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(S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - Printable Version

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RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - Number 82 - 10-15-2023

Could go a couple of ways with this. On the team, could probably go with Charlie Thorsen who's been a captain and leader on the team. While playing on opposite sides, Thorsen is not only a veteran and cornerstone on the team, he provides a good measuring stick and tough challenge in practice. What better way to test yourself and work on your game than by matching up and picking the brain of one of the team's best defenders. More or less a friendship around competition.

Another player to note that doesn't play on the same team would be Donovan Winters. Winters was the quarterback Charles played with at Portland. While it was only a season together, it didn't take long to build a rapport and that was reflected in the production that season. The team would end up going to the Ultimini and Charles would put up numbers in the receiving game which landed him on the Pro Bowl and All Pro roster.

164 words

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - oilmandan - 10-15-2023

When Stetson David first got to Honolulu, he really didn’t know anyone or where to go for anything. The Hahalua had forgotten to send a team representative to meet him at the airport, be a bit of a tour guide and bring him to the team hotel. Upon hearing this, Raya Ho’opa’i raced to the airport and picked up Stetson and his bags. Raya was a huge help in getting Stetson acclimated to the islands and where to go for groceries and everything. Raya even suggested a couple of good real estate agents to help David find a new home. That bit of kindness stuck with Stetson and he’s tried to follow Raya’s lead and help newcomers to Honolulu get settled. It’s no wonder that Raya is a popular teammate for everything they do for the fans and teammates to make the Hahalua a very popular destination for ISFL players. Keep up the good work!

154 words

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - Rusfan - 10-15-2023

One thing you always see when discussing team continuity is the idea of “trees”. Coaching trees is probably the most well-known iteration but it is not the only version. For years the New York Silverbacks wide receiver tree was really more of a stump, like something out of the bad future from “The Lorax”. The best receiver New York ever had was traded for from San Jose and almost every attempt at growing talent from the draft failed. Then, all of a sudden, it was as if a switch flipped. Mandrews in S36, Mara in S37, and Robinson in S41. All massive hits and you will not find a tighter position group in the ISFL. It doesn’t matter who makes the play and you won’t find the usual diva attitudes you’d see in most wide receiver rooms. As long as the offense keeps humming, everyone is happy. When one of them makes a play, everyone celebrates together as a team.

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - sburbine - 10-15-2023

SHL Affiliate

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - Z-Whiz - 10-15-2023

My best friend on the team, has to be Outlaw Mode Sicko. @hotdog has been my partner in crime in the secondary of the legendary Ultimus runs by the Arizona Outlaws. Every team would love to have a shutdown corner, but during our prime run, we had two. Myself and Outlaw Mode Sicko shut down both sides of the field these last 6-7 seasons and it’s been fun going back and forth with him on who was better (my obvi btw). He and I were always getting into shenanigans off the field, the likes of which cannot be repeated on this forum due to a secrecy pact sworn on. We’re Outlaws both off and on the field, I’ll just leave it at that. So thank you to Outlaw Mode Sicko who continued to push me to be better by trying to take over my number 1 CB spot (never successful btw). Looking forward to retiring on the field and making the real money off it.

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - lock180 - 10-15-2023

This will surprise many people but I think this person and I hold a special connection. No it is not any of my current or former teammates but someone from my past that continues to haunt me today as they usher them through the dangerous world of the ISFL. That person is @Crazytomato. Anyone knowing our relationship may be surprised by this choice but let me explain. I feel like Crazy Tomato is my son and I am his father. What do we have in common you are asking? First and foremost is our love of betting. From day 1 we have connected through gambling and I will admit he has gotten the better of me time and time again. But that is why I think the father son analogy works so well. Every father lets their son win at some point to make them feel good about themselves and that is what I have been doing for him. I also have helped him with his own homework and playbooks before. Overall despite being on two separate sides of the ball and two completely different teams and leagues, we have an unbreakable bond through the power of $$$$$$$$

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - speculadora - 10-15-2023

My Yellowknife besite actually kind of rhymes with the word bestie (not really) - but it's @jeffie43. Even though I repeatedly tease him about his time as GM of OCO and his infamous career with Myrtle Beach where he committed the unforgivable transgression of getting an inactive league member to become active, he's always a great person to talk to about sports and life and whatever else. Honestly it makes me physically ill to write that many nice words about him in such a public setting but I don't want to think too hard about a way to turn this into another friendly dig at him. Probably the most unfortunate thing about him is his Raptors and general Toronto fandom. The Chargers I can live with, but the rest... not so much! I have to deal with his incessant belief that Pascal Siakam is a max player or that Scottie Barnes isn't worth trading for Durant (he never said any of this but I'm short on words).

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - ForSucksFake - 10-15-2023

Over the past season and a half, Anakin Skywalker has found a friend in Leonard McRobinson. It seems like an obvious choice, seeing how a QB and his running back have to practice their handoffs each week to avoid preventable turnovers, or that a good running back makes for a good check down option for a quarterback under duress. But it’s more than that, because they’re more than that. When they’re on the field together, Skywalker and McRobinson are one of the best rushing combos in the whole DSFL. But off the field, they’re hard at work. They stay late in the film room, dissecting what went wrong, and what went right in the previous game so that they’re fine tuned and refined for the next one. They’re always pairing up in the weight room, spotting for each other and pushing the other for one more rep. With the great chemistry they have been working on together with each other, the trust they have, and the ethic they have together, it’s hard to beat this combination.

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - thecanadiancanuck - 10-15-2023

SHL PT username: boom

RE: (S44) PT #2 - I Love You, Man - bex - 10-15-2023

I have been so lucky to be teammates with so many excellent individuals. But my best friend at this stage of my DSFL career is not someone I take the field with. Rather, it is someone who helps me bring my best to the field. That person is my personal assistant Maggie. We actually met at the airport in Sydney when I first moved to Bondi Beach. She was wearing a First Aid Kit merch tee, and I had to talk to her about it! We got along well instantly. We exchanged numbers and kept in touch. When she mentioned she was looking for a change in career, I offered her a place on my team! It's been so much fun to teach her about American Football as we go. She's such a passionate person, so even if she isn't entirely sure what's happening, she's always my loudest cheerleader on the sidelines. I can't imagine my life without her, and I'm excited to know that no matter where I am in the world, I'll have somene by my side.