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Dan Miller's first press meeting - Printable Version

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Dan Miller's first press meeting - 7hawk77 - 06-07-2017

Dan Miller, everyone was wondering why you waited until after the draft to meet the press. Care to Elaborate?

Well as you know, I've only played 1 year of college football before the draft and in that short time, I made a name for myself. I figured that the teams that were a good fit would be interested in drafting me and would contact me. I wasn't interested in trying to sell myself to any buyer. Now that the preseason games are upon us, I figured now would be the best time to talk to the press before I get busy again.

Alright, I think that settles it. Lets open up the floor for questioning.

(06-07-2017, 06:22 PM)Noppadet Wrote:1) What was your favorite subject in college, and why?
2) How do you plan to improve between now and the regular season?
3) How do you feel about your performance in the first two preseason games?
4) Who is your most hated non-division rival?
5) Do you have any regrets about leaving college ball after only a year?

1.) I really enjoyed studying motor learning and movement fundamentals for physical activities. Going through with an investigative eye on things we do intuitively piqued my interest.

2.) Practice practice practice. The coaches are helping me identify small mistakes and then we just drill to fix them.

3.) I was outperformed by my fellow DTs game 1, but I did pretty good in game 2. My fellow defensive line members are all much faster so maybe that's something I should aspire to be.

4.) Probably the wraiths. Your first loss (even in pre-season) hurts.

5.)My only regret is not getting involved sooner. I think I am ready for the big leagues, but if I would have known I could make it sooner, I would have much more training and expertise.

(06-08-2017, 02:18 PM)Blake Bortles Wrote:1. How do you feel about your preseason performance as a whole?
2. Who was the toughest O-Lineman you played against?
3. Which teammate do you think had the best game?
4. Which game to you perform the best in?
5. What changes do you plan to make to improve your game in the regular season?

1.) Not as confident as I was going in to pre-season. Compared to my teamates, I felt like I was a bit behind. I managed to make about 3 tackles per game, but only getting 1 sack the entire pre-season hurt. The thing that makes me confident is I'm a really strong guy, and I'll work to make sure I continue making tackles. With talent like Selich behind me and the rest of the defensive line putting in work, it takes pressure off me... but I need to be pulling my weight and it will make me train harder.

2.) Definitely Winchester (playing on the Otters). The game I like to play is overpowering the offensive line so it crumbles. Once this happens, there are no holes for the runner and my teamates can get to the ball carrier. I was having a really tough time against him. He never blew coverage in our game and he was quite effective at stifling my aggression. Pretty frustrating, but I took out that energy on plays I could make a difference. I made more tackles that game than any other one this pre-season.

3.) I'm on the field to play defense so that sticks out more. Selich was averaging about 10 tackles per game which is just outrageous. I felt like no matter where I saw the ball going, Alex was ready and waiting. His instincts are just otherworldy. That's not to knock any of the other defensive players. Our secondary is very good. Their ability to cover really makes our job getting to the QB much easier on passing downs. I'll also talk about some notable offensive players. I was really impressed with Bowers Jr and Bottles. Bowers acceleration and speed is insane, dude is the real deal. I mentioned bottles because he tied for the number of receptions for our top WR. Without him as a safety valve for Jameis, I think these games would have gone much worse for us.

4.) I had 3 tackles and 1 sack against the wraiths and 4 tackles against the otters. Against the Yeti's I only had 2 tackles... However, as a team, we kept the Yeti's to a terrible 3rd down conversion rate of 21.4% It's a team game and we won this one so I'd say this was my best game, even if my personal stats aren't great.

5.) Well I definitely think I could improve my tackling. I've gotten down the snap to beating offensive linemen, but after that if there is an opening, I need to not hesitate to try and make the play. I think if I get a little bit quicker, more decisive and learn to wrap up my tackles, I'll be much more effective come the start of the season.

Dan Miller's first press meeting - Noppadet - 06-07-2017

1) What was your favorite subject in college, and why?
2) How do you plan to improve between now and the regular season?
3) How do you feel about your performance in the first two preseason games?
4) Who is your most hated non-division rival?
5) Do you have any regrets about leaving college ball after only a year?

Dan Miller's first press meeting - 7hawk77 - 06-08-2017

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Dan Miller's first press meeting - Blake Bortles - 06-08-2017

1. How do you feel about your preseason performance as a whole?
2. Who was the toughest O-Lineman you played against?
3. Which teammate do you think had the best game?
4. Which game to you perform the best in?
5. What changes do you plan to make to improve your game in the regular season?