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*Jammerson returns home - Printable Version

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*Jammerson returns home - contacts - 07-03-2019

We I last spoke to Jammerson Irving, he was surrounded by friends and family in Tijuana awaiting his fate in the season 15 NSFL draft. Coming off a strong season in the DSFL, in which he posted a 62 / 574 / 1 stat line, there was much optimism that he would be drafted early even in the loaded draft - which was especially deep at his tight end position. He had hoped his character concerns were put to rest, after all he had stayed out of trouble for close to two years. As that draft unfolded, Jammerson fell farther and farther through the rounds, eventually being taken in the 5th by the reigning cellar dwelling Arizona Outlaws. Well there was certainly some dismay and anger exhibited by those closest to Jammerson, the Jamaican football player was his usually self: nonchalant, grinning, and probably a little bit stoned.

Jammerson was one of six rookies drafted in the season 15 class to play meaningful roles for the Outlaws, rookies that helped spur an almost improbable playoff birth for the team. In the end, they finished 6 - 8, losing their last three games and falling out of a playoff position. Jammerson immediately took over as starting tight end and caught 45 passes for 393 yards and 2 touchdowns, numbers which earned him Pro Bowl honors as a true rookie. The expansion draft loomed large and shook up many rosters around the league, but the Outlaws lost little save WR Sam Hardwick and seemed primed for a breakout season.

While making a trip to Guelph, Ontario, where his family lives, Jammerson spent some time in Buffalo and visited colleagues from his days as a UB Bull. While much has been made about his unfortunate end with the Bulls, he has always remained close with his former teammates and other members of the coaching staff. I was able to catch up to him, pick his brain about his rookie year, his goals for next year, and his thoughts on current and pasts drafts.

Well, since I haven't spoken to you since Tijuana and the season 15 draft class, I have to ask you about just how you felt about that experience - some say you fell father than projected, what were your emotions that night?

"Man, I was just happy to be drafted. People get all caught up on when and why and who and all that crap. I got drafted to play this game professionally, I got a pro contract, and I was stoked dude. Did I think I should of gone higher? Hell yeah, but who cares ya'know, I'm here and Arizona, right up the road from my Tijuana bros and i'm loving it. We gonna crush it this year man, I'm in the right place now and my draft slot don't mean sh*t anymore."

What about the tight ends drafted before you? Surely you must feel somehow slighted being the fourth TE drafted?

"Slighted, not and all bro. I barely even know their names. Chase Jensen, drafted fifth overall, isn't even a tight end anymore. He knew he couldn't hack it with he rest of us, he switched to safety. Cameron Olsen, drafted 20th overall, may have beaten me in yards and receptions but they had to force him him the ball. I had almost a yard more per catch and mad more touchdowns. Besides, they didnt even feel that confident in him they had to draft Dan Wright in the very next round, 30th overall. This guy had a couple dozen receptions and a couple hundred yards less than me. So yeah, I'm just putting in too much work in the weight room and in practice to even think about any tight ends in my class. Just doing me man."

Oooooookay Jammerson. Well, what do you think about the current crop of tight ends coming up?

"It looks like their might be a couple of guys worth paying attention to, not that I'd care or anything. This Larson guy is moving from QB to TE, and even though he's got a long way to go I'm pulling for him. I don't have that classic tight end background either so its good to see other guys get a chance. As for Josh Palmer... I don't like him. I donno why, competition is competition man and he's gonna fold like a cheap Chase Jensen."

Let's move on to something a little less acrimonious. You're rookie season is in the books, and you made the Pro Bowl. How do you feel about your accomplishments after you're first season in the NSFL?

"It's kinda hard to put it man, but honestly its hard to feel good about last season. I was kinda swimming in rough waters my first couple of games, but things started clicking and us Outlaws were riding. Then things fell apart, and bro I f**king didn't have it anymore. I was dropping balls, running the wrong routes, playing sloppy, it was just this snowball effect. But there's not even f**king snow in Arizona, or Jamaica. Sh*****t man, I donno.

Anyway, yeah it sucked I had three terrible games to end the season. Worse, it sucked we lost those three games. It sucks we missed the playoffs. So, I mean, I'm honored I got elected to the Pro Bowl, but its bittersweet ya'know? An individual accomplishment like that on the heels of a streak like that is kinda like kissing your sister. ....Whoa dude, did you ever think how weird that saying is, I mean who the f-"

Got it Jammerson, lets move on. Obviously you're disappointed with how things ended up last season. How have you prepared in the off season and has that made you a better player entering year two?

"Oh, for sure dude. Last year, I was all about the legs man, improving my stride, my leg strength, my burst. I grew up sprinting so that's what I know, and between that and catching that's really all I could focus on. I'm no rookie anymore, the coaches in Arizona have taught me to focus on the little things to improve my game. I'm quicker in and out of my breaks, I'm smarter about my option routes, I know where to use my hands as a blocker. I'm a much more complete player. And man, I've been hitting the weights and running my ass off. I'm comin' out here like a jacked cheetah that has anteater tongues for claws that catch everything and hydraulic servos for -"

Jesus. I think you should stop smoking so much of that Jammerson

"Lay off man, I thought you were chill"

Okay, whatever. Tell me what you think about your new teammates added in the most recent draft.


Bobby Melvin and Hakuna Matata, your newest teammates via the season 16 draft.

"Oh, yeah. Who the f**k are they?"

Ok buddy I think its time to wrap this up. Thanks for you're time Jammerson.

Well, it was, as always an interesting talk with the NSFL tight end. He certainly has a way about him to say the least. This is Sal Crapatyabro, reporting for WGR 550 Buffalo.

*Jammerson returns home - SwagSloth - 07-03-2019

Good write-up. Can't wait to see Jammerson take off this season!