International Simulation Football League
Calling All Season 15 Rookies! - Printable Version

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Calling All Season 15 Rookies! - YoungTB - 03-04-2019

Welcome to the league rookies! We're glad you're here. This is shaping out to be one of the biggest and deepest classes in the history of the NSFL. Now you most likely already took the rookie survey for TPE, but this one is just for fun. Fill this out and results will be posted next week (hopefully). Thanks, and I can't wait to see you guys on the gridiron.

Calling All Season 15 Rookies! - YoungTB - 03-06-2019

Bumping this, remember to fill this out when you can rookies Smile

Calling All Season 15 Rookies! - Duilio05 - 03-06-2019

Why aren't the DSFL team available for the Favorite/Least Favorite options? Would've chosen Portland Pythons as my Favorite so far.

Calling All Season 15 Rookies! - Rouchicus - 03-06-2019

Choosing a favorite and least favorite was a bit of a blind choice. Picked based on team branding lol

Calling All Season 15 Rookies! - DCross - 03-08-2019

(03-06-2019, 08:55 AM)Rouchicus Wrote:Choosing a favorite and least favorite was a bit of a blind choice.  Picked based on team branding lol

Same here lol. No exposure to any of the teams, wanted to pick the DSFL Solar Bears because that name is amazing but they weren’t an option. Picked the Wraiths because that logo is really well done.