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*Chad Pennington Misses Practice Article + Presser - Printable Version

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*Chad Pennington Misses Practice Article + Presser - caltroit_red_flames - 05-28-2019

Ready to grade!

Chad Pennington has been an all around great professional in the NSFL. It's important to make that distinction, between a player and a professional. Everyone that partakes in a game is a player in the NSFL, but a professional is special. They show up every day and work their hardest. They do their best to improve on the field, get stronger in the weight room, and get smarter in the film room. But something happened yesterday. Chad Pennington didn't show up for practice. This came as a huge surprise to scouts, Sabrecats players, media and the coaching staff. When asked in an interview where Pennington was, the coach simply said "I don't know".

In a phone interview Pennington had this to say on the subject:

"I was in a meeting with the GMs AndrewWarren13 and CKRoyal92. They're going to talk with the coaches later and get things straightened out, but essentially Thad and I starting to reach the end of our careers. Who knows how long we have left, but the point is that it isn't long and we wanted to make sure that San Jose was ready for it when we departed.

With that said, I believe it's time for me to stop spending so much time on the field in practice. I think I've learned all I can from being on the field and now it's more valuable that keep myself from getting injured in practice rather than trying to gain an extra step off the snap.

On top of that, training each week isn't cheap. A million dollars every time! I'm planning on saving that money for the future. I suppose now is as good of a time as any to announce it, but I've got a kid on they way and I have to make sure to save enough money to help him train for the future. I'll regress faster, sure, but I think I've got enough left in me that I can have a good end to my career while saving up my contract money."

Begin Presser here:

If you have any questions I'll be happy to take them now.

(05-28-2019, 08:56 PM)White Cornerback Wrote:YKW
Thanks for the question!

Back when I played on the Wraiths with Thad and Brad I bled black, white and blue. It was really tough going from being a contender to being a team that was expected to not make the playoffs so quickly after winning the Ultimus. Once we saw the writing on the wall Thad and I made the decision to ask for a trade to a contender. It was tough to say goodbye, but we knew that a trade would allow for Yellowknife to be in the best possible for the future, which is exactly what they needed. This was ultimately the best decision for both sides. We got another Ultimus out of it and Yellowknife got three great picks which they were able to turn into four great picks. Unfortunately our plan to have Yellowknife develop into a team for Chad and Thad to come back to after a few seasons hasn't quite panned out. It's looking like Chad and Thad are planning to end their careers in San Jose for now.

(05-28-2019, 09:47 PM)Jepox Wrote:Why won’t you return my calls?
Sorry that I haven't been able to call you back, but I'm in over my head in garbage. Been out at the landfill all week looking for a body. I accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet last night. Family related issues. I was in the bathroom. I was taking a nap. I had really poor reception. The stewardess asked us to put our phones into airplane mode. I got pulled over by a policeman. I was on the other line. I lost my voice due to illness. My phone was on silent. My phone's battery died and I couldn't find the charger. I was working as an undercover agent. An old friend came into town. Someone stol my car and I left my phone in it. There was a terrible flood. An earthquake struck. I was in surgery. My dog at my cell phone. I forgot to pay my phone bill.

(05-28-2019, 11:15 PM)ValorX77 Wrote:What do you think of Leaf getting called up to Yellowknife? Do you think they’ll be an Ultimus contender next season?
In my opinion Yellowknife can pretty much use all of the help they can get on the line. They have a pretty interesting group of offensive talent Pennington, Parker, Helanen, Canton and Wizadry as weapons for Bigsby to use. Unfortunately when you look at the defense their only real talent is Applehort and Snuggles. This new group of linemen in Alexander and Leaf Jr. are probably the top 2 defensive players beyond the two cornerbacks. Do I think they'll be ultimus contenders? It's possible, but I think it has more to do with which defensive players they can poach in free agency. At this point their offense is still good but it's not elite level which I think you need to win an ultimus right now. And with their only linebacker being Bakshi who is lagging behind in TPE I think they'll make the playoffs but not get past the 1st round.

(05-29-2019, 12:12 AM)iseedoug Wrote:Is Ben Horne your best friend who you haven't won a championship with?

Asking for a friend.
Oh heck ya bud.

(05-29-2019, 03:28 PM)Mavfatha Wrote:What's your proudest moment on the field? Off the field?

Do you self-identify as a derpcat?
My proudest moment on the field is when we won the 1st Ultimus for the San Jose Sabrecats. It's special to be part of an Ultimus winning team, it's something more to be a part of a team that wins the franchise's very first championship. It's something that no other players than that group will ever experience again, and it's incredibly exciting for the city as well.

Off the field it would have to be when I got my first check and was able to really see that my dream had come true. I was finally able to give back to my parents for all of the things they did for me when I was growing up and needed guidance in my personal of football life. I gave them back every penny of that check to them and felt great about it.

[Image: 2536cb9bee8f0187c75041832dce55fc.jpg]

*Chad Pennington Misses Practice Article + Presser - White Cornerback - 05-28-2019


*Chad Pennington Misses Practice Article + Presser - Jepox - 05-28-2019

Why won’t you return my calls?

*Chad Pennington Misses Practice Article + Presser - ValorX77 - 05-28-2019

What do you think of Leaf getting called up to Yellowknife? Do you think they’ll be an Ultimus contender next season?

*Chad Pennington Misses Practice Article + Presser - iseedoug - 05-28-2019

Is Ben Horne your best friend who you haven't won a championship with?

Asking for a friend.

*Chad Pennington Misses Practice Article + Presser - Mavfatha - 05-29-2019

What's your proudest moment on the field? Off the field?

Do you self-identify as a derpcat?

*Chad Pennington Misses Practice Article + Presser - Baron1898 - 06-07-2019

@caltroit_red_flames Are you finished with this presser? If so, go ahead and mark it as ready for grading and I’ll be able to grade it.

*Chad Pennington Misses Practice Article + Presser - caltroit_red_flames - 06-07-2019

@Baron1898 ready for grading, thank you!