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GFX transparency - Printable Version

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GFX transparency - NUCK - 06-15-2017

I put this in the GFX LR, I don't want anyone trying to guess my thought process so here it is. If you're unsatisfied with your service, I direct you to the link at the bottom. Use it or don't fucking snivel.

Basically I still want to be nice to new artist, usually a 5 or 4 on there first work. From there we want to allow them to find a comfortable ability with PS. So this means still grading on the nice side of things but challenge them to get better. If you don't see progress in their ability, or at least attempt to get better. Their grades need to reflect it by increasingly getting worse.

The idea is to teach and push them to get better.

With the more experienced members, we want to reward them when they have done their best. But we also can't allow them to submit trash in comparison to their skill. I personally grade harder when I see a very good GFX artist submit sub par work. For their ability level that is.

As of right now we have to just continue to use our current grading scale and stay consistent in how we grade. It's obvious people want to see a change in how we grade. But I as of yet i haven't seen anything I feel is fair to everyone.

Here is the discussion I started.

GFX transparency - Stormblessed - 06-15-2017

(06-15-2017, 03:56 PM)NUCK Wrote:I personally grade harder when I see a very good GFX artist submit sub par work. For their ability level that is.

It's obvious people want to see a change in how we grade. But I as of yet i haven't seen anything I feel is fair to everyone.

So I think these two statements summarize the problems people are having quite nicely.

Let's suspend reality for a minute and ignore the logical inconsistency of the first sentence I quoted.

I'm a media guy, I don't think I've ever touched photoshop. Some of the stuff I see around here blows my mind with how good it is.

Your stuff, on the other hand, when compared to Bengals or 701, is utter shit.

So now the problem becomes, how do we compare your shit graphics to their really great graphics? And what makes YOU qualified to judge a superior artists work?

Nobody knows the criteria by which they are being judged because it is so subjective. When your gutter graphics get higher scores then 701's professional quality work because "you grade on ability level" then that's where the disconnect is.

You have a lead grader admitting to grading superior artists more tough because they ARE so good when he ISN'T qualified to do so. And more then that - he hasn't provided a non-arbitrary grading system to shield against matters of opinion.

So here we are. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but is this not a "fun" league? The correct answer to this situation is give auto grades for submissions. If you can't tell who is mailing in their graphics then you should get someone like 701 to teach you what to look for.

And by God if someone manages to sneak a graphic in there without trying as hard as YOU think they should based on your OPINION then...and I know I'm about to sound crazy so bear with me....WHO CARES. The integrity of the league will not be compromised because someone didn't try hard enough for imaginary points to use on a fake player, in a league that isn't real.

Oh and sorry for my 'fucking sniveling' but you seem a little lazy too. How hard is it to throw up graphics of the week like the media guys have? Take you what, ten minutes?

GFX transparency - Kendrick - 06-15-2017

(06-15-2017, 08:40 PM)DillyDing Wrote:How hard is it to throw up graphics of the week like the media guys have? Take you what, ten minutes?
This part got to me.

I asked why we couldn't do that and was told we had to get the grading aspect down first. Which would mean media guys have more incentives than graphics guys at the present time.

GFX transparency - ADwyer87 - 06-16-2017

I think theres some stuff i just am not sure about.

Obviously new members should be taken easy, because this should be fun and relaxed.

But that doesnt mean ramp up the difficulty to 10 on the experienced guys! Thats sjust wrong and takes a lot of fun out of the league, especially when that same sig given to a guy thats "good" but not great would get a 5.

I think also, just arguing on specifics, that grade you gave just seems wrong. "The text works although plain." text doesnt have to be fancy, if it works it works. "The low opacity 2nd render works decent .. its just not right and I cant seem to come up with the vocabulary to explain it." Thats where you lose me. Now of course i think this sig is dope, looks better than most sigs i get made for me, so maybe im partially biased. But I just dont get what you're saying here. it works but its not right? I mean whats wrong with it? imo, if something doesnt FEEL right, thats not enough to take off a point, or even two, especially if you cant find the words to roperly explain why you took them off. maybe give it a 4.5, but not a 3. Not going to make assumptions, but it just seems like you recognize that the sig is good, it works, and is skillfully made, but personally dont like the effects used and therefore gave it a bad rating. If thats the case thats not good. With the one you gave a 4, i do really see where you're coming from, that C does make it look rough. but still seems very harsh to me. What also makes me wonder is every comment in there was talking about how fire the sigs were....including your comment saying they were sick! that just confuses me.

Anyways, I'm not here to say whether media or graphics is easier, or to call you names, you know i respect you, we are teammates in SHL, have worked together in the past and even currently a bit on the "secret" project. But at the same time these grades seem confusing and unfair, and as 701's GM its my job to stick up for him when he doesn't get correct compensation for his efforts.

GFX transparency - NUCK - 06-16-2017

(06-15-2017, 07:40 PM)DillyDing Wrote:So I think these two statements summarize the problems people are having quite nicely.

Let's suspend reality for a minute and ignore the logical inconsistency of the first sentence I quoted.

I'm a media guy, I don't think I've ever touched photoshop. Some of the stuff I see around here blows my mind with how good it is.

Your stuff, on the other hand, when compared to Bengals or 701, is utter shit.

So now the problem becomes, how do we compare your shit graphics to their really great graphics? And what makes YOU qualified to judge a superior artists work?

Nobody knows the criteria by which they are being judged because it is so subjective. When your gutter graphics get higher scores then 701's professional quality work because "you grade on ability level" then that's where the disconnect is.

You have a lead grader admitting to grading superior artists more tough because they ARE so good when he ISN'T qualified to do so. And more then that - he hasn't provided a non-arbitrary grading system to shield against matters of opinion.

So here we are. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but is this not a "fun" league? The correct answer to this situation is give auto grades for submissions. If you can't tell who is mailing in their graphics then you should get someone like 701 to teach you what to look for.

And by God if someone manages to sneak a graphic in there without trying as hard as YOU think they should based on your OPINION then...and I know I'm about to sound crazy so bear with me....WHO CARES. The integrity of the league will not be compromised because someone didn't try hard enough for imaginary points to use on a fake player, in a league that isn't real.

Oh and sorry for my 'fucking sniveling' but you seem a little lazy too. How hard is it to throw up graphics of the week like the media guys have? Take you what, ten minutes?
If you're unsatisfied with your service, I direct you to the link at the bottom. Use it or don't fucking snivel.

GFX transparency - NUCK - 06-16-2017

(06-15-2017, 08:39 PM)Kendrick Wrote:This part got to me.

I asked why we couldn't do that and was told we had to get the grading aspect down first. Which would mean media guys have more incentives than graphics guys at the present time.
If you're unsatisfied with your service, I direct you to the link at the bottom. Use it or don't fucking snivel.

GFX transparency - NUCK - 06-16-2017

(06-15-2017, 09:56 PM)ADwyer87 Wrote:I think theres some stuff i just am not sure about.

Obviously new members should be taken easy, because this should be fun and relaxed.

But that doesnt mean ramp up the difficulty to 10 on the experienced guys! Thats sjust wrong and takes a lot of fun out of the league, especially when that same sig given to a guy thats "good" but not great would get a 5.

I think also, just arguing on specifics, that grade you gave just seems wrong. "The text works although plain." text doesnt have to be fancy, if it works it works. "The low opacity 2nd render works decent .. its just not right and I cant seem to come up with the vocabulary to explain it." Thats where you lose me. Now of course i think this sig is dope, looks better than most sigs i get made for me, so maybe im partially biased. But I just dont get what you're saying here. it works but its not right? I mean whats wrong with it? imo, if something doesnt FEEL right, thats not enough to take off a point, or even two, especially if you cant find the words to roperly explain why you took them off. maybe give it a 4.5, but not a 3. Not going to make assumptions, but it just seems like you recognize that the sig is good, it works, and is skillfully made, but personally dont like the effects used and therefore gave it a bad rating. If thats the case thats not good. With the one you gave a 4, i do really see where you're coming from, that C does make it look rough. but still seems very harsh to me. What also makes me wonder is every comment in there was talking about how fire the sigs were....including your comment saying they were sick! that just confuses me.

Anyways, I'm not here to say whether media or graphics is easier, or to call you names, you know i respect you, we are teammates in SHL, have worked together in the past and even currently a bit on the "secret" project. But at the same time these grades seem confusing and unfair, and as 701's GM its my job to stick up for him when he doesn't get correct compensation for his efforts.
If you're unsatisfied with your service, I direct you to the link at the bottom. Use it or don't fucking snivel.

GFX transparency - 701 - 06-16-2017

Like I've said a million times, I'm not here for my grades to reflect some CnC you may have. I'm 110% down for some good ol CnC, just not effecting my grade. It's demoralizing seeing things get such high grades, and knowing I work pretty hard *always takes me 30 min just on filters*. This leagues for fun, and when I have to submit 4 signatures for 1.2m, basically one week of training, this leagues far from fun or worth it. I don't want to spend 5 hours a week on photoshop for something I'm doing purely out of fun.

GFX transparency - 701 - 06-16-2017

Seems like you're butt hurt, can't take criticism here too? I'm not posting when my opinions already been said in that thread lmao.

GFX transparency - Stormblessed - 06-16-2017

(06-16-2017, 07:33 AM)701 Wrote:Seems like you're butt hurt, can't take criticism here too? I'm not posting when my opinions already been said in that thread lmao.

LOL don't fucking snivel bro