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*Another Laszlo Forty-Two Interview! - Printable Version

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*Another Laszlo Forty-Two Interview! - C9Van - 05-15-2019

[This is roughly 2525 words long]

Time for another interview with Laszlo Forty-Two!

The Interviewer: Hello and welcome to another interview with Tijuana Luchadores' first round pick at 5th overall, Laszlo Forty-Two who recently and finally made his debut in the league.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Mr. Forty-Two is happy to join you again.

The Interviewer: Yes, thank you. Well, may as well ask you to begin with how is life in Tijuana.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Big difference. Reminds Laszlo of childhood when he move to the states of the united. Lovely weather, beautiful scenery where Laszlo is currently living and surprisingly good food. Laszlo was the happy to join Tijuana before draft and he is the happy to join after the draft!

The Interviewer: Lovely to hear, what about the team overall?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo likes the team that he is a part of quite a lot. A lot of character within team. Team know how good attacking side of team is, love to score as many points as possible. Lucha people confident we can win it all this season.

The Interviewer: Anyone in particular that has stood out to you or truly helped you?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Overall management has helped The Laz greatly, appreciate it but they gain results out of Laszlo as payment. As for other individuals? The man named Judas is very trust worthy. Forrest Gump is very smart man. Laszlo Forty-Two think he could become Astronaut or person you would want or need on island if ever stranded with someone. Laszlo feel like he have a friend in him. Johnny Slothface have big presence and character and Laszlo have big respect for him, Mongo push Laszlo to limit but healthy rivalry. Laszlo feel Offensive Line are all more lively than every other team, more passion and heart.

That is just naming few, Laszlo could go on even to staff who are too weak to play sport at respectable level.

The Interviewer: I see, I see. Well, I thought before asking you about the matches I would ask you more of a personal question for starters. What is something most people don't know about you?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Ah, fun question. Break ice to avoid awkwardness later on when Interviewer doesn't know how to reply to Laszlo. Well, Laszlo once play for Under 11 Hungarian national team in Association Football. Or Soccer as it is also known as.

The Interviewer: I...see. Wait, you mean you played at the youth national level?

Laszlo Forty-Two: That is correct. Laszlo was sports prodigy. Could have probably played for national Hungarian team if kept at it but moved onto other sports when he move to the States of the United. Team would easily win the whole tournament. Laszlo got top goal scorer or known as Golden Boot award and the best player at the tournament award as well. Was very good at shooting. The children were kind of terrible in other countries though. Laszlo Forty-Two still have awards somewhere in West Virginia house.

The Interviewer: Did you play any other sports?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo always enjoy Rugby too, not very big in Hungary or America and violence is usually frowned upon in it so Laszo Forty-Two is playiing in right sport for him.

The Interviewer: Interesting, well then let us get right to the matches! What was it like to finally debut in your first game?

Laszlo Forty-Two: It was okay.

The interviewer: Err...Just okay?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo no care about if first game. Weak minded people worry about things like that. Mr. Forty-Two was always going to be playing game one and every game after. Nerves get in way with crushing opponent.

The Interviewer: What did you make of your debut performance then?

Laszlo Forty-Two: The Laszlo was best player that day for team. Attacking side of Tijuana play terrible. Lose game quite badly. Don't think defending side of Tijuana can be blamed much. Too many interceptions on our side of team. Laszlo however play well, gain touch down in first game and our only points of game. Overall, Laszlo play well.

The Interviewer: Harsh words about your team honestly.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Training with team go great. The purple Coyote team play very well as well but we better than how we play. No reason to not play as well as we can. Laszlo go up to quarter back after game. Tell him we have trust still. Believe can produce and crush enemy. If continue to fail, they get known as flop and walking joke. Nobody want that. Better to ignore thoughts like this though and stop intercepting constantly. Quarter back listen to Laszlo Forty-Two's advice of not giving ball away in week 2 and end up crushing. Should hopefully continue.

Laszlo very happy to give anyone advice.

The Interviewer: Got any great general advice you could give non-players in life then?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Of course. Is not the cereal that makes the man. Is man who makes the cereal. You are most important meal of day. Must take advantage of opportunity and crush all who get in way before soggy milk ruin everything.

The Interviewer: I um...I don't know if I really follow what you are currently saying.

Laszlo Forty-Two: People who eat toast say that. Laszlo not appreciate that.

The Interviewer: So, I have to ask you, what were you thinking when you got your first touchdown?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo before touchdown was annoyed, game was not going well. Interceptions were left, right and middle. Was not looking good. Quarter back throw to me for first time in professional competitive game. Laszlo catch the thrown object. Then Laszlo think to himself: “This is good. Not many players get the downing touch in debut.” Made Laszlo forget about scoreline for a bit of time. Probably best moment of first debut game if Laszlo is honest. Will be many more touchdowns in future.

The Interviewer: Moving a long I guess, before I actually bring up week 2 I'd like to just ask you what you were thinking after calming down about the result in week 1.

Laszlo Forty-Two: It felt genuinely like Laszlo had made it finally. My lord believed in Laszlo and Laszlo was repaying belief. Is not final destination for Mr. Forty-Two but it is step in right direction. Laszlo will continue to prove he is person NSFL teams should draft and will do whatever team wants. Laszlo team player and proving self in rookie season here getting more touchdown is how Laszlo will prove self.

The Interviewer: So talk to me about your second game in the league in week 2? How was that like?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Team finally fire on all cylinders. Showed league we can be team that is hard to stop. Laszlo feel genuinely he have better first game than the game in week 2 but Laszlo cannot complain if Quarter back is on a roll finding other options.

The Interviewer: I have actually been meaning to ask you this for some time now. Are you Hungarian or American now?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Yes.

The Interviewer: Yes? What do you mean, yes?

Laszlo Forty-Two: I am both. I have dual nationality of Hungarian and American citizenship. Personally see myself more of Hungarian since is home country but no need for wall around me. Also, hope Laszlo can inspire more people from home nation to come and play in biggest league. Laszlo would love to play a world cup game vs America's stacked team in future or world cup.

The Interviewer: You mentioned your lord earlier, is it to my understanding you think he told you to play this professional?

Laszlo Forty-Two: No. The Laz KNOWS he told me to play professional. Mr. 0 is powerful god who loves to observe and learn. Sports leagues are no different. Full of drama, knowledge and technical abilities. Pain and pure joy. Is natural he care more about sports league than help poor who struggle to exist.

Laszlo not want to bring up religion too much though. Is touchy subject. Laszlo just believe in different higher power. No want to get into fight with stubborn or snobby religious folk.

The Interviewer: So tell me Laszlo's opinion on the defense of his team.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Some players on team have potential to be huge in big league, others not so much. Laszlo genuinely believe defending team isn't worst in league but can't be deluded and say he believes they're the best. Team knows it come down mainly to attacking side of team winning game though.

The Interviewer: So how do you think the rest of the season will pan out for you and the Tijuana Luchadores?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Many possibilities can still happen. Personally for Laszlo, he is firm believer pressure if off him due to being rookie. Every catch will only benefit him. Every yard will be valuable until gain more experience. As for team overall? Mr. Forty-Two believes they made final last year, should be looking to make stage again. Laszlo no care regular season record, only matters Tijuana Luchadores play well when post season eventually get big behind here.

Laszlo will just play whatever team is in front of and aim to crush them. Hurt opposition fans feelings.

The Interviewer: So with you saying your team can get to the finals, who do you hope to be fighting in the finals?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo does not care who. Keep hearing people telling The Laz to 'Fear The Fleet'. Still unsure how wolf and the sea create big metal thing. Would love to fight Purple coloured Coyotes to get revenge on week 1 but Laszlo Forty-Two feel Portland may be finalist. Laszlo could easily be wrong, but just vibe he get from stomach.

The Interviewer: I have heard a couple of reports that you are training very hard and seem very committed to doing the best you can, may I ask why?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Is mix of plenty of things. Laszlo feel person who go first overall is very good. Very, very good. Closely followed by the three wide receivers including Laszlo. Bit of a drop in quality then. Laszlo determined to prove he is not worst of all three. Want to be drafted higher than both to prove hard work. To make sure Laszlo is one of it not best option for team.

Other reason would be as discussed, my deity believes was made for this. Laszlo agree. Laszlo crush any who not believe in Laszlo being one of best.

The Interviewer: So safe to say you see the two other wide receivers as a rival then?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo is on team with one of them, so not so much him. Wolfie is probably closest thing to rival currently. Will have to see how things go in rest of season however. Laszlo feel it is probably one of them if anybody though.

The Interviewer: Any team or fixture you're looking forward to playing in?

Laszlo Forty-Two: All of them! Laszlo just glad to be playing. Hope to beat every team if possible but is long season.

The Interviewer: Looking slightly more forward to the future. The NFSL. You've mentioned about going as high as you can but do you have a home in particular? Or anywhere you especially would love to avoid going to live and play at?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo has yet to talk to nor even really see any official worker in NSFL. Is early days. Laszlo Forty-Two is not for or against joining any team. Is basically like DSFL draft. You draft me, I will crush and work hard with team. Could be team with insane attacking team or team with pathetic options for quarter back. Will be very difficult for teams in upcoming draft to find more passionate person with thick legs that could crush opponents skull than Mr. Forty-Two!

All Laszlo truly ask for is two reasonable things. First, Laszlo only play with #42. Non-negotiable. Secondly, Laszlo just humbly want good offer with money for contract. Laszlo not asking for insane money, but not peasant minimum money either. Fair for both sides. Laszlo can negotiate this in future.

The Interviewer: Very well! Well then, we do have a couple of twitter questions for you if you don't mind asking them.

Laszlo Forty-Two: No hash tagging. Otherwise Laszlo does agree to stupid fan questions.

The Interviewer: Err...Right. Well, first question is if you could have been drafted to any other team, who would you have liked to have gone too?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Portland. Purely because Laszlo believe they had first round pick. Understand who they picked up but would not have wanted to have gone Sixth overall. They have chance, they fail. Otherwise Bears from cold place that wear Sunglasses.

The Interviewer: The Solar Bears?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Yes. Laszlo understand they need quarter back. Just Laszlo would have crushed for them. Put twelve year old on pitch who can at least throw few years. Laszlo do the rest.

The Interviewer: Another tweet. This tweet says the following: “If you had a match at WrestleMania against anyone in any sport or profession, who would you fight?”

Laszlo Forty-Two: Interesting question. If weird person on social media want wrestler, it would be Jonathan Felix Cena. Laszlo Forty-Two has special ability to see him. Him not realising biggest advantage is gone would mean Laszlo could crush him. If you mean in league, anyone. Laszlo crush big pansies in no time. If you mean literally anyone. Well, Mr. Forty-Two would pick either The Mountain or Arnold Schwarzenegger. Both strong men. Would be glorious battle. Also, many people say I look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in correct lighting. Laszlo hopes this helps you with weird and strange question.

The Interviewer: Final question is “What is your Twitter handle? I'd like to follow you, Mr. Forty-Two!”

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo not have social media. Is poison. One time, Laszlo get a book with faces. Someone legitimately poke me. Laszlo hunt man down, was local man Laszlo knew if you can wrap mind around such a concept. He say wasn't big deal, Laszlo make sure he never thought about attacking people on social media ever again. Laszlo de-activate book of faces later. Decide not for me.

The Interviewer: Well, this is unfortunately all the time we have this time around. We may have another interview or presser from Laszlo Forty-Two soon mind. So, Mr. Forty-Two, do you have any closing words.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Yes. Yes, Laszlo does have a few closing thoughts and messages to speak. The Forty-Two hopes Tijuana fans happy so far with glorious performance. He hope you continue to support him and rest of team and continue to eat vegetables and not do fun drugs. Laszlo also hope NSFL teams keep look out for him in future. Always welcome to discuss.

Finally, Laszlo Forty-Two truly thank you all for getting to know him. Giving him a chance, especially Tijuana. The Laz can be slightly too much for weak willed people so is refreshing to know they enjoy being around Lazzy. He hopes rest of the season is just as fun as first two games have been.

That is all from Laszlo.

The Interviewer: Well, thanks for watching and joining us. See you next time!

*Another Laszlo Forty-Two Interview! - infinitempg - 05-15-2019

God I love this series

*Another Laszlo Forty-Two Interview! - Ben - 05-16-2019

This is brilliant lol TIJ

*Another Laszlo Forty-Two Interview! - TomHanks - 05-16-2019

So glad we got you in the draft, this series is hilarious!