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(S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Printable Version

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RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - rapideagle - 06-15-2024

Quote:Graphic option: Graphic option show your player leading the team to victory! Or throwing an after party to celebrate the win. Or include your personal ritual for perpetuating your winning culture. Note that due to Discord image links breaking after 24-48 hours please do not use the platform as a image host for your Point Task.
[Image: PZOyVwS.gif]
Iowa Victories were always a party

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Fno - 06-15-2024

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RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - parky - 06-15-2024

For Victoire there is love, the love to compete, without fear of any loss

For to lose is to live, suffering the bitter leaf upon the tongue

Accepting a loss as something finite, but also a necessary stone on the cobbled path to Valhalla

To celebrate victory is to spread joy among your comrades, to beget more victory

How to celebrate? Champagne, fresh oysters, old school american hip hop, and a smoke filled room

A tribe called A Tribe Called Quest, architects of anthems immortal

Victory lives not solely on the 100 lines of white sprayed on turf, it exists in the weight room, the swimming pool, the exercise bike, the grocery list

On mountain high and inside the mind enlightened

For Victoire Absolue, time is a flat vinyl circle and victory is a needle ambling its hallowed grooves

Piping out the soaring ovations of the goddess Nike

Hark! We have scored, we have surmounted the achievements of our honored foe

Let us embrace, and drink of its uncommon delight

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Air Crou - 06-15-2024

Σαν κλασικός Ελληνάρας, με τι άλλο θα γιορτάσω μια νίκη; Πιτόγυρα και μπύρες! Βασικά, όχι πιτόγυρο, αλλά μια σκεπαστή γίγας. Με γύρο κοτόπουλο μέσα, μπόλικο τυρί, έξτρα μπέικον, ντοματούλα και μαρουλάκι να πούμε ότι τρώμε και σαλατούλα, και ένα σκασμό πατάτες τηγανιτές. Από αυτές που στάζουν λάδι και ανεβάζουν τη χοληστερίνη στο θεό. Και εννοείται μπυρόνια. Πολλά μπυρόνια. Μέχρι να πέσεις ξερός από το αλκοόλ και το φαγητό. Έτσι κι αλλιώς, η επόμενη του αγώνα είναι μέρα ρεπό. Οπότε πολύ απλά, συνεχίζεις σε κάποιο νυχτερινό κέντρο, μάλλον κάποιο κλαμπ, όπου την πέφτεις σε ό,τι κινείται, γιατί είσαι διάσημος. Κάτι που φτάνει για να έχεις όποια (όποιον, διακρίσεις δεν κάνουμε) θες για έξτρα προπόνηση. Αφού τελειώσει όλο αυτό, μακαρονάδα για σβήσιμο και καπάκι για ύπνο, γιατί έχεις και προπόνηση και πρέπει να είσαι ξεκούραστος. Όχι ότι το έχεις ανάγκη. Τόσα χρόνια πας προπόνηση με hangover. Κανείς δεν έχει καταλάβει τίποτα. Δεν θες μια νίκη για να γίνεις λιώμα από το ποτό.

The above piece was written in GREEK

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - Crazytomato - 06-16-2024


RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - sonicxdoom - 06-16-2024

Graphic option:

Norfolk Victory Celebration

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - jj2416 - 06-16-2024

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RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - ItsFrenchie - 06-16-2024

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RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - lock180 - 06-16-2024

Do I throw a pizza party? uh........DUH! Zen'z Za Italian Pizzeria was built with a secret underground bunker specifically made for when his team inevitably wins the Ultimus. Besides celebrating with pizza and teammates Zenzeroni would go on to gloat to anyone and everyone around him. He would put the Ultimus trophy in a special place in his fridge for everyone to see and then go on a nonsensical media rant refusing to let any of his teammates speak because he is obviously the face of the franchise and they only won because of him so the only person the media will need to talk to is him. He will enjoy rubbing the victory in Venus Power's and that GM over in Arizona lemonoppy's faces telling them how worthless they are compared to the mighty Ultimus champion Zenzeorni Xystarch II. The parade would not begin in Yellowknife but instead go through every town Yellowknife had defeated leading up to the Ultimus win so that they could gloat even more.

RE: (S48) PT #4 - Victory! - oknom - 06-16-2024

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