International Simulation Football League
*Ducky Donut- The Draft- 2 - Printable Version

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*Ducky Donut- The Draft- 2 - idkman - 07-13-2019

The roar of engines, coupled with the roar of chatter from people, the typical atmosphere for Kansas City International Airport, predictably in downtown Kansas City. A plane pulls in, after a 3-hour-long flight. Ducky Donut stumbles off the plane, phone in hand. He turns it on after the flight, wishing he'd been as lucky as his brother, who got to stay home in Oregon for his team. Ducky's luck hadn't been as good, being drafted to Kansas City. This would have been fine for anyone else, however Ducky was inexperienced with planes and hated flying in general. His phone buzzes in his hand and he almost drops it unexpectedly. He goes to his message notifications and sees messages from most of his contacts from his brother, to his team's GM, to the league's staff. He sees twitter notifications galore, and mentions on any social media app you could imagine a football player would have. He's groggy and decides to sit down in the airport before reading any of the messages. He takes a seat and goes onto the message app. He has no idea where to look first. Message previews containing "Trade-" "-Tijuana-" "Lucha-" "Draft day-" Ducky decides to call his agent to sort things out.
D: "Uhh- Hey, what's.. going on?"
A: "What do you mean? I texted you, along with probably everyone else you know.. Have you not checked your messages?"
D: "I was on a plane. Airplane mode. Radio signals and all that. Not try'na die today."
A: "Oh. You.. haven't checked your messages yet, have you?"
D: "I was sorta.. overwhelmed, I guess?"
A: "Where are you right now?"
D: "The airport in KC... why?"
A: "Well, sorry for the bad news but you've been traded to the Tijuana Luchadores."
Ducky sighed and put down the phone. He took a moment to collect his thoughts before turning back to his agent's call.
D: "Okay. Tijuana, where's that?"
A: "Mexico."
D: "MEXI- God, okay, well.."
A: "Better get to the luggage claim quick.. At least you don't have to pack..?"
He hung up the phone, thoughts flying around his head. He decided to put off the messages a bit longer and got his luggage. He managed to find a ticket straight to Tijuana the next day, however he had to sleep in the airport overnight. He got a meal from a random McDonalds, signed an autograph for some college football enthusiast, and got help from the airport to find a place to sleep along with other unlucky travellers in Kansas City. He went to sleep, cursing his bad luck, and wondering if his whole career would be this way.