International Simulation Football League
*LeafTalk Episode 3 - Printable Version

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*LeafTalk Episode 3 - ValorX77 - 07-16-2019

It's been a long time coming, but your favorite talk show, LeafTalk is back, now with twice the interviews!

First interview is with Tijuana co-gm, @ScorpXCracker! TIJ BAL I'll ask you three questions.

How do you like your experience in the The league right now?

"I really enjoy it. I haven't gotten much going production wise in the big leagues yet, but I'll get there eventually. I still enjoy the community and all that good stuff. Only bad part of the experience is numbers to be honest."

How do you feel about your current experience as a DSFL gm?

"Now that's the best part of the league right there. I love it. Getting to interact with all of the players in your locker room is great. Sim testing can be tedious but it satisfying in the end. I really just enjoy everything about it."

Final question, if there was something you were to tell your rookie self, what would it be?

"It would definitely be not to miss half of the tpe stuff. I'm behind in tpe from the rest of the group, and I still regret missing all of that stuff."

Next up is a current member of the Coyotes, please welcome @Buttersqauch101! (Sorry if i didn't get your name right.) KCC

How do you like your experience in the The league right now?

"So far it’s been a great experience, I’m not as bored as I’m used to and it’s made me realize that I actually like writing stories due to media"

How do you feel about your current experience as a DSFL player?

"I haven’t been putting down the stats I thought I would at this point, but I’ve been updating my skills as a player so things are gonna change stat wise. All the Gms are pretty enjoyable people too"

If there is one thing you desire in the league, what would it be?

"Recognition, the ability to be that household name. I want to be recognized by everyone in the league when they see my name. For that to happen I need to start pulling my wait for Kansas City"

My next guest is someone you might know for his work at head office, please welcome @Raven! TIJ BAL

How do you like your experience in the The league right now?

"I've been enjoying my experience in this league very much. Always have been since the early days of the league really. We have a ton of great member who make the NSFL a place I enjoying visiting on a daily base and the discord a place I like to hang out in all day. There is a solid mix of differnt personalities, which results in some clashes from time to time, but ignoring clashes because they usually dum kindergarden clashes, it provides a great range of people for all kinds of talks.

"I am currently on my second player in the league and he has been a great change of pace from what, Turk Turkleton, my first player was. Turk was a very passive player as it were. A kicker gets a ton of stats, but overall doesnt inpact games to much. Unless you miss vital XP attempts or field goals, which Turk did like to do actually. So while Turk was mostly in the background letting his team mates influence games and their results. Now my player is Corvo Havran, a quarterback. Which is proving a totally differnt experience than Turk did. My player is now in charge of how the offense of my team plays. It now all depends on how well my player decides to preform. Which honestly has been a pleasing change. I loved Turk for what he as a charachter and player was, but Corvo might be my favorite way of experiencing this league and the games yet."

How do you feel about your experience as a former HO member? (No leaks of course)

"I am happy to have taken the opportunity to go in and see how the league is run behind the scenes with HO. I feel like being part of head office was a great experience with gave my a ton of respect for the pople who take the bullet and put their selfs in the office position. You would be suprising how hard it can be for HO with how whiny we are as a comunnity haha.

"All the HO members are great people and I wish em the best keeping the league running. I don't see myself ever returning to the position, but I recommend anyone who thinks they can add to this league (and especially the ones who like to whine about HO decisions) to give it a try."

Final question, if there was something you were to tell your rookie self, what would it be?

"I would slap him in the face and tell him not to get complacent after winning the ultimini in his rookie DSFL season and winning the offensive player of the year.

I don't know what exactly happened to younger me, but after that first season I kinda played dookie in my following three seasons in the DSFL. No really stand out preformances and that last year I would rather forget. Maybe it was me getting bored with the DSFL and just fuckin around till I finally got called up. Hopefully a stern talking to would keep his play in check and would prevent being one of the sucky QB's in the DSFL."

My last guess on this episode is probably one of the best guys I've met in this league, please welcome, @shadyshoelace! SA YKW

How do you like your experience in the The league right now?

"I'm loving the league so far! The community is awesome, and it's been great to be able to take on some league jobs and responsibilities. The Wraiths have a really good locker room and are looking pretty solid on the field, so I can't complain."

How do you feel about your current experience as a DSFL gm? As a member of that team/Wraiths?

"Being a DSFL GM has been an interesting experience so far. I'm lucky to have Duilio as a partner, I think we've worked well together to set up a good system for the Marshals going forward. It's been a lot of work, though - drafting, managing the locker room, figuring out how to keep players engaged, setting strategies, etc. takes a lot of energy. We haven't gotten off to the start we hoped for this season, but we have some promising players and I feel good about our potential.

I love being a member of the Wraiths. TC was a huge reason I got as into the league as I did, so being on a team with him again is a huge plus. Daybe and Bigred are great GMs who really care about the players on the team, and the DL gang (Leaf, Maulolo, Skinner) is awesome. The Wraiths management has made all the right moves in the last two offseasons, and we're set up well for success the next few seasons."

That's all for this episode of LeafTalk, see y'all on the forums.

*LeafTalk Episode 3 - Eco - 07-16-2019

(07-16-2019, 12:57 PM)ValorX77 Wrote:Only bad part of the experience is numbers to be honest.


*LeafTalk Episode 3 - ValorX77 - 07-16-2019

(07-16-2019, 08:27 PM)Eco Wrote:same
it’s from a quote from scorp

*LeafTalk Episode 3 - ScorpXCracker - 07-16-2019

(07-16-2019, 08:40 PM)ValorX77 Wrote:it’s from a quote from scorp

Yea but it's a quote we all should live by