International Simulation Football League
(S31) PT 5 - Day in the Life of - Printable Version

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RE: (S31) PT 5 - Day in the Life of - zaynzk - 10-14-2021

SHL Champions Week

RE: (S31) PT 5 - Day in the Life of - Frostbite - 10-15-2021

WSBL Affiliate

RE: (S31) PT 5 - Day in the Life of - Tesla - 10-15-2021

Affiliate PBE PT

RE: (S31) PT 5 - Day in the Life of - Mavfatha - 10-15-2021


RE: (S31) PT 5 - Day in the Life of - ddrector - 10-15-2021


RE: (S31) PT 5 - Day in the Life of - IceBear32 - 10-15-2021

A day in the life of David! I do not think the camera crew is ready for this. Luckily the crew had scheduled themselves for the perfect day in the life of David Frank. A day to treat yo self! I invited the crew to join me for our annual team gets tanked day. As any good day should start we hit the golf course, and most importantly we hit up the beer cart. With a David Frank win on the course we move on to Bdubs and hit up the blazin challenge. That was a big loss for David and the rest of his afternoon. Many bathroom breaks are in the future.

Following the wing lunch the group heads to the early tailgate of Honolulu University. We lucked out with MMFlex providing the team his personal RV and letting us use it for the tailgate. Only downside is how it is all branded Hahahluas and draws attention where the fans realize it’s us. So impromptu autograph session. But I dig it, Hawaii has a very attractive group of fans and and the long day of fun, David is ready to find the one. Now here is the real problem, Davids game is really bad under pressure and nothing like pressure than you attempting to flirt while you are being streamed to all 40 followers.

RE: (S31) PT 5 - Day in the Life of - kentakira - 10-15-2021

PBE Affiliate

RE: (S31) PT 5 - Day in the Life of - Skindog44 - 10-15-2021

PT 31-5

A day in the life Ioe Torrent? absolutely bring it on. First things first I need those cameras here early 5:00 o'clock in the morning at my place. I'm going to give him full access. First things first we wake up and we start breakfast. consist of a protein shake 5 eggs and some type of meat protein. I like to mix it up a little bit of maybe bacon sausage or ham. and then we're off to our first workout of the day. being that it's Monday it's going to be a little bit of chest day working on that quick twitch so I can swim rip an get through that offensive line. they were going to little bit of film study looking at the upcoming week matchups offensive tendencies things of that nature. Bing the new guy on the team I got some rookie responsibilities which could consist of picking up some players laundry food or anything that nature. can't forget breakfast snack we got protein bar an apple and another protein shake. at this time we got a little bit of downtime before practice, my get little cardio in. or watch some news ESPN check the Twitter fee check me to see what people are saying. then we got afternoon practice with some walkthrough film study with the defensive lineman an going over the scheme for the coming week. after that we might stay a little bit later to get some more film study in obviously getting that midday afternoon snack with chickn rice and broccoli or you might mix it up and do some other type of protein carbohydrate to replenish what we've lost throughout the day might throw in another protein shake. after that we're going to workout number two for the day working on that back again want to get that rip and swim move maneuver strong. finally got some time to myself my college friends, play little bit of Madden but overall kind of just coming to a knees at the day. we got dinner time we got more chicken broccoli maybe a steak some sweet potato. the other night would like to end the night with a little bit of a Midnight Run not quite midnight but late night get a little bit more cardio in before finishing up the day hitting the sack and getting ready for the next day.


RE: (S31) PT 5 - Day in the Life of - Tacoshoppe - 10-15-2021

PBE Affliate

RE: (S31) PT 5 - Day in the Life of - PugWalrus - 10-15-2021

Spicy Ron follows a strict morning routine. Every day, he wakes up after his hour of sleep, takes his morning dump, then gets out of bed. Afterwards, he goes to the kitchen to drink several dozen eggs, like his idol Gaston. The eggs strengthen his muscles with their protein, keeping him strong and ready to take on the biggest of opponents. Ron got to where he was by beating hordes of children in peewee football for over 14 years. A ritual that he still continues to this day, hopping into his local peewee league game to wreck some havoc. After the game, he tends to hide in the nearest dumpster for a few hours until the police lose his trail. Afterwards, he finally makes his way to DSFL practice. 

Ron starts his day at the practice facility by doing some cardio, sprinting as hard as he can at the nearest squirrel in an attempt to catch it. Sometimes he does, and then he doesn't know what to do with it. So he simply sets it free and sprints at it again. Ron has caught 42 squirrels so far.

Ron then moves on to strength training by heading to the parking lot to lift cars. Sometimes taking them home when he doesn't feel like paying for gas.  Ron's pre-game ritual involves launching a firework into the sky, sometimes indiscriminately hitting powerlines and causing a brownout in parts of Portland

When he turns in for his hour of sleep, he curls into bed and sleeps with his eyes wide open, just in case his enemies (or the feds) come for him in the night.