International Simulation Football League
*Dear Colorado - Printable Version

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*Dear Colorado - infinitempg - 04-23-2019

[div align=\\\"center\\\"][Image: ripmicycle_smol.png][/div]

Dear Colorado,

I never thought the day would come that I would have to make this announcement.

[div align=\\\"center\\\"]The upcoming 2028 National Simulation Football League season will be my last as a professional football player.[/div]

After a lengthy discussion with my family, my doctors, and my close friends, it has become clear to me that I must hang up my cleats following next season. I truly wanted to make my career last as long as possible, but the repeated hits and injuries have made their mark. Once the new league season begins, I will be exercising my player option and re-signing at a much cheaper contract before submitting my retirement papers to the Head Office.

To the Yeti organization, thank you for believing in me. I have to thank my first GMs, @TheMemeMaestro and Matthew Vincent (@sapp2013) for taking a chance on a slacking, skinny Asian kicker out of Rutgers, and putting enough faith in me to make me the immediate starter. You helped guide me around the circus that is the NSFL, and made me into the successful player I am today.

To my teammates throughout the years, thank you for all the support and fun times we had over these last few years. There are too many to thank, but there are a few I need to single out. Thank you to my first and favorite holder of my balls, Nick Pierno (@ralz9) - after every missed kick you always picked my head back up and told me to "get 'em next time". All those interceptions made you an expert at that! To all the captains I served with, thank you for leading and helping me become a leader. Haruki (@ExemplaryChad), Dwayne (@Supersquare04), Eli (@PDXBaller), and Howard (@dropbear) - you made me a better man and football player, and I am forever grateful. I never thought I'd be the last of the 0-32 Yeti to be in the league, but here we are.

To my current teammates, I'm sure you're excited to finally get rid of me! There is a trophy to get, and I believe that you guys are more than capable of leading the next generation of Yeti to victory.

To the #KickerMafia - I guess Dean (@run_CMC) is the last survivor. Turk (@Raven) and I will drink to every missed extra point and 30 yard punt you have in the future.

And finally to Colorado, the greatest fans in the world, thank you for always being welcoming to my family and me. The moment I was drafted, I didn't know what I was getting into - but immediately after the announcement my social media was flooded with nothing but support and encouragement. This community embraced us like we were locals, even if we were "dirty East Coasters". When I succeeded, you cheered me on, and when I struggled, you never put me down. By far my favorite moment of my career is being put on your shoulders on the field after the streak-breaking field goal to beat the Outlaws. I'm sorry I never got you that Ultimus Trophy.

What comes next for me, I don't know. But I promise the league will hear from me again soon.

Time for one last ride.

- Micycle McCormick

*Dear Colorado - Supersquare04 - 04-23-2019


*Dear Colorado - iamslm22 - 04-23-2019


*Dear Colorado - run_CMC - 04-23-2019

I felt legit sadness reading this. Sad

You were one hell of a kicker while you stayed one. But more important: damn if you aren’t just a cool and chill dude
Glad to hear (implied anyways?) you’ll be staying involved in the league in some way Smile

Much love bro


*Dear Colorado - PSanchez55 - 04-23-2019


*Dear Colorado - infinitempg - 04-23-2019

(04-23-2019, 08:03 PM)run_CMC Wrote:you’ll be staying involved in the league in some way Smile

[Image: giphy.gif]

*Dear Colorado - 124715 - 04-23-2019

true nsfl legend. micycle on the coyotes was so fun - I just wish that wasn't the disastrous Chicago year Sad

*Dear Colorado - Renrut - 04-23-2019

Let’s have one more MVP race for the ages!

*Dear Colorado - Raven - 04-24-2019

Rip ):

Grats on the great career bud! (even with you backstabbed us kickers)

*Dear Colorado - TheMemeMaestro - 04-24-2019

I made many mistakes as a GM... this wasn't one of them.