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*Laszlo Forty-Two Interview Post S16 Draft! - Printable Version

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*Laszlo Forty-Two Interview Post S16 Draft! - C9Van - 06-27-2019

[This is ready to be graded and is draft related so x2 media bonus. The word count according to my word document is roughly 2532 words long. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it <3]

A huge room filled with Mexican's in Tijuana Luchadores jerseys, Colorado Yeti fans in the respective Yeti jersey and just a lot of Hungarians in Green, White and Red are in attendance of a small interview stage that already has an interviewer waiting for his special guest. After a bit of a pause the man of the hour comes out and here comes Wide Receiver and 3rd overall in the National Simulation Football League season 16 draft. Laszlo Forty-Two!

The crowd goes pretty god damn nuts for him. This must be what being a rock star feels like however without being overwhelmed whatsoever he is just emotionless and waves to the crowd. A mother moves her new born baby in front of him for him to hold and kiss and all that weird political jazz but instead Laszlo just writes his autograph on the babies forehead and then eventually sits down in his seat so he can have this next post-draft interview begin.

The Interviewer: Hello! And a very special welcome! This will be another two part interview special so buckle yourself in for a very big and special interview people! Because today, just after the draft we all have gathered here to welcome the new Colorado Yeti Wide Receiver who went 3rd overall in the 1st round, Laszlo Forty-Two!

A loud applause occurs as the hyped people react to the intro.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Thank you. Laszlo is happy to be present for yet another interview. This time about the draft but from an after position.

The Interviewer: Well, my first question may be an obvious one. How in the hell are you feeling after the excitement of the draft!

Laszlo Forty-Two: Mr. Forty-Two is alright. He get one whole less hour sleep than usual which is unfortunate but otherwise he is doing pretty good.

The Interviewer: I...If I am honest I was expecting you to be excited or thrilled or angry or sad or hell anything other than alright.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo is happy he was drafted. Laszlo just wanting better question than overall feeling.

The Interviewer: Oh. Well okay then. How about this question then. Were you expecting to go 3rd overall?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Honestly. No. He expect to go 4th or perhaps any position of top 4 depending on trades. To be selected by the Colorado Yeti is great honour and Laszlo is thrilled to be joining them. It also means a few other things.

The Interviewer: Err...Such as?

Laszlo Forty-Two: The Laz will start this off by saying a big congratulations to Running Back Sam Torenson and Lining Back Blake Faux for where they ended up in the draft but Laszlo will not pull punch. Only puny weak minded people do that.

The Chicago Butchers. You have made biggest mistake in National Simulation Football League history. Laszlo knows weak point of the human spinal cord and how much force is needed in order to make said spinal cord very unhappy or worse. Broken and irreparable. Mr. Forty-Two will make sure you feel said force and come to regret day you failed to draft the Hungarian Wide Receiver. Is one of my new goals. Laszlo will hurt you in future seasons.

The Interviewer: Jesus. That is pretty scary to hear honestly. I will just move on from that to avoid ruining the happy feel good moment. So you are now an official Colorado Yeti player. How does it feel?

Laszlo Forty-Two: It feels very good. Laszlo had discussions with team beforehand. Seemed as though it was a place in dire need of building up but Laszlo is for the challenge. Seems like team that Laszlo can learn from and ultimately shine with and become legend.

He will need to visit Colorado mountain areas to see where The Laz can live and train the best.

The Interviewer: Colorado is a beautiful place indeed.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Also he look forward to training with actual Yeti. Perhaps arm wrestling or fight one on one is on the cards when Laszlo arrives. From West Virginian mountain area so used to mountains so Yeti does not have tactical advantage.

The Interviewer: I see, I see. Well, speaking on the Colorado Yeti they are a team aiming to build themselves up but one great player they have is Wide Receiver is James Bishop. It looks like you will be the other Wide Receiver that helps him on the attack. What are your thoughts on him and being able to learn from a great Wide Receiver like Bishop.

Laszlo Forty-Two: When Laszlo enter Development Simulation Football league. He have two main Wide Receiver rivals he needed to overcome. One became his team mate. Laszlo not only crush Hugh Mongo to be 2nd best Wide Receiver on Tijuana Luchadores and force him to fall to low 2nd round pick overall but he force other Wide Receiver to become puny quarter back. With new rival Laszlo will learn and grow and eventually overtake him as better player. Laszlo makes results happen.

Mr. Forty-Two is honoured to play with him and learn until then. Will help push him to his limit though.

The Interviewer: So discussions with the Colorado Yeti ended up going very well then. I see you accepted a 5 million followed by 2 more seasons on 1 million. A bit lower than fellow Colorado Yeti draftee Joshua Palmer. Any reason for having pretty much the minimum.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Yes. It is very simple to understand. Because Laszlo make deal with General Manager. Laszlo is going to remain with the Tijuana Luchadores for one final season to try and capture the Ultimini for them since he owes them a lot with how much they helped him grow and because Laszlo really enjoys the mansion he is currently living in over there.

The Tijuana Luchadores' fans in attendance are really happy to hear that he is staying since it did not look like he was going to.

The Interviewer: That is pretty big news. You were doing pretty well without being at the cap so will you be looking to pull a Rod Tidwell like performance?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo's goals for the next season is to gun for the Development Simulation Football League Wide Receiver of the Year award or maybe even Most Valuable Player. Laszlo truly want to prove to the Development Simulation Football League that he respects every team that plays and help next generation of Wide Receivers in upcoming draft of Development Simulation Football League by crushing each and every player with his insane statistics until they either beg for mercy or get crushed by Laszlo Forty-Two's insane drive! Then he will help remould them into elite player if able to survive.

The Interviewer: That is quite extreme I must say. Do you have any advice for the upcoming draft's list of Wide Receivers? A lot exist so it will be interesting to see who rises to the top.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Advice. Yes. Laszlo Forty-Two does have advice for not just the Wide Receivers but everyone. League is simple. You commit time, love, money and motivation to crush enemies and you will shine like Laszlo did this draft and how he will this upcoming season.

You force your name into everyone's mind with interviews and media. You make them remember you! Also strict sleep schedule. Very important to stop fatigue and being cranky. Nobody likes cranky person.

The Interviewer: Sounds like some good sound advice honestly. Well I may as well ask you. Do you have any short terms and long term goals for yourself now?

Laszlo Forty-Two: No. Not one single goal. Not even a singular drive. Absolutely nothing at all.

The Interviewer: Wait, are you being serious right now?

Laszlo Forty-Two: No. Not at all. This is called telling a joke. Laszlo trick you in order to make funny. Laszlo very good at comedy.

The Interviewer does a very awkward laugh. Probably out of fear more than anything and the crowd just applaud rather than laugh as well.

Laszlo Forty-Two: As for your question to answer it in a serious matter. Mr. Forty-Two does indeed how a lot of multiple goals. The short term goal is always to improve. Not a day goes by in which he tries to be competitive with some things and try to become better. Five more push ups from day previously. Run extra distance in jog. Get more cash than anyone else. The list goes on for Laszlo in that sense.

The Interviewer: That makes a lot of sense for someone as crazily driven as you.

Laszlo Forty-Two: But short term goal for the upcoming season would be to aim for Development Simulation Football League award and wear it with pride. Help the Tijuana Luchadores not only get revenge on the Polar Bears that wear sunglasses but make the final and win the Ultimini trophy and a goodbye present. Laszlo would also like to add to his numbers in the play-offs statistics but is a small side bonus goal if anything for him.

This in turn leads me to the short term goal Laszlo Forty-Two must complete above all. Be stronger and in best shape physically. Mentally. Emotionally. For when Mr Forty-Two finish season he will be stronger than ever and ready to destroy National Simulation Football League and give the Colorado Yeti a viable second throwing other in the Wide Receiver position.

As for long term goals. Is a lot simpler in Laszlo's humble opinion. The Laz considers these to be what he would like to complete in his career more than anything. Laszlo in ideal world would have Hall of Fame tier career. Think most players aim or gun for that but we would see what would happen. But Laszlo really hungry to be at team and become famous legend for them. Get the number Forty Two retired for years worth of service for them.

Association Football clubs have statues or stands in the stadium or in rare cases the actual stadium renamed in honour of them. Laszlo is aiming to have one or some of these happen for him in this sport. He want to become legend. Make cult and the Colorado Yeti fans proud. He want to give glory to the team and see his very beautiful and very humble face on banner. Laszlo Forty-Two want to have Tijuana Luchadores be proud of him that he add more success to the team and watch him in National Simulation Football League and cheer and root for him in big league.

The Interviewer: You were the highest drafted Tijuana Luchadore player this season with a decent number of them going. That must feel pretty good, right?

Laszlo Forty-Two: That it does indeed. We have very good team through and through and we will be a strong contender to win it all next season. Laszlo will try to make rookies have loyalty to the Tijuana Luchadores and play additional season and help future rookies after them do same so they can always be contender every season. So The Laz can come watch them in play-offs. But to answer question properly. Laszlo Forty-Two expected to go the highest and he did.

The Interviewer: This must be a great end to the first season and fairly hype going into your second season, right?

Laszlo Forty-Two: This season feels like challenge of overcoming big obstacles in form of rival players and Laszlo Forty-Two crush them all. Team mate Hugh Mongo went low in 2nd round and other Wide Receiver Wolfie McDummy was crushed so hard he converted into puny Quarter back like Laszlo said earlier. Was not easy at start and whilst some days have been a big struggle to Mr. Forty-Two all the hard work of the season earned him a respectable 3rd overall.

Laszlo Forty-Two very happy with first season and where future is heading in National Simulation Football League. Is brighter than say Jon Forty-One of Simulation Hockey League!

The Interviewer: Well that is really great to hear. Are you a little sad about not joining any teams in particular?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Is interesting and slightly bittersweet question for Laszlo. He recently get asked who would like as quarter back throwing pigskin at him. He say the quarterback from the Liberty team. Laszlo slightly sad that will not happen now.

Laszlo Forty-Two also very sad he may not play with Forrest Gump or other specific Tijuana Luchadores ever again as team mates taking on world. It will be tough day at office when he hurt each and every one of them into a humiliating defeat at the hands of this cultist Mr. Forty-Two!

The Interviewer: I can see you doing that to all of them honestly. Well, what is next up for Mr. Laszlo Forty-Two after this interview then?

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo already have it all planned. He will be having a post-draft presser to have more interesting questions than this. Perhaps a Yeti exclusive interview with team or General Manager or whoever depending on what is stated or signed and then it is off to hunt for a lovely place to buy and convert as place for my cult in the mountain area. Also Laszlo Forty-Two hope to explore mountain area in general to see if he can generate enough force into destroying whole mountain. Laszlo only needs to technically generate about roughly 15-30 megatons of TNT force in a single punch to be able to crush puny mountain into his submission.

The Interviewer: Wait what?! Why would you aim to do that and how do you even know how much force that would require in order to do such a crazy feat?!

Laszlo Forty-Two: Laszlo is shocked. Why does Laszlo Forty-Two not look like a person who truly loves to read about Thermonuclear forces to you. How do you expect Laszlo to not know how much force is needed to break, crush or overall destroy human body and other very specific things like mountain. Sounds to Mr. Forty-Two you think Laszlo is all talk. Do you wish for Laszlo to prove strength he has?

The Interviewer: Oh lord please no! We are just about to talk about the other people who also got drafted to the Colorado Yeti and your overall thoughts on them and how the team did overall. Not to mention what your thoughts are overall on who won the draft and perhaps what you were thinking about during it.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Very well. Laszlo no hurt you since he is eager to state opinion on matter.

The Interviewer: Well we will be getting to all that and maybe more but first off we actually need to be taking a break for the sponsors who made this interview right after the draft possible. So after a brief intermission we will be back for the 2nd and final part of Laszlo Forty-Two's post-draft interview!

The Interviewer: Do you have any closing statements before we decide to end part one, Laszlo?.

Laszlo Forty-Two: Everyone better return to read second part. Laszlo Forty-Two does not do this for good of his health.

(This is the end of part one. I hope you all enjoyed the first part <3)