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*Hi! I'm Honda! - Printable Version

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*Hi! I'm Honda! - KillKillKill - 08-12-2019

Hey all,

You may know me, or you may not, either way it doesn't really matter because I am going to give you everything you need to know about the lurker of all lurkers, Honda Edmond.

I had my publicist prepare a few questions pulled from a recent mailbag request on Twitter. At first, I didn't get many responses because of the one knows who I am...thing. So it was decided that we had to add some incentive, because ya know, me answering their questions wasnt enough of a draw. So I threw in some tickets to my first game, wherever I'm drafted, all expenses paid and a luxury box for whoever asked the best question in my opinion. That got the questions rolling. So without further ado, here we go.

Submitted by TouchYaToesGurl:
Q: Who are you?

A: I mean, you had to follow my Twitter account to ask this question, so you have to have at least some idea of who I am...

Submitted by TheTurdBurglar69:
Q: Who is a player that you look up to?

A: Early on, when I thought I could be a quarterback, my dad showed me some old Raider tapes and I fell in love the "Snake" Ken Stabler. His attitude and pure skill were big for me and I try to model my swagger after his.

Submitted by ToddEagle357:
Q: Where do you hope to be drafted?

A: I don't really have any expectations or desires to play in any particular city. It's more of a fit thing. Wherever I go, I just hope to fit it an help my team win in any way I can. All of my pre draft questionnaires were fun to participate in and all of the GMs that reached out were really great people and if they draft me, I want to prove to them that I was the right choice.

Submitted by TheOneYouHate:
Q: How many tickets do we get if we win?

A: You, personally, get none. You and your question are the worst. I hope you stub your toe and your fish get tinnitus...

Submitted by Anonymous123456789:
Q: Do you want to be better in bed? Do you want to extend your manhood?

A: ...this was a mistake

Submitted by AllTheGirlsLoveMe:
Q: Who are you looking forward to lining up against or playing with once you're drafted?

A. Man, all the guys in my draft class are legit dogs, so going up against any of them in the NSFL will be insane. I love each and every one of those guys so I wish them all success...except against me of course.

Well that's all I could stomach for today. Maybe I will open this mailbag up again after the draft. As for the winner, I guess the last question wins so as soon as I hear my name called, I'll DM you and get your info so I can send the tickets and stuff to you. I hope those gave you a bit of a look into who I am as a man and as a player, if not, you should've submitted a question on Twitter. You probably would have if you knew where to look, or that I existed. Hopefully that anonymity will all change. I'll be in your TV screens and making plays in the NSFL. It'll hard to miss me then, I'll be the one with the biggest grin on my face.

*Hi! I'm Honda! - AdamS - 08-13-2019

great answers lol