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*Part 2 of Draft Interview with Laszlo Forty-Two! - Printable Version

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*Part 2 of Draft Interview with Laszlo Forty-Two! - C9Van - 06-25-2019

[This is part 2 of another draft interview with my dude and is reading for grading. It should be x2 media and is roughly 2625 words long)

We come back to see an interviewer and non other than Laszlo Forty-Two who is sitting very seriously still barely showing any emotion whatsoever. So he is probably either very sad or very happy whilst he waits for the second part of his interview to continue.

The Interviewer: Ah, hello there! Welcome back to the second part of the next interview with draft option and Wide receiver of the Tijuana Luchadores, Laszlo Forty-Two. Once again thanks for joining us Laszlo.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Can Laszlo continue thrilling story about time in Philadelphia now?

The Interviewer: Yes, so just in case you have just joined us he was going through his opinion for joining each National Simulation Football League team and we were up to the Philly Liberty. So please, continue with what you were going to say.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo have rebel week. A singular week of throwing morals to the wind and he find himself deep within the city of somewhere in Pennsylvania. Laszlo is at a party. He is having fun. Suddenly; he realises he lost his watch. Laszlo searches everywhere for it. High and low. No progress even when asking drunk sluts if they have seen it. No avail.

Laszlo Forty-Two think the worst is happening to him but then he find his watch! Some guy was stepping on his watch whilst he was harassing this girl. Clearly trying and failing to pull this girl. This angered Mr. Forty-Two. So The Laz goes over to him and punched him as hard as Laszlo could right in the face. He goes flying across the room and Laszlo break his nose.

No-one does that to a woman, not on my watch.

The Interviewer: I-is that a joke?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Why would Laszlo lie about this story? Or about breaking persons nose beyond repair? Laszlo really like his watch too.

The Interviewer: Okay then...I'll just ignore that and ask what about playing for the Philly Liberty?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Oh. Well they were one of the first teams Laszlo ever watch in last seasons final. Mr. Forty-Two would love to play for them and Laszlo fairly sure Philly fans would love The Laz hurting opponents physically and mentally too. Laszlo would happily ring the bell they have in the picture too. Would make it ring louder than three Big Ben bells going off all at the same time.

The Interviewer: I am shocked you know that Big Ben is the bell inside the tower rather than the actual tower itself like most people think. Well, moving onto the final NSFC team option. The Yellowknife Wraiths! Thoughts on them?

Laszlo Forty-Two: If truth be told. Laszlo had no clue where Yellowknife was whatsoever. Thought maybe it was fictional location or weird nickname for a weird location. After discovering where it was on google maps. Mr. Forty-Two would be happy to play in Canada! He has always thought Canada was a lovely place and living in Canadian location would be great.

He had no idea Canada had Wraith infestation. Always thought it was moose or ice hockey players. Laszlo is not afraid of Wraiths so if any of them come up to him he can punch them into submission.

The Interviewer: They need help the offensive side according to reports. Could you be that player?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo would happily play for this team and think he could help them become a serious threat within the league. Laszlo thinks he is the best Wide Receiver in the draft and not only the best Wide Receiver but the best attacking option as well so naturally if they are after offensive sided players Laszlo will be on the Wraiths' radar. Plus they told me they were interested in Laszlo Forty-Two so that helps my theory a lot.

The Interviewer: Speaking of which. Did you get a lot of people contacting you about wanting to join?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo Forty-Two get a handful of teams so far interested in him or at the very least test the waters with who Laszlo was and if he was willing to join the team. He feel like he scare a lot of General Managers with handshake but overall they like the sound of what Laszlo could bring to whatever team they had.

The Interviewer: Well, I am sure they would be happy to have you a part of the team. Next up are the ASFC teams and we will start off with the Arizona Outlaws team. What are your thoughts on them.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Hottest place Laszlo go to was in a summer trip to Arizona. Laszlo have true respect for man who invent air conditioning cause otherwise it would have been unbearable. Still, Laszlo have respect for the group who refuse to play by the commissioners rules. Must be hard to be an Outlaw when you have certain rules to follow but not want to do it.

The Interviewer: Well it does seem as though you have travelled quite far and wide across theNorth American continent all things considered. Do you enjoy travelling a lot in your free time?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo is not from a poor family, nor is the cult poor or backwards thinking about money. We have people who are quite well off with business and one such location is in Phoenix, Arizona. This is also a good reason as to why Laszlo would be happy to play for the Outlaws. Laszlo Forty-Two as an Outlaw and in a cowboy hat does actually sound very appealing to him.

The Interviewer: They are in need of a wide receiver according to the same report of what they needed to strengthen. Could you be that man?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo love the location regardless of the summer and he would happily play for them if they manage to get them. Laszlo perhaps think he will be gone by the time it gets round to whatever pick they will have but if they do manage to pick Laszlo up, Laszlo Forty-Two would be happy to play for them and make them a contender of the final!

The Interviewer: Well, we will see soon enough in the draft whether or not they go for you or focus on getting someone else. Next we will be discussing the other new expansion team, the Austin Copperheads. What are your thoughts on playing for them even though they may not exactly be looking for a Wide Receiver?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Ah, the other expansion team. Laszlo Forty-Two will be honest in that he has not met this Austin person. Laszlo is very unsure how one man is supposed to take on a whole team whilst also running the ball, kicking the ball, throwing the ball, catching said ball that he also threw to himself, blocking the runners, blocking passers whilst also trying to sack the quarter back. It feels rather stressful just to even attempt.

The challenge of joining this Austin person is one that appeals to Mr. Forty-Two though. The rush of a two person team crushing team of puny wannabes would be a great and interesting cinderella story. Even if they are not exactly looking for a wide receiver. Laszlo Forty-Two believe having more than one person playing is a great advantage.

The Interviewer: I am under the impression it is the Austin, Texas located team rather than a one man te--

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo does not care where this Austin person is from. Nor what type of beautiful snake he enjoys keeping. If he drafts Laszlo he will get results from Laszlo. Is this is the case then Laszlo will aimt o have team be renamed to the Laszlo Austins or the Austin Laszlos.

The Interviewer: Once again they are not a one man team. They just are from Austin, Texas. Have you ever been to Texas?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Not really. Just travelled through airport once on way to West Virginia. Laszlo see white whale of a woman devouring chicken. So big. It was first and only time Laszlo Forty-Two see the real reason people say everything is bigger in Texas.

The Interviewer: Well. That is quite rude but I also cannot really disagree with the logic. Texas do a lot of things bigger than most. Onto the next National Simulation Football League team we have the New Orleans Second Line. NOSL struggled last season only going 2-12 in the regular season. Could you join them to improve them?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo probably not the first to wonder this but he definitely wonder what happened to the first line in New Orleans. Laszlo would not like to play for the third line but would be happy enough to play in the second line for New Orleans mainly because a few of my Luchadore team mates are already members of this team.

Laszlo has done advertisements for Bubba Gump before when they opened a few restaurants in Tijuana and he is fun to talk too. So Mr. Forty-Two going to New Orleans would be nothing short of a lovely time. Forrest Gump also runs very fast so challenge of going to new place to try and keep out run and out stump the Gump is an exciting challenge to Mr. Forty-Two.

The Interviewer: So a Luchadore offense on the cards then possibly?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Yes. It is definitely possible. He feels whilst maybe not a Wide Receiver is mainly needed for them. The depth of getting Laszlo Forty-Two would help them a lot more regardless. Can always trade the trash Wide Receivers away to fix other positions. The Laz would be very happy to go to Louisiana for the first time as well. Laszlo believes if any place Laszlo would think a Wraith problem would happen it would be there but they probably have solutions to any sort of problem by now. Perhaps that is what happened to the First line they had?

The Interviewer: I refuse to even touch that one. I will just move onto our pen-ultimate team that we have to discuss. The Orange County Otters! What do you think about this team and whilst they have great passing options already they could strengthen it by taking you Laszlo. Your thoughts?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo's greatest weakness is looking into Otters' eyes. Laszlo tell another story. Pay attention. One day Laszlo Forty-Two go to zoo to have thrilling education about lovely and dangerous animals. He see many respectable killers that day. Anyway, moving on to the point he eventually see the Otter section of the zoo. Babies playing in the water. A couple sleeping about without a care in the world. Suddenly; an otter looks at me through the window. It make eye contact with Laszlo. It look into the soul of Laszlo. Truly a majestic animal with cuteness for an infitite amount of days.

The Interviewer: That is a cute story but I do not know what this means in terms of your opinion of playing for the Orange Counter Otters.

Laszlo Forty-Two: It means I would be honoured to play for them! Laszlo Forty-Two would crush every other team into submission in honour of that one Otter! If the Orange County Otters want another Wide Receiver that they could rely on to catch flying object Mr. Forty-Two is the man for the job! We would win many trophies together if they draft Laszlo Forty-Two.

The Interviewer: Ever been to California before then?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Is one of the only places he has yet to be in North America. Was supposed to go a few times but every time it catches fire and then flight or plans get delayed or changed respectively. Would be nice to go to certain places and not see it completely on fire for a change. Laszlo's heart break if he saw little Otter on fire.

The interviewer: That really was a mental image I never wanted to see so thanks for that. The final team to discuss about in the National Simulation Football League is the San Jose Saber Cats. They may be looking to strengthen the running game this time round but what do you think about living in San Jose.

Laszlo Forty-Two: This was the other first team Laszlo first watched play. Saw players that won the final on billboards all season long. Made me hungry to make sure one day Laszlo Forty-Two's humble and beautiful face would be on it one day. Something I hope comes true some day soon in the future.

They may not want a wide receiver nor have they shown any interest in Mr. Forty-Two yet but Laszlo would love to join them if possible...

The Interviewer: Is that it? No weird opinion on what a Saber Cat is or weird story about San Jose or anything weird relating to that location or literally anything else?

Laszlo Forty-Two: No. What do you think I am? A fictional character that can just make up wacky stories on the spot? You disgust me. No. Laszlo would happily live in San Jose and find a lovely mansion to live in and he would happily continue to write more stories in his life. At a push maybe The Laz would get into weird shenanigans with other team mates but that is for the future to decide.

Only real thing Laszlo knows about San Jose is it is in California as well. Laszlo assumes they have very pretty cats like Orange County have otters. Would love to watch puppy bowl like contest with Cats vs Otters though. Does that satisfy your sick need for me opening up to you or do you want more blood or something sick?

The Interviewer: Whoa, now! Why am I the bad guy here? Just wanted to know if you'd play for them or not! It appears though that you're happy to play with any team in the National Simulation Football League though so that helps you no close any doors. Do you have any quick comments about the draft or a rough guess on where you think you will be placing?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo believes he will be going top 5. Least that is what he is hoping for. My main goal was to beat Wolfie and Hugh Mongo and I believe that he will be going higher than both. Bit too much of a stretch to go 1st overall but Laszlo Forty-Two would absolutely love to accomplish that. Hopefully all media he is doing pressures people into realising he will be rich even before contract comes out. Laszlo Forty-Two thinks the draft has a lot of potential stars that will be quite elite in the future. We lack the quantity from the last draft and a bit from the upcoming season but Laszlo thinks we have people who would go high in any draft. Especially that guy with the number Forty Two for a surname

The Interviewer: I wonder who you could be referring too when you say that.

Well, this has been fun but sadly we are out of time with this interview. I hope that everyone who joined us for this two part interview enjoyed it as we look to the upcoming draft. Laszlo, do you have any closing words for anyone.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Thank you for joining Laszlo in listening to his opinion of the draft and where he would like to go. Mr. Forty-Two hopes a lot of National Simulation Football League General Managers take him into consideration and draft him.

The Interviewer: Well this is all the time we have for now. We will catch up with Laszlo again soon enough I imagine but until then thank you for taking the time to read. Good bye for now.

(I hope you all enjoyed my interview <3)

*Part 2 of Draft Interview with Laszlo Forty-Two! - TomHanks - 06-25-2019

I will never get tired of reading Laszlo Forty-Two interviews