor decisions off the field can greatly impact the on the field experience, for everyone on the team.  

I would tell the GM, but I would strongly advocate for a team brunch, paid for by the owners.  Not because I would want to give any kind of ultimatum for doing what is morally right, but because a bonding experience like that would be highly beneficial for the team.  I would ask the owners to call the entire team in for an attendance required meeting, and stress the impact and importance that the meeting would have on the rest of the season, without telling everyone what the meeting was for.  

Then I would ask to have a giant, beautiful table setting, on the field, with an entire brunch buffet set up, chef stations where team members could personalize their orders, and a highlight reel of our team playing in past seasons (not forgetting to include some highlights of the rookies somehow), and stress the importance of team bonding, morale, and companionship.  

I don't think this would be asking too much, considering the sizable monetary mistake, it would appear that we have a few extra dollars to spend on an event that could absolutely change the course of the season.    

(295 words)

RE: (S31) PT 2 - Mistakenly Rich? - toivo - 09-23-2021