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*Interview With Quentin Sinclair - Printable Version

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*Interview With Quentin Sinclair - MaxGnarland - 07-04-2019

Ready to be graded 1092 words

I got the chance to sit down with Colorado Yeti's Quentin Sinclair again before his second NSFL season to ask him a few questions about his NSFL Experience, his first season, and his expectations for year 2.

Obviously last season didn't go too well for the Yeti, does that bother you at all?

QS: Well at personal level yes it obviously does. I'm not happy with my performance and effort last season. There are definitely times where I didn't do the extra work to get that one or two percent edge that I need to be doing and I felt like I didn't contribute enough to the team as a whole. That will change this next season though I can promise you. In terms of how I perceive things going into next year I have nothing but confidence. Look at how my Solar Bears turned out this year; we were the worst team in the league while I was there and a season later they're the DSFL champions. Although there is less turnover in the NSFL comparatively, teams can go from worst to first incredibly quickly. We had an incredible draft and filled many positions of need. We have a talented young core that will continue to improve so we can only go up from here.

What's the biggest difference you noticed between the DSFL and NSFL?

QS: Obviously the skill level of the average NSFL player is much higher then the average DSFL player. That's just how the leagues work, the players in the DSFL either have 1 year or no professional experience so for the most part everyone is on the same page. As soon as you hit the NSFL all of that goes out the window. Now you are the new guy going against guys with up to 5 or 6 more years of experience than you, it can be intimidating. Other than that the locker rooms are much more useful than the DSFL ones and that stems from the experience difference in players. During my DSFL experience there wasn't really a "leader" in the locker room, we were all friends but we lacked guidance from other players because we were all new. No one really knew what they were doing, especially since we were an expansion team full of rookies. There were no send downs that had any experience that they could share with us so the only people that could give us advice were the GMs. Don't get me wrong the GMs were awesome and a great help but there's just something more valuable about getting advice from people who are on the field with you every game.

Did any of the vets make the rookies do any menial work or play any pranks on them?

QS: Not really, we had to carry pads for the vets and all the other standard rookie stuff... Wait actually all of the rookies had to take the vets out for a nice dinner when we got our first signing bonus. That was probably the most expensive meal I've ever eaten. But other than that there weren't too many pranks pulled. We would have a laugh here and there but for the most part everyone understood that we were there to work and get better.

Lets go back to that meal. How much did it cost?

QS: Well over a thousand dollars. When you're feeding many fully grown football players with steaks that cost around sixty dollars each it get's pricey very quickly.

Did you have a “welcome to the NSFL moment” this past season?

QS: Yeah, week one against Baltimore. I think we were just outclassed that match. Being my fist games that was the first time I’ve played against players of that caliber. It felt like no matter what I did I wasn’t able to do anything to slow down that offense. It definitely wasn’t fun.

How are you liking living in Colorado and playing for the Yeti?

QS: The winters are much worse than they were in Palm Beach but I've experienced worse back in Wisconsin. I'm a big outdoors guy and there are a ton of things to do here like hiking, skiing, camping, and rafting. The only issue was getting used to the altitude as I've only lived in places that were pretty close to sea level. The fans here are great too; although many of them don't recognize me right away. It's great that they stick with us even though we haven't done too well in the past. Playing for the Yeti is a dream come true. It's a great organization that cares about it's players beyond the field. The GMs are great, they're extremely helpful and welcoming.

So both your DSFL and NSFL GMs are good? Are you sure you don't just like all GMs?

QS: *laughs* I'm pretty sure that I've just had great GMs. They've all been really helpful and put in the work to succeed. I may not be qualified to speak on this but I think both sets of GMs that I have had, make good decisions when it comes to drafting and signing players as well as scheming for our games each week. I've been really lucky when it comes to management I know it's not like this everywhere.

I know you touched on this a bit in an earlier question but what are your expectations next season for yourself and the Yeti?

QS: Well I want to be a difference maker on the team, I want to make the Yeti proud to have me on their team as well as make every team who didn’t draft me regret that decision. In a perfect world I’m with the Yeti until they revoke my access to the building after I retire. Hopefully that’s after a couple of titles. Like I said earlier for the team itself, I think with this infusion of new talent we’ll definitely be better than last year but that improvement may not be reflected in our record. It seems every team gets better during the off season so it’s hard for me to predict how our team will perform. All I can say for sure is that we will be doing our best everyday to bring a title to Colorado.

Well thank you for sitting down with me today and answering these questions. Best of luck next season to you and the Yeti. Is there anything you want to say to the fans?

QS: I’m going to make you guys proud, just watch me. #YetiNoises. *off mic* Do we still do that? Is that still our slogan?