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The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - Printable Version

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The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - manicmav36 - 01-09-2019

Recently we’ve seen a lot of “big” stories being broken to the public. It’s exciting. It generates a ton of attention and discussion, and maybe, one could argue, more interest in the league. But here’s my issue… this isn’t the Wild West. We have rules and regulations here, and there is a proper way to handle a perceived issue. We don’t need people taking every perceived slight public and airing every complaint under the sun. Take your problem to your GM first. If they don’t help, then take your problem to a member of the Head Office. If you still don’t get a result you deem fair, by all means take it public, see how the league opinion views your problem. But, PLEASE follow the proper channels first.

Time and time again we see someone break a “huge story” only to find out it was nothing. Take the latest TPE scandal to befall the Otters. It was alleged that there were 6 Otters players with a varying number of extra TPE, anywhere from 5 to 80. While in the end 3 of the 6 players were actually over and did indeed need fixing, half of the accused players were actually spot on or under where they were supposed to be. Talk yesterday of widespread Otter cheating was running rampant. I’ll admit, it didn’t look good, but we didn’t have the whole picture. Now, this isn’t something I’m directing at any one particular player, we’ve seen it happen time and time again… as a career long Hawk, Carmel Gibson and Super Broadway are the first to come to mind. Both of the previously mentioned events devolved into calls for drastic measures like season resims and banning of GMs by an angry public who didn’t have all the facts. Yet, they were simple mistakes that could’ve easily been handled properly by the HO if someone had just followed the proper procedures.

So to reiterate, GMs first, then HO, then the public. Let’s put our pitchforks away for a bit and give the people at the top a chance to do what they’re supposed to.

The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - iamslm22 - 01-09-2019

Agreed 100%

The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - Beaver - 01-09-2019


[Image: mad.png]

The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - 37thchamber - 01-09-2019

FOH with your reasonable suggestions and well-thought out posts! >Sad

The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - DeathOnReddit - 01-09-2019

Negative ghost rider

The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - majesiu - 01-09-2019

(01-09-2019, 06:13 PM)manicmav36 Wrote:Recently we’ve seen a lot of “big” stories being broken to the public. It’s exciting. It generates a ton of attention and discussion, and maybe, one could argue, more interest in the league. But here’s my issue… this isn’t the Wild West. We have rules and regulations here, and there is a proper way to handle a perceived issue. We don’t need people taking every perceived slight public and airing every complaint under the sun. Take your problem to your GM first. If they don’t help, then take your problem to a member of the Head Office. If you still don’t get a result you deem fair, by all means take it public, see how the league opinion views your problem. But, PLEASE follow the proper channels first.

I did it last time (the cornerback archetype nerfs back in ~S9) and it took quite a while giving players an advantage for one more sim iirc and outside of fixing players that were mentioned, the problem still exists - there are still players with incorrect maximums/minimums in their archetypes.
The mentioned channels were informed this time simultaneously to the posting, so they could have moved the post/delete it as well if they thought it was unwanted.

(01-09-2019, 06:13 PM)manicmav36 Wrote:Time and time again we see someone break a “huge story” only to find out it was nothing. Take the latest TPE scandal to befall the Otters. It was alleged that there were 6 Otters players with a varying number of extra TPE, anywhere from 5 to 80. While in the end 3 of the 6 players were actually over and did indeed need fixing, half of the accused players were actually spot on or under where they were supposed to be.

Even those that were spot on had some mistakes (unaccounted TPE earned, not tracked Total TPE) in their updates and apologies to the players that were caught in the crossfire, because of that. I only compared total TPE to their current build, assuming it was properly tracked.

Might have gotten overzealous after the first discovery, add up my well known anti-otter bias and you have perfect mixture for a person wanting to find every little discrepancy. I'll try to be less hot-headed next time.

The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - kckolbe - 01-09-2019

@manicmav36 Did you talk to my GM about this first or did you go straight to public with it?

The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - manicmav36 - 01-09-2019

(01-09-2019, 01:18 PM)kckolbe Wrote:@manicmav36 Did you talk to my GM about this first or did you go straight to public with it?

I don't remember accusing anyone of cheating.

The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - majesiu - 01-09-2019

(01-09-2019, 07:22 PM)manicmav36 Wrote:I don't remember accusing anyone of cheating.

Neither did I, more than one time I said those discrepancies happened because updating isn't easy and mistakes happen.

If anything it would be nice to get a push for better update pages, maybe standardized template for it? Similarly (I think it was proposed by someone from NSFL in PBE) to include in archetypes minimum values just like as maximums are included e.g. (MAX: 90) Kick Accuracy: 60 to (MIN: 60) (MAX: 90) Kick Accuracy: 60 to avoid problems with regressions redistributions.

Now that I cooled off I realize this was less than desirable thread, especially with the dearth of updaters willing to take a job, but maybe perspective that's it's a normal thing to be wrong and bigger attention to detail make that league job slightly less hard.

The NSFL and It's Biggest Current Issue - manicmav36 - 01-09-2019

(01-09-2019, 01:30 PM)majesiu Wrote:Neither did I, more than one time I said those discrepancies happened because updating isn't easy and mistakes happen.

If anything it would be nice to get a push for better update pages, maybe standardized template for it? Similarly (I think it was proposed by someone from NSFL in PBE) to include in archetypes minimum values just like as maximums are included e.g. (MAX: 90) Kick Accuracy: 60 to (MIN: 60) (MAX: 90) Kick Accuracy: 60 to avoid problems with regressions redistributions.

Now that I cooled off I realize this was less than desirable thread, especially with the dearth of updaters willing to take a job, but maybe perspective that's it's a normal thing to be wrong and bigger attention to detail make that league job slightly less hard.

Definitely, and you probably handled it better than most would've, myself included. The variance in updates 100% was a contributing factor in this. As someone who's updated since S3, I can assure you, there is some wild stuff out there. Some is due to a lack of knowledge or understanding of how updating works, but some is just due to pure laziness. The template idea has been kicked around before, and it's a fantastic one. It's something I would love to have implemented.