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*After The Game With AE - Printable Version

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*After The Game With AE - br0_0ker - 05-17-2019

[Ready For Grading]

The podium stands solitary amongst a bevy of microphones, a sports drink bottle prominently forward in full view. Norfolk wide receiver Ahri Espeeyeeseetee enters from the right and a crashing of shutter clicks cacophonously clutter the crowded collective. A faceless, nameless voice from the back states

Mr. Espeeyeeseetee will begin taking questions now

Who's your biggest competition in the league? @CalvinP

You know, that's a great question and a difficult one to answer, mostly because there's so many ways to define competition. Like, in practice, the guy that's been pushing me the most has been our tight end, DeMarcus Strike, you know him? He's great on all the inside and underneath stuff Norfolk was having me run last year so I've got some of that role picked up off me this year. Battling in practice? It's gotta be Dermot Lavelle Jr, he's been busting butt against me all offseason, and I really like where his future is headed. But then you get out on the field, and I gotta say, ever since Vander Jones left for the NSFL, coverage has been a lot easier here in the DSFL. But a guy that gave me some trouble a game ago was his replacement Xerxes Ridley, he was a tough matchup even though we got the win against them. I have a feeling we're going to see some good stuff between me and him this year.

How do you feel after scoring a game winning TD against your biggest rival, the Portland Pythons? @gucci

First game-winning score of my pro career! Oh man, I was stoked. So, we were mostly just trying to get into field goal range on that last drive since we were only down 1, and Coach was telling us all to stay in-bounds so that Portland wouldn't have enough time to drive the field and kick a long one to win it (and they had a shot at the end anyways but the defense came up clutch). So we were trying for small ball, because we started pretty close to midfield on the last drive, because our defense had a PHENOMENAL series the one right before, they got two deep sacks on Armstrong inside the ten. So that set us up pretty good. And then we were getting small plays but nothing big, but then on that last pass, I sort of just broke free. I thought about dropping a Brian Westbrook and pulling up at the 1 so we could kill clock and get out with the game-winning field goal, but Coach always says "take the points" and we were behind so I had to score there. Honestly one of the best feelings ever.

How do you feel about the team going forward this season? @ValorX77

I'm very positive. I think we've shown teams we've grown as an offense, like, yeah we lost Landers and Reed, but we've got a lot of good returning pieces too and we all know the system. Jimbo is running strong and I'm out to prove the league I can be a true #1. And then I look at our defense and we've still got out big guns Allen, Krusty, and Acho, and even Leaf is coming along well at this point. Most people forget he was a midseason trade so he didn't get a lot of reps in practice but damn look at that man now! Guy's a beast. Overall, I think we just have a better, more complete squad than a lot of teams, and hopefully that's enough to bring home some hardware at the end of the season.

*After The Game With AE - CalvinP - 05-17-2019

Who's your biggest competition in the league

*After The Game With AE - gucci - 05-17-2019

How do you feel after scoring a game winning TD against your biggest rival, the Portland Pythons?

*After The Game With AE - ValorX77 - 05-17-2019

How do you feel about the team going forward this season?