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Dont stream preseason - Printable Version

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Dont stream preseason - White Cornerback - 08-21-2019

As it stands the offseason schedule goes :

Wednesday, August 7th - After Ultimus - Season 16 Ends, Offseason Begins, Free Agent Talks Begin, Inactive Re-Signings Begin
Friday, August 9th - 12:01 AM EST - Free Agency Opens, NSFL GM Pre-Draft Begins
Sunday, August 11th - 11:59 PM EST - Awards Voting Ends
Wednesday, August 14th - 12:01 AM EST - Season 17 Begins, Equipment can now be purchased
Wednesday, August 14th - 8 PM EST - NSFL Draft Streamed
Thursday, August 15th - 1 PM EST - DSFL GM Pre-Draft Begins, Send Down Lists due, Ultimus Week Ends
Friday, August 16th - 8 PM EST - NSFL and DSFL Awards Show
Saturday, August 17th - 11:59 PM EST - Deadline for using contract options, Regression due
Monday, August 19th - 8 PM EST - DSFL Draft Streamed
Tuesday, August 20th - 8 PM EST - DSFL Preseason Weeks 1/2
Wednesday, August 21st - 8 PM EST - NSFL Preseason Weeks 1/2
Thursday, August 22nd - 8 PM EST - DSFL Preseason Weeks 3/4
Friday, August 23rd - 8 PM EST - NSFL Preseason Weeks 3/4

The streaming of preseason essentially delays the season by another week, adding a week to the already incredibly boring offseason/preseason of the league. Instead of streaming preseason which doesn't have correct DC's, incorrect rosters and incredibly athletic bots, I propose that every offseason/preseason between 3-5 people are hired to do the entire offseason prep/preseason file work for a sum between 10 - 20m or whatever is deemed acceptable for the quantity of work.

The benefits of hiring people to help/do/finish offseason and preseason prep work would be

- Gets people familiar with the sim early, should the users become simmers, simmer interns, gm's in the future.
- Eases the strain on NSFL/DSFL streamers by not having them do the bollocks that is offseason work.
- Allows errors/mistakes to be seen early with multiple people seeing and working on the file, as to llimit the number of mistakes that might slip through to regular season.
- Cuts down on the offseason/preseason by a weekish.

I propose that the hiring of between 3-5 people solely to do offseason prep work for a decent amount of NSFL $$$ would benefit the league in more ways than one.

Dont stream preseason - Tomasnz - 08-21-2019

Anything that reduces the length of this way to long off season is a good Idea.

Dont stream preseason - dizzyDC - 08-21-2019

This seems like it could be a win for everyone. People can make some cash and the offseason and preseason move more smoothly.

Dont stream preseason - Rising Equinox - 08-21-2019

It makes sense. The offseason is incredibly long. For IRL football, like the NFL, it makes sense, because they're actually doing stuff over the offseason. For a sim league, it's basically just a break for people with league jobs. This is a good thing. They need breaks too. Although, without actual point tasks or anything to do over the offseason, it's useless to the players themselves.

Dont stream preseason - infinitempg - 08-22-2019

as someone who works behind the scenes (albeit in the first half) i can tell you we need all the time we can get. even with a whole team we get about a day or two to put together each presentation - which makes it hard if someone isn't free at the time.

i know sweetwater spends hours on hours in one weekend prepping the sim file for the regular season, so condensing that time even more would probably make his life a lot worse. if a way can be figured out to make all that easier time and effort wise i'm sure he'd be the first to sign up. the question is will others sign up to help him

Dont stream preseason - ADwyer87 - 08-22-2019

i mean, would be nice to get this done, sure. But we literally couldnt find a DSFL simmer because no one applied, so luckily frick volunteered to do it. Now you want 3-5 more people to help with a job that 0 people wanted to do?

It would be great if this happened, but you know better than most anyone that if it was easy to find people to help, we would have had this implemented like, 10 seasons ago

Dont stream preseason - AdamS - 08-22-2019

I feel like finding several people to do parts of a job should be easier than finding one to do all of the job

Dont stream preseason - timeconsumer - 08-22-2019

I feel like trying to have 4 people do offseason file prep is not going to work. They can't work simultaneously on it. One person has to do stuff and then send the file to the next person and so on. And it's not like we're really spending tons of hours for an entire week to do it.

Really the hardest part of offseason file work is trying to get rosters correct. We need to rely on GMs to fill in the transaction tracker, when I was simmer I'd spend days chasing them down. We need them to accurately list call ups and retirements. We need to make sure we know who was traded where.

The main issue to me is that the simmer spends most of the post-draft chasing down GMs to figure out who is supposed to be where. Then come Sunday before regular season we spend 4 hours grinding it out and hoping it's all correct when it's probably still wrong.

Dont stream preseason - Sweetwater - 08-22-2019

I may have misinterpreted what was being proposed here, and definitely felt like being a dick this afternoon.

So, here's a more rational and thought out dissent to the proposal:

With 0 people having show interest in simming in the last 3 seasons, and the 1 backup nsfl simmer having done no work and ultimately being let go, I don't find it feasible to hire 3-5 people to help with the simming.

On top of that, the file cannot be worked on simultaniously, saves cannot be merged, nor do people necessarily go about the setup the same way. With that in mind, having more than 1 person do the file would probably end up causing more headache than relief due to scheduling and workflow issues.

To add to this, I cannot update the rosters until the updaters add the new rookies to the player sheet, which they can't do until the GMs add them to the updates section, which they can't do until the draft is streamed, which I can't do until infinite makes the draft, which he can't do until the GMs draft, which they cant do until free agency and inactive resignings happen, which is immediately after the ultimus.

Here's how my offseason schedule looks:

Wednesday, Aug 7 - Stream Ultimus
Thursday, Aug 8 - make season schedule, setup file for new season
Wednesday Aug 14 - Stream draft
Thursday Aug 15 - beg GMs to move players to their roster section before Saturday
Sunday Aug 18 - update player file and start fixing rosters (unfortunately I was out of town this time)
Monday Aug 19 - DSFL draft stream
Tuesday Aug 20 - scramble to make rosters viable and record weeks 1-2
Wednesday Aug 21 - take care of IRL shit
Thursday Aug 22 - finalize team rosters, record week 3 (week 4 doesn't work)
Friday Aug 23 - Sunday Aug 25 - use what free time I have to set up initial DCs and fix any other errors the GMs spot
Sunday night Aug 25 - have frick watch as I verify DCs, record week 1

The offseason has been the same length every season except for expansion. It's as short as it can viably be at this point. Now, if you want to say that we shouldnt stream preseason but should still have the time, I'd be okay with that. In fact, not recording could potentially save me about 2 hours and possibly allow me to get my shit done quicker.

Dont stream preseason - manicmav36 - 08-22-2019

(08-22-2019, 02:01 AM)ADwyer87 Wrote:i mean, would be nice to get this done, sure. But we literally couldnt find a DSFL simmer because no one applied, so luckily frick volunteered to do it. Now you want 3-5 more people to help with a job that 0 people wanted to do?

It would be great if this happened, but you know better than most anyone that if it was easy to find people to help, we would have had this implemented like, 10 seasons ago